Yushiro and Tamayo

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"Do not enter is written on the doorway."
"Why can't everyone just go away?"
"Except you.."
"You can stay."
(Go check out my two new books pls!!)
Alex g, Treehouse

=+——————+= (so close to 1k reads as I'm making this chapter y'all!! Tysm!! I keep forgetting to thank you all for the views on this silly little book so I'm saying it now while I remember!!)

"Please shut up faster..."

You muttered quietly as you stood near the entrance for the 7 day period for the final exam, listening it into the twins and hoped they'd just shut up quicker so you could get some energy.

Once everyone start to go though, you didn't hold back.

Parasites infecting everyone that came your way, burying them underground with one of your BDA'S, and just the normal eating demon stuff.

"Great! I can have some fun!"

You heard as you had no idea how much time has passed and somehow, you hadn't encounter Tanjiro once, which did disappoint you but you quickly ran out the area and watched from afar, eyes slightly sparkling as the fight looked so much cooler in real life, besides the.. demon.. thing.. arm- ugly.. fatass.

You observed Tanjiro, humming as you thought of the script. It is weird that on how much you watched demon slayer to practically memorized the script? Yes? Alright. Too bad.

"The fight should end...."


You murmured as you said it, the demons head was silenced off at the same time and you slightly did a tiny smile at Tanjiro's achievement despite already knowing he'd win in the end.

'Good job Tanjiro. Though you shouldn't rely on plot armor...'

You'd think before you appeared Tanjiro, clapping slowly with a tiny tug on your lips upwards as Tanjiro recognized your scent immediately and turned around to smile at you, as the other weaker demon slayer immediately ran away to keep safe.

"You did well. That demon is the strongest here... though not stronger than me at least."

You'd compliment before muttering the last part of your sentence under your breath as Tanjiro hummed with dotted eyes confused as he didn't catch what you said.

"Hah? What did you say?"
"Nothing that's too important to you."

You'd say quickly so you wouldn't sound too egotistical before moving onto another topic.

"I won't always be there when required. So I'll be going now."

"Wait wha-"

Tanjiro couldn't finish his sentence before you left quickly as he just smiled at the thought of you, glad there was more good demons out there like his sister Nezuko.


As much as you would've love to see the whole succeeding final selection, there was a thing called 'sunlight' and 'sun rays' that, if you didn't know, kills you. So you couldn't. But you reminisced it in your head line by line as you trained quietly on yourself, a goal to chop off a tree without any BDA which was something you worked on. You have upgraded to a thick tree that was much more dense and solid so it would be harder to chop off the tree singe handily, but that's why you were training in the first place! Ot get stronger.

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