The good made from evil

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Dr. Garaki was a highly respected doctor in his field of quirk testing, but he had a secret. An evil one. He worked for the symbol of fear, the self-proclaimed demon lord, All For One.

"Bye-bye, I hope to see you on the TV in the future!" Dr. Garaki exclaimed as a little girl, and her mother left the room, and after they were gone, he let out a sigh. 'A good quirk, but he probably wouldn't take it.' Dr. Garaki thought to himself and stood up from his chair and left to his secret lab underneath the hospital.

The doors opened to his lab, and he greeted himself with the sight of the library of quirks he had copied over the years after working with All For One. "Young master, I have returned!" Dr. Garaki called out, and he didn't expect a response. However, he heard the tapping of feet against the concrete floor.

"I'm glad to see you back, Mr. Garaki." A white-haired child, with emotionless red eyes, greeted the doctor. "Young master, I'm surprised to see you walking to greet me." Dr. Garaki approached his young master and the boy smiled creepily. "I'm full of surprises."

"That you are, Young master." Dr. Garaki smiled, but then the smile disappeared. "But, do you need anything?" The doctor questioned his young master and he nodded. "I need the quirk on row 7, column 3. Hyper extension, that's its name." The young master commanded, and Dr. Garaki listened to this command.

He was followed by Izuku, his young master, and the boy watched him carefully as despite his emotionless eyes, the boy grinned. Dr. Garaki pulled a ladder across to the column and ascended to where the quirk Izuku had asked for.

[Hyper extension - Allows the user to extend their limbs to a length of 20 feet.]

Dr. Garaki descended and placed the capsule in which the quirk was held and smiled. "Here you go, young master."

"Thank you, Mr. Garaki." Izuku muttered and placed his hand upon the capsule. The quirk was sucked from the capsule and into Izuku's body. To show he had taken the quirk, Izuku extended his right arm and touched the edge of the row that the quirk had been located on.

Dr. Garaki was pleased to help his young master and smiled at the boy using the quirk. "Are you pleased, young master?" Izuku retracted his arm back to its original length and nodded. "I am." The boy then walked away from the doctor back to a TV that was on a news channel.

Izuku was an experiment. He hadn't been born from a real mother, although he had the DNA of a woman in him, and he knew who that woman was.

He had been created by Dr. Garaki and All For One in case the demon lords actual vessel, Tenko Shimura, otherwise known as Tomura Shigaraki, ever died due to unforseen circumstances. Izuku understood his purpose. He hated them. Heroes.

That's what he was truly meant to be. A monster. But. He wasn't. He was cunning. Smart. He had plans. Dr. Garaki and All For One knew that. They just didn't know that they were already in action.

An hour had passed by since Izuku had requested and taken Hyper extension. He approached Dr. Garaki slowly and smiled wickedly at the old doctor. "I wanna play a game." Izuku demanded of the man, and the doctor was taken aback by this slightly, but then gave Izuku a small smile.

"Of course, young master. What game would you like to play?" Dr. Garaki asked the boy, and his smile grew more wicked. "Medusa."

Medusa was a game Izuku had made up, it was a staring contest, that was completely one-sided in Izuku's own favour. Due to Paralysis stare, Dr. Garaki would be paralysed after staring into Izuku's eyes. The boy was then allowed to do whatever he pleased for a minute, which was nothing for the most part.

"All right then, just don't use Paralysis stare on me, I can't take staying in the same position for a minute. My bones get all creaky." Dr. Garaki complained to Izuku, "Begin!" Izuku said, and the two began their stare off. After 5 seconds, Dr. Garaki was still able to move.'He's not using Paralysis stare? I'm glad to see he listened for once.'

However, after 30 seconds, Dr. Garaki blinked, but he couldn't move after doing so.'What??' Dr. Garaki thought in shock as Izuku smiled and extended his legs and turned around.'But, Paralysis stare only works after 5 seconds, not 30?!'

"Doctor, you are probably thinking,'It's been 30 seconds, Paralysis stare shouldn't be working'. I lied to you. It's true that after 5 seconds, the quirk can paralyse anyone they make eye contact with. However, that was just how the original user used it. It can actually last for much longer. 30 seconds, results in you being paralysed for 6 minutes." Izuku explained to the doctor as he grabbed another quirk at the top of a row and absorbed the quirk from within the capsule.

[Hidden inventory - The user can hide items and people within a space only the user can reach inside. The amount of objects stored inside can be infinite.]

Izuku opened a square, using Hidden Inventory. Izuku shoved the quirks in the row into the space as Dr. Garaki made noises, attempting to move, "Doctor, no matter what you try, it's worthless. Stay still and be a good little statue." Izuku commanded him and wandered off to another row of quirks and swiped them all off from the bottom of the row.

He repeated this process until Izuku had taken 61 quirks and placed them in the space. He went back to his original size and walked back to Dr. Garaki "Y'know, I should kill you, that would probably make him more angry. But, I've got a different plan and you need to be alive for it." Izuku informed the doctor and kicked the doctor to the floor.

'The paralysis will let up in 45 seconds.' Izuku turned around and made his way to the exit of the lab. "Bye, see you later!" Izuku shouted as he left the lab and made his way through the hospital.

"Um, excuse me, young man. Are you alright? Where's your parents?" A doctor asked Izuku, and the boy turned his head to look at her and smiled at her, this time cutely."I'm fine, I'm gonna go see my mommy. Bye-bye!" Izuku told the doctor, and she looked in shock as the boy left.

'Although that smile was sweet, he looked so...'

Izuku was marching through the streets, like a little soldier when a thug grabbed him from behind. "Now, kid, I don't want this to get ugly, but -" Izuku's body burst saw blades out of them. "That's my Quirk!' The thug was covered in deep wounds, and he pressed himself against a wall. "You don't deserve to live. Bye-bye."

'He looked so evil!'

Chapter end

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