It sucks, destiny. Doesn't it?

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"Ikaw at Ikaw."
"Palad ay basang basa"
"Ang dagintab ay damang-dama"
"Sa'king kalamnang punung-puno 'di maikukumpara"
"Araw-araw 'kong dala-dala paboritong panalangin"
"Ko'y, Ikaw."

— Sunkissed Lola, Pasilyo



You wondered confused, you felt dirt all around you and it was disgusting, you closed your eyes and punched up wards, trying to push your way out of the dirty and after 2 or so minutes you guessed, you felt clean air and brushed dirt off your face to gaps without dirt in your mouth, rain pouring heavily but also somewhat lightly.

You'd sneeze and cough lightly a couple of times before feeling your face as your skin was still hot, but cooling down. You guessed that stressed out a lot of pressure on your body and one made out of dead human parts, it probably was enough to 'kill' you temporarily.

"Guess I don't need a wash.."

You'd sigh getting up and brush the dirt and mini pebbles in your hair with the rain pouring as you cleaned yourself slightly, doing the same to your green-ish tan-light-dark- whatever skin as well.

Continuing to walk, you saw blood or.. rain puddle mixed with blood fall onto it, the blood getting lighter with more rain pouring onto it. You realized something bad and ran quick as you could with your bare fee- where are your slippers/thongs?? Uh.. doesn't matter, your feet hurt but you couldn't care as you saw dead bodies, specially those in martial art clothing beaten up and bleeding heavily.

"You.. are the reason for your deaths.."

One murmured to you with hatred, making you wonder what you did, it wasn't your fault. It was theirs after all. To plan to kill Koyuki... leaving Hakuji with nothing, you should've been the one with hatred, but you couldn't help but barely feel anything for their words and continued running along.

"Tch.. soulless child.."

They'd sigh before fully passing out.. or, more of dying of blood loss.

"Haku!- ji! Hakuji! Ji-ku-Hakuji!!"

You'd yell as loud as you could as your voice was soft and raspy, a recognizable sound for Hakuji as he stopped walking tot eh bride and turned to you, Surpised and ran to you with delight and started to cry while hugging you.

"Oh god.. oh god. I thought I lost the three of you! It's a miracle! You made me so sad.l angry.. I should've done more, I didn't notice... the lead.. I never did. I'm so sorry.."

He'd cry sobbing as you already knew that Koyuki and her father were dead now. But.. you avoided the well.. Hakuji mentioned lead? Lead in what? Clothes? Hair? Makeup? Food?

"We need to run away.. I'm sorry.. I'm not the best role model, don't be like me when you grow up alright? Let's find somewhere to clean up and then get a new identity."

Hakuji say picking you up and holding you in his arms like he always did and you'd rest your chin on his shoulder, you were scared of what was gonna happen, and you couldn't see where he was going, but all you hoped was for was to not go to the bri-

"I don't remember sending any demons to this area, but after hearing the commotion about a demon and coming all the way here.."

"I find a mere human, how disappointing. Two at that, and a child to add on. Children are weak."

'Muzan you're hot but please fuck yourself..'

You'd thought in your head initially and got out of Hakuji's arms and had my arms out to protect him with surprisingly very little fear, but more of like stress.

"Don't hurt, him."

You'd say quietly with furrowed eyebrows with Hakuji trying to get in-front of you, as this should've been the other way around.

Instead of expecting to die right then and there, even though you'd like since you were a zombie basically, Muzan just smirked and lended out his hand.

"You have great strength of a child actually... I was thinking to make 12 strong demons, would you like to become one?"

He'd offer with a sickly sweet tone, making me pause and think of the deal. You didn't want Hakuji to turn into a demon, but if you did.. he'd probably ask to be one as well since you were the only person he had left. So taking the most likely possible scenario, you'd then say;

"Only if Hakuji becomes one with me.."

You'd murmur with clenched fists, this isn't what exactly you wished for, but, if he was going to take the same path either way, you'd be with him to soften the pain he'd have.

You glanced at Hakuji as he didn't seemed too hesitant, as you'd guess you being a child and being his only living close loved one, he probably considered it and didn't really care as long you were with him.

Muzan, contemplating as you could tell by the slight lowering of his arm, nodding his head with a satisfied, but a bad type of satisfied smirk.


He'd say, before stepping closer to the both of you and punching both similar holes into your faces, just like he did to Hakuji.

"Can you withstand the amount of blood I will give you both now? Because there will be a lot of it."

He'd say before you felt your memories fading away.. Koyuki, her father, the dojo, but one state,d the connection with the new name, Akaza.

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