Quirk list

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All For All - The user can steal the quirks of others and upgrade them into an awakened version of the quirk.

Accelerated metabolism - The user is able to speed up their own metabolism to an unnatural degree, allowing them to heal quickly and move at superhuman speeds.

Air shot - The user is able to store up air in their lungs and release it from their mouth or limbs, resulting in powerful blasts of air that can cut through thin layers of metal.

Amputation - The user can sever and manipulate objects, including living things, at will.

Analysis - The user can find out everything about a quirk, how it was used by its original wielder, what its full extent is, and how they can unlock it.

Angel touch - The user's hands emit a white glow that is capable of healing the wounds of any they touch, but it doesn’t work on themselves.

Arm cannon - The user is able to turn both of their hands into cannons. However, they have to load the cannons with throwable objects such as rocks and baseballs.

Aqua shot - The user is able to use the moisture in the air and fire bullets of water at an opponent.

Bind serpent - The user can fire out a serpent that wraps around the target and turns to stone restricting the movement of the target.

Blind flash - The user generates a flash from his palms and can blind the target for up to a minute.

Blood lust - The user projects an Aura that frightens any who is in his line of sight.

Bulk - The user inflates their arms, generating more power due to an increase in the size of their muscle ligaments.

Catch - The user's capable of catching any object that is thrown at them. No matter the object's velocity or danger, the user can catch it.

Cat fall - The user lands without damage if they fall from a great height as long as they land on their feet.

Chains - The user can generate chains that can be used to keep a target in place if attached to a building or another person.

Cheetah - The user gains the characteristics and capabilities of a cheetah.

Chop - The user can slice through objects with their bare hands.

Clean - The user emits a mist that can clean anything, from a small spot of wine on a carpet to a drawing from a toddler on the living room wall.

Displace - The user can move any object in a confined space, including the position of a person.

Disguise - The user is capable of changing both their own features and the features of others to hide from others.

Door - The user can create doors out anything and move through them to a different location in the nearby area.

Dragon spit - The user can let out flammable shots of saliva that ignite once in contact with oxygen as it flies through, causing a large reaction of flames bursting and causing a large area of damage.

Dragon scales - The user is resistant to fire and magma and can take a greater deal of pain.

Drain - The user can drain a person's body of energy stopping them from moving as they become extremely lethargic.

Egg bomb - The user can fire out egg-shaped bombs that, once they explode, smell like rotten eggs.

Echo - The user can make any sound he makes echo around the area, disorientating multiple targets.

Elephant - The user can generate the characteristics of an elephant and become an elephant themselves.

Enfix- The user can stop a target from moving from a stationary position.

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