Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: It was always about Love


Yes, the beginning and the end are connected, One cannot exist without the other


If you had told Percy he would be in this situation when he got up from bed, He'd have stayed in bed.

He wouldn't want to be caught in the messy situation he was caught in right now.

He just had one more day before he returned home now this?

'Just my luck.'

Percy murmured wondering if he had annoyed Tyche in some way, otherwise why was there a blonde faceless Goddess with a curvy and attractive body even though she wore a long pure white silk gown that reached her Ankle while being barefooted, The vibe around her was sweet and nurturing, Suddenly Percy felt like he was in front of everyone he loved and who loved him back, His usual cold expression was slipping off.

'I am in the presence of the Goddess of Love'

Contrary to the feeling she was giving out at the moment, She was labelled as the sluttiest being in the world, Known for her unfaithfulness and constant craving for attention and sex, If he hadn't seen her in the Council that day he might have mistaken her for another Goddess.

Percy wouldn't believe this was her.

Where were the revealing clothes? The confidence, where was the slutty aura? Why does she give out a comfortable aura instead of a strange one?

She reminded him of his mom, Chaos, Nyx, Thalia Annabeth, Medusa, Poseidon and Clarisse.

And basically, everything he loved, Being with her made him feel homesick, He missed his mom, Now that he remembered he hadn't spent time with his father, He just saw Thalia but he made a mental note to give her a big hug the next time he saw her.

Percy stared at her cautiously, His feelings were due to her domain, Not trusting her enough to say a word, As his chaotic material covered him like light body clothing, He didn't bother to change what it looked like so he had stars and galaxies swirling inside his clothes.

"You're not going to say anything? I could be punished for talking to you, you know?"

Aphrodite teased, Not looking at the fact he was wary of her, If she were him she'd be wary of herself too.

Percy didn't say anything, He considered his options, 'Although I am not too worried about her domain seriously affecting me, It would be bad if she wanted revenge for what I did to Ares she could affect the people around me.'

Percy's thoughts started to shift towards the darker side of things wondering what she wanted with him.

"I don't mean you any harm, Percy, Come on, Loosen up."

Aphrodite joked, Although it was weird for Percy to hear her melodic voice without her having facial features he looked past it.

"Okay, If you don't believe I wouldn't do anything to you because I like you, then believe that I wouldn't seek my early Fading and attack you when Lady Nyx is currently glaring at me from your shadow."

"So you know?"

Percy relaxed a lot more after what she said, It would be uncalled for if she attacked him all of a sudden, Not to mention every Major God out there was either trying to get on his good side or ignore him either to please Chaos or Avoid her Wrath.

Even after calling her out, Nyx didn't react.

But Percy was curious "How do you know she's here?" She was the first person to notice... Ever, Even Aphrodite with insane senses among Gods didn't notice

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