Part 6

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Alfred smiled as he saw the buildings of New York. The plane landed. Alfred and Arthur both got off the plane holding hands.

"I can't believe we are here" Alfred said while Arthur and Alfred walked through the airport.

Arthur and Alfred hailed a taxi. They went to the place where they would pick up the new car they bought.

After all that. Arthur got out a piece of cloth from his bag.

Arthur directed, "Put this on your eyes." Arthur handed Alfred the piece of cloth.

"Ok?" Alfred question and put the cloth on his eyes.

"Where are we going dude?" Alfred asked Arthur 5 minutes into driving.

Arthur stopped at a light. "Don't worry we are nearly there." Arthur said while starting to drive again.

One minute later Arthur pulled up to the place. Arthur got Alfred slowly out the car.

"Ok. Here we are!" Arthur said while taking off Alfred's piece of cloth around his eyes.

When Alfred opened his eyes he saw a flat. But not just any ordinary flat, it was white with modern square tinted windows. It was two story and had a red door.

"You like out new flat." Arthur said while he snuggled up to Alfred.

Alfred kissed Arthur forehead. "It's amazing Artie." Arthur smiled.

Arthur opened the door. When they both entered the flat. They could both see boxes everywhere.

The place had white walls and a white stair case. Alfred could see that there was around three bedrooms up stairs. There was a nice sized kitchen that lead up to the living room.

"This is amazing Arthur."  Alfred said to Arthur with a smile.

"I am glad you like the place." Arthur replied with a smile. Alfred put his hands on Arthur's cheeks and gave him a kissed on his lips. Arthur kissed back and puts his arms around Alfred's waist. Alfred let go of the kiss and looked at Arthur.

"Your the best boyfriend anyone could have dude." Arthur smiled even more when Alfred said this to him.

Arthur showed Alfred all the different rooms including the balcony. The balcony had a whole lot of empty pot plants from previous owners. You could see all the older buildings from across the road from the balcony. The flat was fairly new. Alfred and Arthur started to unpack the boxers of their belongings.

"When do you start your new job?" Alfred asked Arthur while putting the bedding on the bed.

"I start on Monday," Arthur said whil he placed a photo frame on his bed side table, "Frist thing at 9:00am." Arthur plugged in the lamps so they would work.

It was getting late so Alfred and Arthur decided to have dinner. "Lets get take out." Alfred suggested and Arthur agreed.

When Arthur and Alfred got chinese take out they met a man called Yao . Yao came out from China about a year ago. He needed to find a better life so he came out to America.

Later that night Arthur was going through a box. He found pictures of Alistor and him as children. Arthur smiled at the good memories his brothers and him would have, but the bad memories over took him when he found a picture of Alistor in the hospital. Alistor was at the hospital because of a booming that happened in England. Arthur remembered how Alistor was trying to protect him from the bombs. Alistor nearly lost his life that night. A tear went down Arthur cheek. Arthur wiped his tears and put the photo in a green box that was labled 'Memories'. 

Arthur went to bed after that. Alfred also went to bed. Alfred snuggled close to Arthur and kissed Arthur's forehead. "Have sweet dreams Artie." Alfred said before he fell asleep.

Matthew looked at his mother while she yelled at him. Matthew felt anger going through him. "SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE." Matthew yelled then raced up the stairs to his room. He slamed the door and slid down the back of the door. Matthew brang his knees up to his face. "I wish Alfred was here." Matthew felt tears running down his pale face.

"YOU COME BACK HERE YOUNG MISTER!" Matthew's mother yelled from down stairs. Matthew didn't derserve the yelling and sometimes even beatings from his mum. Matthew never did anything wrong. He was a good boy, He got good grades and hardly ever went out to parties. Matthew used his manors never swore either. Matthew got a backpack a filled it up with money, clothes and other items he needed. He had decided that he will finally runaway from home. 

During the night Matthew snuck out the house. He had saved a lot of money because he had been working since he was 15. Matthew caught a cab to the airport.

(YAYA I finally updated sorry for not updating I feel bad but here it is now :D )

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