Rich girl problems

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(They are 11)
Izuku was put into a private school due to actually complaining that school was easy. How did Inko even get Izuku into a private school? Simple, she used the gold he had stolen when he was younger and paid for him to be there. The boy was a delinquent in the sense that he didn't exactly listen to the teachers at the private school.

However, when it came to the tests. Izuku got 100% each and every time. This did cause his teachers to become quite frustrated with him. However, today was quite different for Izuku.

"Boys and girls, today you have a new classmate. Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu, I expect you all to treat her with respect and decency, or there will be consequences. Yaoyorozu, why don't you sit next to Midoriya. He's the boy with white hair and red eyes, and that's always daydreaming." The teacher put some Venom in her voice as she pointed to Izuku with a ruler. The said boy turned his attention to the front of the classroom upon hearing the hate in the teachers voice.

Momo examined the young man as she approached her own desk. He looked alright. A slightly attractive face. Messy white hair. Blood red eyes sparked with no emotion. The way he was wearing his uniform was slightly concerning. She noticed that his collar was dirty and his shoes were covered in mud.

"Stop staring." Izuku told Momo, who still continued to examine Izuku despite being in her chair. The girl looked away and straightened her back against the chair. "Now, these are the results of the English test I handed out two days ago. Frankly, with some of you, I'm disgusted." The teacher moved through the lines of desks handing them all their tests back, minus Momo, of course. Izuku was handed his score back from the teacher, and the boy put his head on the desk, and Momo smirked, believing the boy had done bad in his test.

She peeked at the score and saw what it was '10%, I can't believe some people!' Momo then noticed Izuku moving his arms off the edge of the test paper, revealing his true score. "100%!" Momo yelped out in her shock, and everyone in the class turned to look at her, even the teacher. "Is something the matter, Yaoyorozu?" The teacher asked the raven haired girl, and she shook her head."My apologies, miss." A blush of embarrassment made itself present on her cheeks, and she saw out of the corner of her eye, Izuku side eyeing her.
Momo sat in the cafeteria next to a girl with a scorpion tail. "I have to ask, what's with that boy?" Momo asked the girl next to her, and she looked at Momo confused.

"What boy?" Scorpion tail asked Momo, and she pointed towards Izuku quietly, and Scorpion tail smiled slightly."Oh, you mean Midoriya! Yeah, he's a bit of an oddball. In lessons, he doesn't listen to the teachers. He gets dirty by going to the farm on the campus. But, when he does a test or something physical. He's the best. It's strange, like he was built in a lab or something!"

Momo stared at the walking snowflake who was eating outside. She watched as he got up and walked away, and Momo got up. "You'll have to excuse me." Momo muttered and followed after Izuku, who marched through the mud towards a barn.

Momo carefully followed, not wanting to be seen and also to get the beast amount of mud on her as possible. Izuku went through the door on the side of the barn and entered the building. She could smell the hay inside of the barn already and moved towards the door Izuku had entered through and moved into the barn herself. She silently entered and looked around for the boy she had tailed.

"Momo Yaoyorozu. The only child to the Yaoyorozu fortune. Your father has a net worth of over 5 billion, and he's under serious medical care because he has pancreatic cancer. Your mother is the founder of 7 beauty businesses and a share holder to one of the biggest tea producers in Asia. So, I have to ask. You could easily afford the best tutors in your private mansion. So, why come here?" Izuku asked as during his speaking storm, Momo turned and looked up to Izuku, who sat on the deck above her. "That's none of your business, Midoriya!" Momo shouted, and Izuku chuckled to himself.

"Oh please! You can't act all tough, I know you. You examined me, like trying to pick me out to be your future fiancé." Momo froze for a second, and the boy smiled, seeing her freeze and jump down from the deck. Momo moved towards Izuku but stopped upon seeing him stand up completely unharmed.

"So, that is why you're here! You want a fiancé! Let me guess, you were originally supposed to be engaged to someone by 18, but when you're daddy revealed he had cancer, you decided that you'll have to look for one now, since you don't know how long dear old dad has left. Am I correct in assuming that, Yaoyorozu?" Izuku asked the girl, and she was shocked at how much the boy had gotten right. "Yes, it's true." She admitted, and Izuku laughed."So, who are you thinking of becoming 'the one'?"

Momo was surprised that Izuku didn't suggest himself to become her fiancé to gain some of the money from her inheritance if her father died. "You aren't gonna suggest yourself?" Momo asked Izuku."Heh. No, I already got a girlfriend!" Izuku chuckled, and Momo stared at him."Really? Who'd go out with you? She must be blind!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Izuku asked Momo with a pissed off expression, and Momo flinched

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"What's that supposed to mean?" Izuku asked Momo with a pissed off expression, and Momo flinched. "My apologies, Midoriya. I just meant that you don't exactly seem like someone's type." Izuku took great offence to this."The hell's that supposed to mean!?" Izuku shouted furiously.

Chapter end

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