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"What happened?"

"Don't know, but I'm pretty sure someone's dead."


"Yeah, and right next to the hospital as well, talk about ironic..."

"Dude, that's not cool! Someone died."

"Yeah, you're right, sorry..."



'Who could that be?' Inko wondered and approached the front door to her apartment and opened it to welcome herself with whoever had rang the doorbell. She saw no one but heard a voice, the voice of a young boy.

"Hello, are you my mummy?"

Inko looked down and saw Izuku, who looked back at her. The boy had a newly acquired teddy bear in his right hand.

"Eh?" Inko simply said, and Izuku barged into her apartment, and Inko looked at him in utter shock

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"Eh?" Inko simply said, and Izuku barged into her apartment, and Inko looked at him in utter shock.

Izuku sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to a news channel that was currently broadcasting a fight between a hero and a villain. Inko peaked her head from behind the wall, observing Izuku. 'Should I call the police? He looks only 5, don't be ridiculous, Inko! But, he called me 'Mummy'? I'm infertile, so he must have me confused with someone else.' Inko's brow was covered in sweat as she looked at the boy enjoying himself as he watched TV.

"Um, what's your name, little boy?" Inko asked, still hiding around the corner, and Izuku turned his head around while still facing forward, which made Inko flinch as she was met with his red eyes. "Izuku. And you're my mommy!" Izuku declared to Inko, and she removed herself from the corner and got closer to the boy.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else. You see, I'm infertile, which means -" Izuku cut her off by saying,"Nope. You aren't. That was a big fat lie!" Inko swallowed some spit and raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Izuku turned his attention back to the TV. "The doctor that told you that you were infertile was called Dr. Garaki, right?" Izuku asked her.

'How does he...' Inko was taken aback by what the boy said. How did he know that? "Yes, he was, but how did you -" Izuku cut her off again. "He used your egg cells and a quirk to make me. The quirk allowed him to use my 'father's' sperm cells and your egg cells to make an exact copy of my 'father', me, as that's what my 'father' ordered him to do. However, what they both didn't plan was that I wasn't going to act and think like him. It's why I came here, to live with you, mommy."

Inko was starstruck by what the boy had just told her. "I- what?" Inko's mind was overflowing with the new information,"I know. It's a lot to take in, and if you want to ask me anything, just tell me, Mommy. In the meantime, night-night!" Izuku told his newly discovered mother and rested his head on the armrest of the couch.

Izuku awoke a few hours later, and the smell of rice and curry filled the young boys nose. "Izuku, I have a question for you." Inko asked her new son as she put the rice and curry on two plates, and Izuku looked at her, waiting for her to ask him whatever her question was.

"Who is your father?"

Izuku began to stuff his face full of the rice and curry and talked at the same time "He's a villain, the symbol of fear and the self-proclaimed demon lord, All For One, but you've probably never heard of him. He went underground after fighting Nana Shimura." Inko looked at him confused as she ate the food herself. "Why would he fight her?" She asked Izuku."Because of a power she had known as One For All."

"But her quirk was called Float?" Inko told Izuku with a bigger confused expression."Well, that's true, but she also had a second quirk, One For All, a power that used to belong to his little brother, Yoichi, All For One chased after his brothers quirk for over 200 years and hasn't been successful. In fact, All Might has the quirk right now."

Inko stopped eating as if paused in time. "That's what his quirk is?!" Inko yelled, and Izuku nodded. "Yeah, just don't go spreading it around."

"So, um, what's your quirk?" Inko asked him. "My quirk shares the same name as my father, All For One, I can steal any quirk from anyone, but I can also give people quirks as well." Izuku informed Inko and raised his left arm and saw blades raised out of his flesh, and she heard the saw blades whirring away.

[Saw blades - The user can manifest numerous saw blades around their body or on a single body parts]

"Doesn't it hurt using some of the quirks?" Inko asked Izuku."Not really. If I were to overuse them, then maybe." Izuku told his mother and retracted the saw blades. "Wouldn't All For One be after you?"

 "Wouldn't All For One be after you?"

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"It's fine, Dr. Garaki. Frankly, I'm glad he's gone." All For One told the doctor who was covered in sweat due to his own fear taking over his body. "W-Why? He was literally a carbon copy of you." Dr. Garaki pointed out, and All For One's face formed a sly grin. "Exactly. Now, the playing field is even. Two kings that play dirty." All For One's eyes shut, and he began to laugh. "Izuku, I hope we get to kill each other in the future!"

"B-But, Master, what about the quirks he took?" Dr. Garaki asked him, and All For One turned around and looked at the doctor. "Who cares? You can copy them!" All For One laughed out. 'I hope you can give me a fun fight, little me!'

"No, he won't. He thinks that I'll just be a normal hero, but I have a plan." Izuku informed Inko, and she got curious as to what his plan was. Izuku smiled creepily, and Inko shuddered as she saw the smile on his face he then put a finger up to his face, "That's a secret.~"

Chapter end

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