Money bags

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Two months passed since Izuku's arrival into Inko's apartment and life. "Izuku, I have to go to the bank, do you wanna come?" Inko asked her son, and the boy jumped up from the couch and said,"Yes."

They took the train, Inko sat down with Izuku on her legs as the train went onwards to the needed stop for Inko and Izuku.

When the stop arrived, Izuku got off Inko and held her hand as they walked to the bank. Izuku pulled out a candy from [Hidden inventory] and began to chew on it as the doors to the bank automatically opened up and closed when they entered the money shop. The two stood in a cue with Izuku looking back at the automatic doors, and 5 men walked in, and one of them shut the door permanently using a substance and this made Izuku smile as he knew what they were doing and he was easily going to stop them.

The first man that entered the building dropped a duffel bag and quickly unzipped it and pulled at a semi-automatic and fired into the air '5 bullets.' Everyone flinched and bent down slightly at the gunfire "Everybody, get on your knees, and you won't end up on the front page of the news!" The robber threatened, and everyone did as they were told, even Izuku, but the boy had a compacted smile on his face as one of the robbers approached the line of people Izuku was in and then Izuku began to act.

"Mommy, I need the toilet!" The robber ignored what Izuku said, and Inko looked over to Izuku, confused as to why he was speaking out to go to the toilet, but when Izuku looked back at her, she saw him concealed smile and knew what the boy was doing. "I know, honey. Just gotta hold it in until the nice men are gone." Inko said and put a reassuring hand on Izuku's back, but Izuku kept on repeating that he needed the toilet and the robber that was guarding the line grew impatient of Izuku's complaints.

"Kid, shut the fuck up! You won't need a piss when you've got a hole in your head!" The robber threatened, and another came up behind him and smacked him on the back of the head. "The fuck do your doing?!" The other robber asked him and the 1st robber shouted "The kids getting on my nerves! Always complaining that he needs the toilet!"

"Then take him to the toilet!" The other shouted at him, and the robber huffed and grabbed Izuku by the wrist and dragged him to the toilet muttering to himself."Stupid kid!" Izuku was pushed into a toilet stall, and the boy locked it behind him, and Izuku took down his pants for a moment but noticed the robber had turned his back to the stall and he was stood right in front of it, only an inch away. Izuku smirked, and a saw blade erupted from the flesh of his right arm.

"Dumbass kid." The robber muttered when he then heard the whirring if a saw blade which confused him, but then, his back was cut open along with the toilet stall. Izuku cut the stall open to give himself a way through and saw the robber crawling away on the floor. Izuku jumped on his back and placed a hand on the back of his head, and cut his head up with tiny saw blades while also taking the guys quirk

[Disguise - The user is capable of changing both their own features and the features of others to hide from crowds.]

'So, that's you're the reason why they're not wearing masks.' Izuku thought and stood up and wiped the blood off his socks and pants. "I'm gonna make this a massacre!" Izuku giggled and opened [Hidden inventory] again and pulled out one of the quirks he had stolen from Dr. Garaki's lab. Izuku hadn't used any of the quirks yet from the lab and had kept them hidden in [Hidden inventory] along with other things.

[Shadow pass - The user can travel through shadows to get to any location the user desires to travel to.]

Izuku took note of the shadow in the corner where a bin was placed and smirked he then walked towards the bin and disappeared in its shadow, falling like someone walking off a cliff to their death.

The robber who had told the man Izuku killed to take Izuku to the toilet was now looking over the line, unaware that in his own shadow was his death. An elongated arm rose from his shadow, and a saw blade emerged from the end of the arm and cut through the neck of the man, causing blood to pour out. Another elongated arm appeared and wrapped itself around the man and rested itself on his head.

[Steel arms - The user can tighten their muscles to the point they become hard and as powerful as steel, resulting in heavy blows.]

The man was pulled through his own shadow, making it disappear, but then Izuku appeared from a shadow of a plant in its pot with a smear of blood on his face. Izuku then cut open the doors and commanded the hostages to "Leave."

They all ran for their lives, including Inko, but that was after she made sure Izuku knew what he was doing, which he obviously did. He approached the vault, noting that the staff had been trapped with the same substance that had shut the door. Izuku pressed the button under the desk, and a silent alarm went off, shutting the vaults doors, trapping the three robbers inside.

"What the fuck! Let us out!" One of the robbers shouted, and the other robbers looked at him due to his stupidity."They can't hear us, dumbass." The robbers heard a giggle and turned to see Izuku standing with a bag that was filled with something."I have a present for you!~" Izuku teased the men and threw the bag at them, and it landed at their feet, but the bag popped open, showing to the robbers the body parts of the robber Izuku had killed a mere minute ago.

"Y-You psycho freak!" Izuku sunk into the floor, and the robbers began to freak out again, unaware that Izuku was right next to all three of them. All the robbers heard were giggles of Izuku's deranged humour.
The vault was opened, and 4 officers in Swat gear breached into the vault. "Jesus christ..." The first officer muttered as instead of piles of money and gold, there were piles of body parts and organs. "What kind of sick demented fuck would do this?!" The officer said weakly as all of their stomachs churned "They also took the money while the vault was shut." Another officer added.

"Mama, we don't have to live in this apartment anymore!" Izuku declared to Inko, and she was confused by what Izuku meant."What do you mean?" She asked her son and pulled out a bar of gold from [Hidden inventory]. "I stole all of the money from the bank!" Izuku said with a happy smile, but Inko didn't share this smile. She was shocked. "Izuku, you need to return the money. You could get arrested for it." Inko told her son, and the boy shook his head.

"I won't. They don't know what I look like. I destroyed all of the cameras hidden in the vault." Izuku told her."But, can't they get it off the cloud or from a server?" Izuku chuckled and shook his head again."Nope, those hidden cameras held onto the data physically with memory chips! So, I took them out and shredded them up!"

"Now, c'mon mama, let's go buy ourselves a house! Maybe even a mansion, if you wanted to!" Izuku raised the ideas to his mother with a happy tone despite this. His eyes were still emotionless, but for some reason, Inko could tell Izuku was actually happy.

Chapter end

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