Part 12

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The next morning Arthur woke up to the smell of pancakes. It was Saturday which meant no work for Arthur or Alfred.

Arthur looked over to the side of him to see Alfred fast asleep. Alfred's hair was all messed up and he had a little smile on his face.

"You're so cute." Arthur whispered and leant over and kissed Alfred's cheek lightly.

Arthur got out of bed very quietly and tiptoed to the kitchen. He got his robe that was sitting on the end of the bed on the way out since Arthur only had his boxers on. Arthur tied his robe and kept tiptoeing to the kitchen.

Matthew was downstairs cooking pancakes like he usually does most mornings.

"Morning, Matthew." Arthur said while he walked to the kettle to start making his tea.

"Morning." Matthew looked at Arthur. Matthew smiled.

Once Alfred got up they all had breakfast.

"We have some very exciting news." Alfred said.

"Really, what?" Matthew asked.

"Well," Arthur looked at Alfred. "We are getting married." Alfred showed Arthur his ring.

"That mapletastic!!!" Canada said smiling.

Alfred and Arthur only were planning a small wedding since none of Alfred family would be coming. One big problem was Arthur family. His family didn't really know who Arthur went for in a relationship and didn't want to know but now Arthur is going to have to tell his parents about it.

Most of the day Matthew, Alfred and Arthur all hung out in the flat. Arthur answered to some emails and Alfred played video games.

Later that night before Arthur went to bed he decided to call his parents.

"Hello it's Mrs Kirkland here." Arthur mother said through the phone.

"Hey, mother. it's Arthur." Arthur said.

Alfred was across the room getting changed into his captain American pjs. They were both standing up in their bedroom.

"Oh Arthur hello! How are you love." Arthur mother started blabbing.

"I'm well mother," Arthur paused. "How are you?"

"I am very well. Oh, love we won't be going to England till the end of the year because of your fathers work." Arthur's mother started to go on about Arthur father job.

"Mother. Is there any chance that you could come over to New York." Arthur said.

"Yes why love?" Arthur mother replied.

"There is someone I want you to meet also I want to see you." Arthur said telling a bit of a lie about want to see his parents.

"Arthur!!! You didn't tell me about this special someone!!!" Arthur mother screamed in the phone.

"Sorry mother. Can father come along?" Arthur asked.

"I am pretty sure he can dear." Mother said.

"I better go now. Please come as soon as you can." Arthur said.

"Bye love stay safe." Arthur mother said and hung up the phone

Arthur took a deep breath and walked over to Alfred that was still on the other side of the room.

Arthur placed his head on Alfred's shoulder.

"I still need to text Alistor." Arthur said looking at his phone while he held Alfred.

"Ok." Alfred said and kissed Arthur cheek.

Arthur texted Alistor about coming over as well.

Alfred could tell Arthur was nervous about them meeting him.

"You seem really nervous." Alfred blurt out. Alfred looked at Arthur in the eyes and held Arthur's shoulders. They were both standing near the chest of draws which is the opposite of there bed.

"Well the thing is I have no idea what they will think, you know love." Arthur replied looking down and then back up at Alfred.

"Don't worry, ok." Alfred said and placed his nose on Arthur's.

Arthur rubbed his nose on Alfred's. Alfred placed his left hand on Arthur's cheek. Arthur could feel Alfred's ring that was on his ring finger. Arthur held Alfred's other hand. "Thank you Alfred."

"For what?" Alfred questioned.

"Everything." Arthur said squeezing Alfred's hand.

It was the day when Alistor, Arthur's father and mother were coming over it was a month from asking all of them. Some of the co-workers at Arthur and Alfred's work started to feel that something fishy was going on between Alfred and Arthur. Matthew got a job in a cafe and was planning to go and do some study to keep him busy.

Alfred was preparing food while Matthew was cleaning up the kitchen and living room. Arthur was tiding the rest of the house. Alfred was trying to keep his little muffin relaxed.

Then a knock on the door was heard and Arthur jumped up straight. 'Just relax.' He thought and slowly went from the living room to the door. "Don't worry ok, Arthur." Matthew and Alfred both said at the same time and laughed.

Arthur gave them a smile and answered the door. Alfred and Matthew followed behind him.


Oh if you want to know I am Australian so yeah ^^ Fact of the day for you hehe

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