A villain's son vs fake villains

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"I AM HERE, WALKING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might said, entering into the classroom with more energy than even some of the students. The students were all excited seeing the no.1 hero except for Izuku, who stared blankly into space.

"Woah, I know people have been talking that All Might was working here, but I didn't think it was gonna be true!" Kaminari exclaimed to Sero, who nodded in agreement, and All Might chuckled. "I'm here to teach you hero noobies, how to be heroes. And what are heroes without their costumes?" All Might asked them rhetorically and pressed a button on a small remote.

20 suitcases popped out the wall at the back of the class, and they all looked at them in wonder. "Woah, so cool!" Sato exclaimed, and they all grabbed their case. "Head to Test site Gamma and get changed into your costumes." All Might told them, and they did as the symbol of peace told them. They went into the changing rooms, and Izuku was the first to change as his costume was quite simple. It was a suit.

"Hey, Midoriya, you're costumes so simple but very nice to look at!" Momo complimented Izuku, and the white-haired boy smiled softly

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"Hey, Midoriya, you're costumes so simple but very nice to look at!" Momo complimented Izuku, and the white-haired boy smiled softly. "Thank you, Yaomomo." Momo smiled gently. "Your costume is very... pleasant to look at as well." Izuku complimented, looking down at Momo's heavily exposed bust in what Izuku would call a slingshot bikini.

" Izuku complimented, looking down at Momo's heavily exposed bust in what Izuku would call a slingshot bikini

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"Yes, well, it's to optimise my quirk usage. Since the stomach is where most of the fat is stored, along with the thighs and hips, I don't mind that my breasts are slightly more..." Momo trailed off a light blush on her cheeks as Izuku finished her sentence. "Erotically exposed?" He asked her, and she nodded, "Exactly."

"Well, still, you look good." Izuku complimented her, and the raven haired millionaire daughter smiled again with her red cheeks spreading.

"Hey, Midobae! What do you think of my outfit?" Mina asked Izuku. "You look good as well, Mina. You always have." Izuku complimented her as well, and Mina smiled and giggled while a blush was on her cheeks as well. "Hey, why don't we start dating again, Midobae?" Mina asked Izuku, and he put up a thumbs up, "Sure."

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