Part 11

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Arthur and Alfred both go off work the same time. Alfred walked out first since he didn't have to pack up as much as Arthur.

When they both got home they both sat together on the couch and cuddled.

"Why didn't you tell me about your job." Arthur questioned Alfred.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Alfred said kissing Arthur on the cheek.

Arthur smiled and kissed Alfred. "What do you want for dinner?" Arthur asked.

Matthew was in the kitchen. "IM MAKING DINNER TONIGHT!!" He softly yelled.

A week later and no one found out about Arthur and Alfred knowing each other or that they were together.

"This is so nice of you to take me out." Alfred said looking at Arthur while they were walking down the street to a restaurant that was about fifteen minutes away from their flat. Arthur was taking Alfred to get dinner out since they have been so busy and needed to get out the house.

"You are welcomed, love." Arthur said and looked at Alfred in the eyes.

When they got to the place it was not busy but not quiet either. The building was black, white and blue and was very modern style. When Alfred and Arthur got inside a female waiter came up to them.

"Table for two?" The man asked Arthur.

"Yes, thank you." Arthur said.

The waiter instructed Arthur and Alfred to a table. The waiter handed them both a menu and Arthur thanked the waiter again and the waiter left to serve another table.

Little did they know that a group of co-workers were in the same restaurant.

Alfred looked up from his menu and looked at Arthur while Arthur was looking at his menu and not paying attention. Alfred smiled and looked back at his menu.

Arthur nervously held a box in his pocket while he was looking at the menu. 'I have to do it tonight.' Arthur thought to himself.

After the two order there food the two of them went quiet.

"How's work going?" Alfred asked Arthur.

"It's going well I guess." Arthur sighed.

"What about you?" Arthur paused and asked Alfred.

"To be honest it's boring I hate working." Alfred said and Arthur laughed softly.

"Well we all have to work, love." Alfred giggled and pushed his glasses up.

The food only took about 20 minutes to arrive.

"Here is your meals." The waiter said placing one plate bear Arthur and another at Alfred. "Enjoy." The waiter said and walked off.

After Alfred and Arthur had eating there meals Arthur started to get more nervous.

"I am sure soon we will be able to get beds for the spare room soon." Alfred pointed out.

Matthew was at home since Alfred and Arthur were having a date night and Matthew didn't want to be third wheeling.

Arthur nodded and they both went silent. Arthur took this as a perfect opportunity.

Arthur got up and went to the other side of Alfred.

"Arthur?" Alfred questioned Arthur.

Arthur took Alfred hand and got on one knee. "I know we haven't been together that long. But I truly love you Alfred."

Alfred started to get tears in his eyes.

"Will you marry me?" Arthur asked Alfred opening the box and Alfred tears fell down his cheeks.

"Yes, of course." Alfred said and kissed Arthur.

Arthur kissed Alfred back and Arthur placed the ring around Alfred ring finger.

Arthur wiped Alfred tears and his own.

"That's why you weren't talking much and looked nervous." Alfred said still holding Arthur.

Arthur nodded. "Well, yes I guess that is why." Alfred laughed softly.

"I love you." Arthur looked at Alfred.

"I love you too Artie." Alfred responded and kissed Arthur for the billion time.

MY BOYFRIEND Is 10 years older//Usuk fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now