Guilty, yet proven innocent

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The white-haired protagonist stood in front of the police station. He was covered in blood and had a neutral look on his face as he walked towards the entrance of the building.

"Sir, you got any thoughts on the recent quirkist cult that got massacred?" An officer asked the leading detective and captain of the station, Detective Tsukauchi.

"Not really, only that the way they were killed is horrific and that no evidence was found at the crime scene." Tsukauchi told the officer as they walked up the stairs slowly and continued to converse with each other.


"Tamakawa, if you find anything, just let me know." Tsukauchi sighed out as the cat officer nodded, but both froze in place as they heard someone yell,"DETECTIVE!" The two turned around and saw the 11 year old boy covered in blood "Your looking for the culprit. Here I am." Tsukauchi's eyes widened."He looks just like...'

"All For One!" All Might yelled from the other side of the glass as Izuku sat in at a table awaiting his interrogation. "That's exactly what I thought. And, along with the murder for the cult He's also admitted to be the culprit for the 'blood money' incident 5 years ago and also the attempted murder of the Neo-Nazi that attempted to take command over half of Germany." Tsukauchi informed All Might, and the no.1 hero stared at Izuku with conviction and hatred.

"He requested you to interrogate him. He knows what your real name is and the death of Nana Shimura. Be careful. He'll try and get under your skin, and if he's anything like All For One, he'll use your emotions against you." Tsukauchi warned All Might, and the hero nodded and tried to calm himself down and went to enter the interrogation room.

The hero opened the door to the room, and Izuku looked up at the symbol of peace, and he clapped and smiled at the hero. "It's so wonderful to meet you, All Might!" Izuku greeted the symbol of peace as the man sat down across from Izuku, who was held by quirk suppressing cuffs. "How did you know about my master's death?" All Might questioned Izuku, and the boy chuckled."Is that really your first question?" Izuku saw All Might's serious expression and sighed.

"I used to read it in a secret lab, where I was born about how All For One killed Nana Shimura because of One For All."

"Why did you kill all those people?" All Might asked the boy. "Which one's?" Izuku asked the hero back."I mean, all of them, those robbers, the Neo-Nazi and cult?" Izuku's became stale, and the boy looked towards the one-sided glass pane."I know you think I'm like All For One, and the truth is I am. In terms of looks and behaviour. But, in terms of ideology, we are opposites." Izuku turned his attention back to All Might.

"The bank robbers. They planned to kill anyone who dared to speak out while they were robbing the place. The Neo-Nazi. He planned to turn half of Germany into an army of mindless soldiers and provide a new age of oppression in German history. The cult. A bunch of racists that hated on my girlfriend just because her skin colour is different and also the fact they try and kill anyone with mutant quirks."

"You have a girlfriend?" All Might asked with a raised eyebrow, and Izuku looked agitated when the hero said this."Why does everyone think I'm incapable of love?" Izuku muttered to himself but then regained his serious expression.

"Do you see the pattern? Or did All For One give you brain damage along with that hole in your stomach?" Izuku asked All Might, and the hero was struck with shock. "How did you know about that?"

"One of my quirks." Izuku simply said and continuously stared into All Might's eyes with no emotion. "So, you figured out the pattern?" Izuku asked him, and the symbol of peace began to think."Well, they are all criminals that pushed people down for their own beliefs."

Izuku nodded. "I hate the idea of people being put down by the ideals of others in this world. That's why I killed them. They made themselves act like superior beings, but in reality, they are below normal people. Trash." All Might chuckled. "What does that make you?" He asked the boy, and Izuku responded simply,"A hero."

"All Might, I have something to ask you. Do you seriously think All For One is dead?" Izuku asked the symbol of peace."I know he is." All Might said, and Izuku shook his head. "He has a doctor that works for him. His name is Dr. Garaki. The morgue the body of All For One landed in was 'coincidentally' the same as the one Dr. Garaki works at. I don't want you to go after Garaki or All For One." Izuku informed the symbol with a strict tone, and the All Might stared at the boy curious as to why he was telling him of this.

"I want to kill All For One myself, and I have a proposal for you." Izuku began to smile as the hero asked Izuku, "What is it?". "One For All. I want to become its next holder -" "I will never do that!" All Might shouted. "You didn't let me finish." Izuku raised his voice."I want One For All, and the hero commission can use me as a weapon. Like they did with Lady Nagant." Izuku added, and the symbol of peace exhaled sharply from his nostrils.

"Why do you want One For All?" He asked Izuku with a sharp look on his face "because I believe my version of All For One and One For All can fuse together, creating a power that can improve not only my physical attributes but the quirks I have stored inside of my body. I call it All For All!" Izuku declared and looked to All Might, who seemed to be going through mental turmoil.

"I'll have to discuss it with the hero commission..." All Might stood up and left Izuku, who still smiled calmly and turned his attention to the one-sided mirror.
"So, the boy you claim to be the son of All For One is asking for your quirk and for us to use him as a weapon? He's clearly up to something!" One of the members of the hero commission argued, and others agreed. "If he's anything like All For One, then he's a danger to Japan, if not the world considering he almost murdered someone practically on the other side of the country in just a few mere moments." The member continued to argue, standing up as All Might and Tsukauchi stood in front of them.

"I'll allow it." The head of the hero commission said, and the rest of the people in the room collectively gasped at what she said. "Ma'am you can't be serious! For all we could know, he only offered himself to use to get more quirks and overthrow hero society just like All For One wished to do!" Another member of the commission argued, and she looked at him sharply,"I'm aware. But, we can't risk the advantage this would give us. Someone who has that many quirks can be a powerful ally -"

"And a powerful enemy." All Might added with a look of disgust towards the head of the hero commission, and the woman sighed."I understand your disdain, All Might. But, if he's telling the truth. This will help the world. I command you as the head of the hero commission to give the boy One For All!" She commanded All Might, and the hero tightened his fist but released and sighed."Yes, Ma'am." All Might began to walk away before exiting the room.

"What if you're wrong, and as soon as he sees fit the opportunity to betray society, he kills every hero that decides to go against him. What then?" All Might asked her, and she sighed, "Then may God forgive us all."

Chapter end

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