Master and student

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"Midobae, come on. Just because All Might won't respond to your calls doesn't mean you have to look all miserable!" Mina shouted at her boyfriend, Izuku, who looked at her with a defeated expression as he clutched his phone in his hands. Izuku had been trying to get ahold of All Might for many reasons, firstly to thank him and second for help with the now fusion of All For One and One For All he had labelled as All For All.

"I know, Mina. It's just that when I was young, hidden away from society, all I could watch was news about heroes to make my hatred for heroes grow, but it had the opposite effect. I loved them, especially All Might, always smiling, He's a symbol not only of peace but freedom. He's what I wanna be! That's why I need him to answer my calls." Izuku explained to his bubblegum haired girlfriend who looked at Izuku with a solace look. "I'm sure he'll eventually answer you, just gotta wait, that's it! Now, I gotta go to school, so bye, Midobae!" Mina kissed her snowflake boyfriend on the forehead and ran out of the Midoriya household with an avid smile.

Izuku had told Mina of his deal with All Might and how he was now basically the commission's personal assassin. Why did he tell her? Because she was one of the first people that made him show actual emotions, along with his mom, Inko, who he had eventually told about his plans when he was 7.

However, there was a problem with the plan, his newly formed quirk, All For All wasn't working the way he intended it too, by that I mean, the boosting effect of One For All wasn't effecting his quirks. He could use One For All by itself completely fine, but with the other quirks he had stolen, they weren't being affected the same way his actual body was affected.

'All Might, answer! I understand you're filled with hate towards me because I'm All For One's son and because I'm insane, but I need to understand how this quirk can work so that my plan can be put into full force! This isn't some selfish idea, like All For One's! It's a plan that will bring an age of hope and freedom that the world can enjoy until I die!'

Izuku disappeared into a shadow and teleported to the police station that Detective Tsukauchi worked at. "Det. Tsukauchi, can I use your phone?" Izuku asked the detective, and he was caught off guard by Izuku's sudden appearance. "Sure, but why?" He asked Izuku, and the boy grumbled,"Cause He's ignoring me. He's meant to be my teacher! He needs to stop holding onto his hatred!"

Tsukauchi passed his phone over to the boy. "Thanks, Tsukauchi!" Izuku acclaimed and searched through the contacts to find All Might and called him. "Tsukauchi, do you need anything?" All Might asked over the phone. "Stop ignoring me, and before you ask, Tsukauchi gave me his phone." Izuku remarked at the accusation All Might would've yelled at him if he hadn't just said what he did. "Goodbye." All Might said, but Izuku quickly yelled."No! I need to talk to you, I want you to teach me! You are now my Master, and I am your student!" Izuku raged on the phone to All Might.

"Just come to the police station so that we can talk, and I mean it, or else I'll hunt you down." He threatened All Might and hung up passing Tsukauchi's phone back to him. It didn't take long for All Might to appear, and the Ruby eyed boy looked up at the symbol of peace as his 13 year old body was far smaller than All Might.

"What do you want?" All Might asked Izuku with anguish. "I want you to teach me how to use One For All properly. The fusion of the two quirks is going less than great, and I think it has to do with you!" Izuku pointed at All Might, and the hero raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And why do you suggest that?" All Might questioned him, and Izuku let out a sound of frustration "Because, you hate me. I look like him, and that makes you furious. But, you have to stop and realise that I am nothing like him." Izuku scowled, All Might's eyes glowing down at the boy.

The symbol of peace stared down at Izuku and turned around. "Sorry, but I can't help you!" All Might informed Izuku, and the boy tightened his fist "Stop being such a Bitch!" Izuku shouted at All Might and the hero stopped in his tracks and angled his head, staring at the boy "You don't have to like me, just train me! Let me prove that I am different from the bastard of a father that you think I'm so similar to!" Izuku yelled, and a tear ran down his right cheek. "All Might, you were all that I watched when I was younger! I wanted to be you! You represented a part of my ideals. You were freedom, a hope so many others were holding onto to live! So, please, All Might! Train me to be someone that the world can call a hero!"

All Might turned his head back to the door and sighed as he began to think,'The kid seems serious... but he's that bastards son! He knew how my master died and was smiling like a psycho! But...'

"Toshi, people use smiles to hide how they truly feel. Sometimes, they're smiling because that's what they want to do, but sometimes, it can be a mask to hide pain and depression."

'Master, I hope you were right.' All Might thought and turned his body towards Izuku, and Tsukauchi, who had been watching the two argue. "Very well then, Izuku Midoriya. I will train you to use One For All..." All Might declared to Izuku, and the boy smiled happily at him. "But, I'll give you an extremely strict and hard training regiment from this day onwards until..." All Might was trying to think of an age to set as the boy's goal "18. That's when I can go to U.A., the college for heroes. So, I'll train with you until I'm 18!" Izuku stated with an electrified expression. All Might nodded, and Izuku smiled and thought with enthusiasm, 'I can now finally accomplish my plan!'

Chapter end

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