Light pink

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It had been 3 years since Izuku took the lives of the robbers and saved the people inside the bank. He still hadn't been found as the culprit of the massacre of those robbers' bodies. Along with massacring them, he took their quirks.

[Glue flow - The user can spray a glue like substance from their palms that quickly hardens when in contact with Oxygen.]

[Mouth throat - The user has a second mouth on their throat. However, they can not speak from it but can do other things such as eating and drinking.]

(Izuku doesn't have one himself, he has to activate the quirk to get it)

Sadly, the 3rd robber had no quirk.

Izuku was now 8 years old, and Inko had used the money he took from the said robber to buy a lovely house near the outskirts of Mustafu. The boy enjoyed it, and so did Inko, never having to live in fear of getting kicked out by the landlord.

The cruel hero was playing in the garden when he heard someone call out to him, "Midori!" The snowflake haired boy turned his attention back to the house and saw a bubblegum skinned girl on the other side of the glass door panes. "Ashido?" Izuku muttered and waved at the girl as she pulled open the door and sprinted towards Izuku.

Izuku had met Mina Ashido completely by accident, after the bank massacre, Izuku had attempted to go on another massacre however he had been stopped by Mina Ashido who had declared to Izuku, after seeing him almost kill a fully grown man, that she'll become his friend or even best friend.

"Ashido, what are you doing here?" Izuku asked the cute alien, and she smiled at Izuku with all her teeth. "Your mom said you can come outside and go to the park." Mina informed Izuku, and the boy nodded. "Alright then, let's go." The boy smiled back at Mina, and she then grabbed the boy's right hand and pulled him through the house at a blinding speed and through the front door.

They were walking to the park when the two noticed a news coverage, and they heard what the TV's were saying.

"In Germany. The Neo-Nazi, who has named himself after Hitler, has taken control of a German news station. His intentions are unclear, but the heroes are doing everything they can." The screen showed live footage of a security camera in the news station with people bowing after the Neo-Nazi shouted something

"That awful! I mean, why would you want to take over a news station and not a government building?" Mina rhetorically asked."Because of his quirk, it allows him to control anyone that hears his voice. Kinda like the voice in Dune. If he's on a news station, then he also knows how to cut everyone's attention onto the channel, whatever it is, the news station is on meaning..." Izuku looked over to Mina, waiting for her to finish his sentence.

"He'll be able to take control of them." Mina said with a depressed face and a sad tone. "Yeah, but come on, let's get to the park." Izuku told Mina, and the pink girl nodded, and they both continued walking to the park, and it wasn't very far from the shop with the TV's in the window.

Mina met some of her friends in the park while Izuku stood back and then walked up to Mina and told her, "I'm just going to the toilet if you need anything. Just shout into the men's room, and I'll come out running." Mina then giggled and asked him,"What if you're having a poo? Are you gonna come running with poo in your undies?" Mina giggled away at the hilarious thought in her head.

"If it's that serious, then yeah, I will." Izuku smiled at Mina and went to the men's room. After a few minutes, the boy returned with a satisfied smile on his face. Mina didn't ask why because, well, it would be disgusting.

After around 2 and ½ hours, Izuku and Mina were walking back to Izuku's house. Izuku had a crown of pink flowers on his head thanks to Mina making it for him, and the boys' cheeks were red as he rubbed a finger against the petals of one of the flowers "Why'd you give me this, Ashido?" Izuku asked his pink friend, and she looked over to him and smiled."It's in case we don't see each other for a while. You can wear it to remind yourself of me, Midori!" The pink girl gave Izuku a thumbs up, and although it was hard to tell as it mixed in with her colour, she had a blush on her face as well.

"Well, I don't have anything for you, but..." Izuku opened [Hidden inventory] and submerged his hand into the space as they continued to wander back to Izuku's home. The boy pulled out his own crown of white flowers, which surprised Mina as the boy placed it gracefully on the bubblegum girls head. "There you go, bubblegum princess." Izuku said to the girl with an honest and sweet smile.

The gesture, the nickname, and his smile caused Mina's light blush to go deeper and spread to her face. "M- Midori, when did you make this?" Mina asked Izuku, shyly looking down at the ground."I did it in secret so that you wouldn't see and get suspicious of me. Keep it." Izuku told Mina as they walked further to Izuku's house.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Mina called to her parents as she closed the front door and took her shoes off. She heard the TV in the living room and moved towards it to see what her parents were watching. She peeked from the door frame and saw that it was the news.

"It seems that the Neo-Nazi in Germany that had taken over the news station has been put into a coma due to a mysterious figure. From what the police have revealed, He has broken ribs and internal bleeding. They're hoping he wakes up soon to interrogate him about who caused him the coma and, of course, arrest him."

Mina stared at the TV in curiosity along with her parents. A Petal fell from her flower crown onto the floor, swaying gently as it went down to meet with the wooden floor.

Chapter end

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