Part 14

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Alfred and Arthur both walked into work at the same time. Everyone was staring at them. Which was weird since everyone was mostly a snob at their work. They both looked at eachother.

"Everyone is acting strange." Alfred whispered to Arthur.

Arthur nodded, "Yes they are." Arthur whispered back.

Alfred waved goodbye when he got to the mail room and Arthur waved back but when he turned around his boss was there right in his face.

"So, what did you and Mr. Jones talked about." His boss asked him.

"Nothing much sir, we just got here at the same time that's all." Arthur backed away.

"Could you get Mr. Jones for me." his boss asked Arthur.

"Yes, sir." Arthur said and rushed in the mail room.

When he got in there he went straight up to Alfred. "You need to see the boss now." Arthur blurted out.

"Oh, ok." Alfred said and followed Arthur outside the mail room.

"Hello, Mr. Jones." Their boss said and Alfred cracked a smile.

"Hello." Alfred paused, "So what did you want to talk about with me." Alfred asked.

"You're both fired!" their boss said and Alfred smiled faded.

"What-t!" Alfred and Arthur both said.

"You heard me!" their boss snapped back.

Alfred looked at Arthur, "But why!!" Alfred snapped.

Alfred's co-workers came out from the mail room. "Reasons." their boss said.

"What is it because we're gay!" Arthur said and a tear went down his cheek.

"Yes, that's right Mr. Kirkland." their boss yelled.

Alfred placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "Arthur worked so hard." Alfred said.

"We can't have those type of people in our company." the man calmed down.

Arthur took Alfred's hand and stormed out of the building."I am going to text the other head office." Arthur said not looking at Alfred but still dragging Alfred with him out the door.

Alfred stopped Arthur in the middle of the car park. He held Arthur close to him. Alfred kissed the top of Arthur head. Arthur's tears of anger rolled down his cheek and he held Alfred tight. Arthur's feelings burst. His tears rolled faster down his cheek and his vison got blury because of all the tears. Alfred looked at Arthur and wiped his tears away. 

Alfred and Arthur walked back to the car and drove home. Alfred drove so Arthur could relax. Arthur got out his phone and text the other head office. Arthur looked up from his phone. outside he could see two little boy playing together and laugh also holding hand and pulling eachother around. Arthur smiled.  

When they both got home Matthew was napping on the couch. Alfred out a blanket over him and a pillow under his head. Arthur dazed and walked around not knowing what to do with himself. He was also stressing about bills and having no job. Arthur walked slowly to the kitchen from the living room. Arthur turned on the kettle and got his tea bags out and sugar. Then Arthur's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello, this Mr kirkland."

"Hello and yes." Arthur said gripping on the phone nervously

"I'm the boss of the other head office, my name is Tom Mann." Tom said.

"Hello Mr. Mann, I am guessing you got my text." Arthur replied.

"Yes I did young man and I must say that is not correct, I am the main boss and Mr. Ling is just a extra boss for the head officers since it is hard to do all the work myself. Mr. Kirkland I invite you and Alfred to start working at ther other head office." Tom said.

"Are you sure sir?" Arthur asked.

"Yes of course, you can start tomorrow-ow." The man's words stumbled a bit.

"Oh thank you sir." Arthur said cheerfully.

"You are very welcome Mr. Kirkland," Tom paused, "I better be going now, remember same times as the other office." Tom said before he hung up.

Arthur raced up the stairs to Alfred and his room. He walked in when Alfred was getting changed.

"ARTHUR!!" Alfred got a scare.

Arthur ignored Alfred, "ALFIE WE GOT INTO THE OTHER HEAD OFFICE!!!" Arthur ran up to Alfred and hugged him even know he was half naked.

Alfred hugged back and laughed. "You're so cute Artie." Alfred said lifting Arthur up while hugging him.

Matthew woke up from all the shouting. He checked his pocket for his phone. He looked at his phone and found 3 missed calls all from Gilbert. Matthew quickly rang him back.

"Gil! sorry for not calling back I was taking a nap." Matthew talked quietly.

"It's ok birdie." Gil repsoned.

"I wish I could see you." Matthew replied.

"I should fly over!" Gil cheerfully said.

Matthew paused, "My brother doesn't have enough room for you though, Gil." 

"I can go into a hotel, that's awesome with me." Gil said making Matthew laugh.

Matthew yawned, "I better get some more sleep Gil." 

"Night mein little Birdie." Gil said.

"Night, Gil." Matthew said and hung up the phone.


Sad thing is that I think I may only have to write 3 more parts for this fanfic to be complete.

hope you are enjoying it though. Thanks for votes, reads, and new followers <3

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