A bit more serious.

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"M-A-M-A - B-O-Y"
"'Mama's boy, mama's boy, mama's boy, mama's boy..'"

Dominic Fike, Mama's Boy


"Y'know that kid with the pretty girl and that criminal?" — "Ah, they call her Koki or somethin'... what about her?" — "She's threatening. Have you see her practice? If this goes on and she grows up, we're doomed." — "Huh, but.. what do you want up to do about it?" — "Poison the well! Do it to the pretty girl as well. They drink out of that everyday, and that criminal doesn't and shouldn't deserve anything." — "Aha, I see your point.."

"Koyuki! Ha... Hakuji!"

You'd yell out as loud as you could as your yelling voice would just be the normal volume of an adult talking which was just loud enough for them coming from your raspy and strained voice.

"Hm? Koki! You seemed stressed.. what's going on?"

Koyuki asked as the wedding was yesterday with Hakuji and was worried on why Koki was worried just a day later of a happy marriage.

"Well! Poison.. the well. Soon!"

You'd try to explain quickly as your thoughts ran through 100 miles per minute, with Koyuki confused but scared and Hakuji worried.

"The well? You mean the one that we collect water from?"

Hakuji asked as you nodded your head frantically.

"Don't drink from that well! No!"

You'd say sternly as you could as Koyuki and Hakuji both looked at each-other worriedly and started to wonder where you heard this information.

"Where did this come from Koki? Maybe it's another well?"

Koyuki wondered as you shook your head quickly that it could've flown off, but it didn't because of the stitches.

"This well! Must find a new well! From the- the.. other uhm-..!"

You'd say trying to remember the word dojo as it slipped out of your mind last minute as Koyuki and Hakuji weren't sure if they should trust a child and maybe she was imagining it, trying to discuss in whispers.

"Uhm.. ok Koki, we'll stop drinking from that well and I'll tell father."

Koyuki said reassuringly to you as you'd sigh but still had a lingering feelings that Koyuki.. still wasn't safe even with this change.

Hakuji however, decided to calm you down and read a book to you as your nerves settled but with that small feeling, but that small feeling went away as you closed your eyes to sleep from the smooth voice of Hakuji reading..

"If the well doesn't work, poison anything that the woman drinks or eats. Even her clothes just- get them killed!"


You'd flung up to a sitting position as it was nighttime, as you've must've gotten knocked out for a long time.. but how?

Before you'd get up you feel dizzy and unwell, walking hazily to find Hakuji or Koyuki as Koyuki's father grabbed you carefully and placed you back in bed.

"Where..? Koyuki.."

You'd wonder before feeling light hands hold you back and lift you up as you saw it was.. Koyuki's father!

"Koyuki is out with Hakuji filing a police report. You got a fever Koki.. c'mon, get back to sleep alright?"

He'd safe carrying you back to your bed as all you could think of was about the dream.

'The well is safe.. but anything? Even clothes? What if she gets poisoned on the way back? What if.. the both of them-'

"Koki? Your forehead just heated up. Maybe calm down with the thoughts and wonders and go to sleep alright?"

Koyuki's father reassured as he put a wet cloth on your head, making you sigh with worry and try to sleep like as he said, closing your eyes and evened out your breaths.

'No.. they'll be fine. As long as she lives a bit longer.. it's okay."

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