Part 5

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The rest of the day Arthur had work. After Arthur left Alfred sat one the couch. All he could think about is not seeing his brother again. Alfred now regretted not knowing his brother well. He sighed.

Alfred got up from the couch. It had been a long morning for Alfred and night. Alfred went to the kitchen to get something to eat. When he got there e found a note left on the bench. The hand writing was neat and tidy and each line had the perfect spacing.

~Dear Alfred~
~please take care today and know that I love you xx~
~from Arthur.K~

Alfred smiled.

>three months later<

It has been three months since everything happened. Alfred was happy with Arthur but wanted to see his brother so bad.

"Hey Alfred could you pass the sauce" Arthur said.

"Sure dude," Alfred said and slid the ketchup bottle down the table, "remember dude call it ketchup." Alfred laughed and started to eat again.

Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Alfred." Arthur said looking up from his plate.

"Yeah Artie."

"Well you know how I was saying that we might be moving to New York if I get that promotion.," Arthur smiled, "well I got the promotion."

"Really, that's awesome" Alfred smiled.

"So umm, next week i have to move to New York," Arthur looked down then up, "so I was wondering if you would like to come with me since you have no where else to go?" Alfred face glowed up.

"Oh course, I Love come dude." Alfred said and Arthur laughed and smiled, " I have always wanted to live in New York."

"Well then it is done, we are both going to New York together" Arthur got up from the table and walk over to Alfred.

Alfred got up and pull him into a hug. "I love you Artie." Alfred said in a clam voice.

"I love you too Alfie" Arthur said in Alfred chest.

Arthur was happy finally they can both have a new start together.

The past week Arthur and Alfred were preparing to go to New York. Alfred applied for a couple of jobs in NY. They had to sell all their furniture, because shipping it would of cost a fortune.

It was the Saturday before Alfred and Arthur got on a plane to fly to New York. Alfred was packing up the few things in the apartment before heading off.

"You ready to go Arthur!" Alfred yelled across the apartment from the living room floor where he was sitting on the hard wooden floor

Arthur walked out of the bedroom and smiled at Alfred. Arthur walked to Alfred and sat down on his lap. Arthur kissed Alfred.

"Yeah Alfie," Arthur looked at Alfred, "I am ready to go."

"I need to drop something off before I we can go to the hotel." Alfred said while Arthur stood up.

Arthur nodded and they both headed out the apartment and to the car.

Alfred turned down the street that he used to live with his family. Arthur got confused. 'Why are we here' Arthur wondered to himself. Alfred pulled the car onto the drive.

Alfred got out the car. "I be back ok" Alfred closed the car door.

Alfred went up to the door and put a letter near the door that was addressed to Matthew.
Alfred quickly knocked on the door and ran back to the car.

Alfred started the car and drove off heading towards the directions of the hotel.

-few seconds Alfred drove off-
Matthew opened the door to reveal no one. Matthew looked down to find a envelope with his name addressed on it.

"Huh." Matthew whispered to himself and picked up the letter.

Matthew looked around but found no one. He shut the door and went to the kitchen table. Matthew sat down and opened the envelope. Matthew saw a letter and a picture. Matthew turned the picture around to see Alfred and Arthur on it together. Matthew unfolded the letter and it read.

Hi bro I hope u doin good and taking care. I am sorry to say but I am moving to New York. Arthur got a promotion and we were required to go there dude. I wish I could of saw you before I went but i am not allowed to see you. Even the police told me so anyway dude plz come and visit us sometime and remember that I love u bro. I hope we will get to spend more bro time together

A tear spilled on the letter from Matthew eyes. Matthew wiped the tear. He heard his mother pulling into the drive way. Matthew putt he letter and photo back in the envelope. He quickly went up stairs to his room and placed the envelope in his special secret box and placed it up high in his closet.

"Sweetie I'm home" Matthew mother said from downstairs.

Matthew went around his room and quick step down the steps.

Alfred and Arthur were now on the plane. Arthur had his neck pillow around his neck and trying to take a nap. Alfred ended up falling asleep first. Arthur turned his head to find Alfred asleep. He smiled and stole Alfred phone off Alfred's lap and went to the camera app. Arthur put it on selfie camera and put his head on Alfred and took a selfie. Arthur look at it and set it as Alfred wallpaper. Arthur smiled to himself and placed the gone back in Alfred's lap. Arthur closed his eyes.

It has been around two hours when Alfred woke up. Alfred opened his eyes to find Arthur head on his shoulder. He smiled and grabbed his phone seeing that Arthur had change his wallpaper to a photo of him sleeping with Arthur smiling putting his head on his. Alfred smiled and left out a quiet giggle.

"You weirdo." Alfred said under his breath.

Half an hour before the plane was going to land Arthur woke up. He groaned and opened his eyes.

"You finally woke up dude." Arthur heard Alfred say next to him.

"Mmm." Arthur mumbled and smiled.

Alfred giggled and Arthur kissed Alfred on the check. Alfred and Arthur could here an old couple whispering around them.

"That just gross and inappropriate" the woman said to the man.

Arthur rolled his eyes at Alfred as whispered.

"Don't worry they are just wanker" Alfred giggled and replied.

"Yes they are" Arthur kissed Alfred on the lips and the couple went silent.

Alfred and Arthur laughed. Arthur look out the window to see New York City. He smiled.


Yay! I finished the update. So happy with myself. I will try and update my other usuk sometime just having writers block :3

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