Part 10

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The article said about how Matthew was sued from his brother.It was about Matthew and how his parents had sued that he had no contact with his brother Alfred. It also said how he disappeared suddenly a few months after it happened. Arthur was disgusted by the article it didn't say why Alfred was sued not to see his brother again.

"Isn't this the man that was just in here." The other man spoke.

"Yes." Arthur paused, "It doesn't say anything about why he was sued though." Arthur said.

"Do you know this man at all?" The man replied.

Arthur looked down at his desk.

"No, no I don't." Arthur lied. He felt bad about lying but he felt like it was to soon to telling anyone about them.

"Ok, what should we do about him." The man asked.

"Let him have his job." Arthur bluntly said.

The men nodded and walked out of the office. Arthur sighed.

Alfred went to the next office he had to drop mail off to.

Arthur sighed. He placed his paper work in front of him. He looked at it. He grabbed a pen and started to fill it out.

An hour later Arthur got up from his desk and got his briefcase and got everything he needed for this meeting.

He walked in the room that the meeting was held. It was on the floor below from his office. The meeting room was a boring white and black. It had no colour. He sat down and placed his briefcase down next to his chair.

Then another man in a suit which his name was Connor. He was a young man. He managed all the advertising for the company. Came out the front.

"Today we will be discussing about what our new add should be for our new cooking range." Connor said.

Connor switch to the next slide in the PowerPoint. It showed different couple and sexualities.

"Since the add will be having a couple cooking we need to decided who we are aiming this for." Connor said making his pointer point to the title on the side.

A woman put up her hand.

"Yes, Jade." Connor nodded at her.

"We want to aim for families so gay people won't be a good for the add." The lady said in pride which make Arthur sick.

"Why don't we have shots filmed of different couples." Arthur added in.

Everyone stared at him. Since Arthur was high up everyone stared at him like it was some scary guy even know he didn't fit the place 'scary guy'.

A lot of people disagreed with him. They said it wasn't worth it. So in the end they just went with the normal girl and guy early 30s.

As Arthur went out the room Connor went up to Arthur.

"Thanks for all the ideas." Connor said. Connor smiled and placed his hands nervously in his pockets.

"Your welcome." Arthur said.

Connor and Arthur's offices were on the same floor. Connor walked in the elevator first then Arthur.

"We should catch up sometime." Connor said in his very American accent. Connor stopped when he crashed into Alfred who was walking back to the mail room. Alfred fell down where Connor was still standing.

"Sorry new dude!" Connor said helping Alfred pick up all the mail Alfred dropped. Arthur helped also.

"You need to watch where you're going Connor!" Arthur said.

Alfred smiled. "Don't worry I am on my lunch break anyway." Alfred waved goodbye and went more up the hall to the mail room.

"Like I was saying we should catch up sometime." Connor said.

"Ok." Arthur replied.

"Let's go and get lunch. I'm starving." Connor smiled.

"Sorry Connor not today." Arthur said.

"Ok!" Connor said and went pass the mail room to his office.

Arthur looked around. Arthur sneakily got into the mail room.

Alfred placed the mail down on a table and turned around to find Arthur.

"Hey." Arthur said and placed his briefcase down.

The mail room was closed room. You couldn't see inside from the outside of the room. The company didn't like to mix different kind of people with others.

Arthur walked closer to Alfred and hugged him.

"Sorry about Connor." Arthur said in Alfred shoulder.

"Don't worry, he seems kind of wacky." Alfred said patting Arthur head.

"He is." Arthur said.

Alfred gave Arthur a kiss. Arthur smiled and blushed.

"I love you." Alfred said.

"I love you too." Arthur replied.

Alfred let go of Arthur. "I finish earlier than you." Alfred said and Arthur nodded.

"Then you can cook." Arthur said laughing.

"I will." Alfred pattered Arthur head.

"I better get out here before anyone sees me with you." Arthur said starting to walk to the door.

"What do you mean? By sees you with me?" Alfred said grabbing Arthur hand.

Arthur looked up at the confused American and sighed. Arthur pulled Alfred over to the newspaper section. Hey opened a newspaper with be hand and Alfred look at the article.

"Isn't this the national paper." Alfred said.

"They asked me before if I knew you. I had to say no because I don't want to say anything just yet." Arthur looked down at the floor with guilt.

"They asked me before if I knew anyone in the office. I said no as well." Alfred looked over at Arthur.

Arthur looked up at Alfred. "I better go." Arthur said letting go of Alfred's hand.

"Love you, bye." Alfred said.

"Love you." Arthur said in a soft tone and walked of the room.

MY BOYFRIEND Is 10 years older//Usuk fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now