Starting Over

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I could barely sleep last night. So excited of the fact that me and mason were finishing our school year. Maybe I'd see a couple of friends and the best of all was we could start over and advance our knowledge.I'd only slept for five hours.
"BEEP!,BEEP,BEEP"my alarm went.I turned over to mason and shook him until he finally woke up.
"Time for school"I said halfway smiling.He shot up and pushed his self off the bed.I watched him run into the bathroom and got up after him.I was halfway done doing my hair until I heard the kids start crying. Mason already in the shower,I ran into their room and panicked.I couldn't find pacifiers.I hurried to get their clothes on and put them in the high chairs.I hopped in my clothes while feeding them and putting them back in the room to play. Mason was done and I switched spots with him.I finished my hair and put on my shoes while mason ate and put them in the car,finally we were on the road. Me and mason still clueless of how we did it.we dropped them off and went to school.
We walked in the school holding hands.I smelled the nasty breeze of the schools breakfast in the morning.Ew. Yes,it was weird. The fact that I was a mother to not one,not two,but three children,I am treated like adult and i have a job made me feel like I wasn't just a regular junior.After 3rd period I already wanted to go home.I walked in 4th period looking.People were pointing at me,talking about me and laughing at me.It felt like the first day of school.Mason wasn't there to comfort me and protect me.
After school I went to work,after that I went to the gym and went home.I layed down.Me and Mason adjusting to our new schedule.I had nothing to really worry about,just the start of my new beginning...

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