part 1

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Alfred opened his eyes. he couldn't remember anything that happened the night before. he felt some arms around him and turned his head and found this guy that looked older than him.

Alfred was 18, last night he went to a party at his friend house. he just got out of high school and just turned 18. He lived in America and went to a Mutual cultural school (a school were different people from different countries go).

"Mmm" the guy said that was next to Alfred and he opened his eyes. He turned his head to find Alfred and look confused.

"What happened last night" the guy said to Alfred in an English accent.

"I-I don't know" Alfred saids.

"What's your name dear?" The guy said

"I am Alfred, and you are?" Alfred asked.

"I am Arthur, i guessing you are around 18" Arthur said.

Every time Arthur spoke it made Alfred get this feeling he could not explain.

"Yeah I am 18, what about you Arthur" Alfred said, he was tempted just to snuggle closer to the man.

"Well I am 28" Arthur said looking down.

"Dude your old" Alfred joked to Arthur.

"Well I am going to get up and see what going on" Arthur said yawning.

"I guess I get up as well, I got nothing else to loose" Alfred said.

The both of them got up and saw that everyone was passed out or didn't notice them. Alfred was under age drinking last night, that was what most kids did in his school since everyone was from a different place and thought different things.

"So what do you wanna do now dude" Alfred said and Arthur pulled him closer.

They both were blushing and both had the feeling that could make their heart explode. Arthur got closer to the Americans face, it still looked young and his eyes were the brightest ocean blue eyes he had ever seen. Alfred got closer as well looking into the green eyes. Arthur smash his lips gently on Alfred and Alfred kiss back. Arthur let go and look at Alfred and blushed.

"Umm Alfred you wanna go to my apartment, I got some food we could eat and we could get to know each other" Arthur said.

"Sure sounds good" Alfred said and Arthur smiled.

They both walked out the house that the party was held in. Arthur lead Alfred to his car and they both hopped in. The car was this nice black looking car.

"Nice car" Alfred said to Arthur.

"Thanks, my parents gave it to me when I turned 24" Arthur said and Alfred nodded.

"Cool" Alfred said calmly And relaxed in his seat, he was starting to like Arthur.

They pulled up on the drive way of the small apartment building. there was at least 6 nicely sized apartments. It wasn't far from the house that the party was at.

Arthur stopped the engine and got out the car and walked to the other side and opened the door for Alfred.

"Thanks dude" Alfred said hoping out.

"My pleasure" Arthur sad smiling back and they both walked inside the building.

When they got inside, they went down a hall and at the first apartment on the left side was Arthur's apartment.

"Here we are" Arthur said while unlocking the door.

Arthur took Alfred hand and pulled him gently inside. The first room was a living room and a kitchen in the one room and the walls were painted a light green colour. there was just a light cream coloured couch and a tv with a bookshelf in the living room and the kitchen had marble kitchen tops and it was really clean and tidy. There was only four other rooms which look like a bathroom and two bedrooms. The other one was a Laundry.

"Wow this is really nice" Alfred said looking around.

"Yeah it is and the price of this place is good for what you get" Arthur said going to the kitchen.

Alfred places him self on the couch and Arthur gets something for them to eat.

Matthew was at home wondering were his brother was because his mum and dad were going crazy to find him. Matthew was texting his friend Gilbert who went to the party to find more information about where Alfred was because he left his phone at home by accident.

-back at the apartment-
"Alfred would you like some tea" Arthur asked Alfred from the kitchen.

"No thanks dude, could I just have some water?" Alfred responded.

"Ok" Arthur said and got some water for Alfred and made tea for himself.

Arthur went to the living room with a plate of scones, sandwiches and the drinks for them. He placed them on the coffee table.

"Thanks dude for this" Alfred said smiling and grabbing one of the sandwiches.

"Don't worry about it, it was the least I could do for someone that I just suddenly woke up with" Arthur said sitting down on the couch with Alfred.

"Yeah" Alfred said laughing.

Arthur rolled his eyes and took a bite out of the scone he was eating. he could feel his heart beating fast.

"So what school did you go to" Alfred asked out of the blue.

"Oh I went to U.S.A mutual Cultural school" Arthur reasoned.

"Dude that's where I went" Alfred said.

"So how did you get to the party" Arthur said changing the subject.

"My brother took me" Alfred said then he realised that Matthew must be wondering were he was because he was going to get a ride with his friend Gilbert.

"Ok" Arthur said still wondering what happened last night and got out his phone.

Arthur went on Facebook and found photos of the party had been posted on Facebook. he clicked on one and found that is was of him and his eyes widened when he saw it was him and Alfred kissing with drinks in their hands.

"Shit" Arthur whispered to himself but Alfred heard him.

"What's wrong" Alfred said looking at Arthur finding him looking at his phone with wide eyes.

"This!" Arthur said, showing Alfred the photo

"Crap!, I hope Mum doesn't see this" Alfred said.

"Why?" Arthur questioned Alfred.

"My mum would kill me for kissing a guy and am I tagged in that" Alfred asked Arthur and he nodded

"Yes your are" Arthur said and Alfred eyes widened.

"Fuck" all Alfred said.

-back at home with Matthew-
Gilbert didn't know where Alfred was and Matthew started to get worried.

'I hope he is alright' Matthew thought to himself.


Oh my maple, I thought of this story and had to share it. I kind of got the idea from "Don't talk to strangers" song so yeah hope Ya like it I will be updating most of my stories.

MY BOYFRIEND Is 10 years older//Usuk fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now