Part 7

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When Matthew got to the airport he booked a ticket and went on the plane that would take him to the place he wanted to go.

It was the next morning. Arthur woke up first. It was Sunday and he was really tired from travelling. Arthur closed his eyes and snuggled next to Alfred. Alfred woke up suddenly breathing heavily.

Arthur held Alfred tight, "Are you alright love?" Arthur said and Alfred nodded.

"I'm fine." Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur, "It was just a dream." Alfred smiled at Arthur.

"So." Arthur paused, "What are we going to do today?" Arthur questioned Alfred and got out of Alfred arms.

"Well, we could go and check out all the shops around here." Alfred suggested and flung the quilt off him.

Arthur nodded and got out of bed. He went down the stairs to the kitchen. Arthur made himself a cup of tea.

Alfred got dressed first and then he headed down stairs. When he got there he saw Arthur was at the table with a cup of tea and some scones that Arthur had made yesterday. Alfred got the cereal Lucky Charms out the pantry and poured a bowl for himself and added some milk.

Meanwhile Matthew was on the plane. He looked at the clouds from the window. He sighed and rested his head on the seat.

Alfred smiled and sat next to Arthur.

After breakfast Alfred and Arthur walked around the block looking at all the different shops. Arthur and Alfred found lots of different things. They came across many cool clothes stores. (So sorry I don't know much about NY). Arthur came across this very punk looking store and dragged Alfred inside.

"What are we doing in here babe?" Alfred questioned but Arthur ignored him.

Suddenly Arthur was out of Alfred sight and Alfred freaked out. Alfred raced around the store and looked for Arthur. When Alfred found Arthur he was trying on a weird looking black leather coat. Arthur turned around to see Alfred and smiled.

"What do you think." Arthur asked Alfred

"Errr," Alfred had no words. Arthur looked different but it was a good different. "It looks great on you." Alfred repiled and got closer to Arthur.

Arthur gave Alfred his rare smile. "Thanks love." Arthur took the coat off and held it in his hands. "I am just going to go pay for this."

"Ok. I met you outside." Alfred said.

Matthew had got off the plane and now was walking around the streets. He wondered where he was going to stay. He sighed and kept walking.

Alfred went outside and leant on the wall. Alfred got his phone out of his pocket and started to play crossy road. Halfway through his game he heard some steps coming closer to him.

"Alfred?!" Alfred Hear his name and snaps his head up.

He looked up to find the person he wanted to see the most. He smiled and threw his arms around the person.

"MATTHEW!" Alfred yelled excitedly.

"Hi." Matthew said back.

"How did you get here?" Alfred asked Matthew.

"I flew here with the money I saved up with." Matthew repiled.

"I am so glad to see you bro." Alfred said hugging Matthew tighter.

Matthew smiled. Then Arthur came walking out the store. He smiled when he saw Matthew and Alfred together.

"Matthew, hi." Arthur said waving. Arthur knew who Matthew was. Alfred showed him plenty of pictures and talked about him a lot. He looked a Matthew and Alfred. Alfred had sqaured shaped glasses and Matthew round. Matthew was taller and had longer hair then Alfred.

Alfred and Matthew let go of their hug.

"Arthur can we have Matthew stay over at our house??" Alfred said and Arthur nodded.

"Of course, he is family after all." Arthur said and this made Alfred smiled.

MY BOYFRIEND Is 10 years older//Usuk fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now