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"She might wanna kiss, before the end of the song."
"Because love... can burn like a cigarette."
("And leave you alone with nothing.")

— Tv girl, Lovers Rock


As you lay on your death bed-

No you literally got hit a by a truck, a truck doesn't crash into your house.. uh..

As you lay on your death- road, you feel your mind slowly going away as you decided to make one wish if you got reincarnated, not like you believe in it but if it was real, it was better to be safe than sorry and reincarnated into a shitty life.

You hoped to be less of a crybaby in your next life, have little emotions and not be so emotional over things. To be cool you guess, maybe... a time where you have to fight? But the modern life is just fine too. And not to mention, to have a large family. Either create it or be born in it, you wish to at least have a large family with many siblings.. that were not annoying or obnoxious or bi-


Uhm.. alas, you close your eyes only hearing cries and sirens of what you think it's the police and ambulance, but your mind is already becoming absent as death comes.. and takes your soul.


You murmur out confused. It was like you were born in a dumpster and it smelled like shiii....z. Shiz. It smelled like shiz. And you brush out the heavy black- bags on you and sit up, realizing that you were ACTUALLY in a dumpster.

You figured that you should probably find a mirror or window to look at yourself in. But you could tell that your skin was slightly pale and green-ish, and you had a lot of stitches.

No actually, I'm pretty sure Frankenstein would be jealous. You had stitches everywhere. At every point your joints were there would be stitches and some patches of your skin not matching, like how on your ring finger your skin was literally tan-pale there and only there.

You'd grab a glass shard and look at yourself, messy brown hair with leaves and sticks, even a dead butterfly-

Ew author what the f-

COUGH, even a dead butterfly in your hair. You'd pick it out and bury it in a small place underneath a purple like tree and payed your respects to it silently.


Looking at the tree, you realized it was a wisteria tree. It illuminated and it was absolutely beautiful.. you never got a chance to see it before besides from Demon Slayer and books, but it was more cooler in person!

Ok.. maybe the animators made it look much more epic and made you have high expectations seeing one.. but the wisteria tree just met that!

Suddenly, you realized something bad- or, maybe good as you ran as fast as your geta shoes (the thongs or whatever you call them..) could go, and you'd see the signs.


It's Japan. And you have no idea which era you're in.

'Ok!! Think! You're basically having the body of a 10 year old and a zombie, you're in Japan and you understand Japanese and your brain makes everything English, but you're actually speaking and hearing Japanese..'

You'd think mentally and try to come up with a plan and the best or.. somewhat best plan you were able to simmer up was 'plan A', like any other basic name...

You'd just.. find a family and then let your future self figure it out!

(Wowwowowo I'm so good at writing plans guys.. right???)

So you decided to set off your journey and started to walk through the streets. First thing to notice was that everyone looked at you weirdly, but you also noted that it was definitely an old timey time in Japan, maybe before Taisho era? You don't know. All of the era's before Taisho era seemed the same.

Walking around, you definitely decided somewhere less.. bright and flashy would be better with how you looked. But that seemed like something Tengen would say.. except, he would stay because it matched him. But you doubt he was born or, not a hashira yet at this whatever era.

So after stealing for food and a water bottle, which was just a short bamboo stick with padding at the bottom, you set off to a village and a map that was ready to die.

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