Part 8

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"You're going to have to sleep on the couch Matthew, sorry." Alfred said while the three of them walked back home.

"That's fine." Matthew said with a soft small smile.

"I'll go and pick up something from the supermarket for dinner." Arthur said and walk off.

"Ok Arthur!" Matthew and Alfred said at the same time.

Matthew and Alfred laughed from saying something at the same time. They smiled at eachother and kept walking to Alfred's and Arthur's house.

When they got their Alfred showed Matthew the living room and all the other rooms. Alfred also told Matthew how Arthur surprised him.

"So..." Alfred said and placed himself on the couch.

"Mother and father don't know I left." Matthew reminded Alfred.

"I hope they don't come looking for you." Alfred said.

"I also hope, but I can't stay at your house forever though." Matthew replied.

But before Alfred could say anymore Arthur came home.

"I've got everything you wanted me to get, love." Arthur said while he started to unpack the groceries.

"Thanks, babe." Alfred said and dragged Matthew with him to the kitchen.

Alfred pick up the meat that he had asked Arthur to get.

"Let's celebrate you coming here by cooking up this." Alfred said and smiled at Matthew.

"Sounds good to me." Matthew smiled back.

Alfred and Matthew both cook up the meat while Arthur prepared for work.

Arthur sorted through a whole lot of papers for his new job in New York. He sighed and stretched his arms out.

"Dinner is ready!" Alfred called out from the kitchen.

"Ok love!" Arthur called out back and got up from his desk. 

When he got in the kitchen it smelt like a very American meal was just cook. He saw Matthew and Alfred had his aprons on. One was bright green and the other bright pink. Alfred wore the pink one and Matthew the green. Arthur smiled at the two of them and followed them to the table. Arthur look down at all the food they had made. There was also poutine which Arthur guessed Matthew made. All three of them took a seat and started digging in.

Alfred held up his can of soda, "To my brother Matthew also my love Arthur." Alfred said. 

"Thanks Alfred." Matthew said.

"Thanks love." Arthur said giving Alfred a peck on the lips.

Alfred blushed and sat down in his seat. 

After dinner all of them helped out with the dishes. Alfred kept splashing water on Arthur and Matthew.

"Alfred!" Arthur said wiping the water off his shirt.

Alfred stood there laughing his ass off.

"Look at your face." Alfred said and grabbed Arthur around the waist and pulled Arthur close to him.

Arthur put his head into Alfred shoulder. "Shut up."

Alfred and Matthew decided to play Halo after doing the dishes.

"I am going to beat your ass." Alfred said while setting up his Xbox 360.

"I don't think so bro." Matthew smirked, "I have been playing halo a lot lately."

Most of the night they played halo. Arthur watched them and joined in for a round. 

"Night Alfred and Matthew." Arthur said. 

"Night babe." Alfred kissed Arthur.

Arthur kissed back and let go.

"Night Arthur." Matthew said still looking at the screen.

Arthur walked up to Alfred and his room. He sighed as he stripped down to just his boxers. Arthur pulls a dark green shirt over his head. He slowly crawled into bed.

"What a long day." He whispered to himself. Arthur pulled the rug closer to him and fell asleep.

At midnight Alfred and Matthew both decided to get off halo and got to bed.

"Here is a blanket and rug." Alfred said and gave Matthew the blanket and rug.

"Thanks Al." Matthew chucked the objects on the couch, "Night."

"Night Mattie." Alfred said and smiled. 

When Alfred got in his room he found his skinny and handsome boyfriend sleeping in their bed. Alfred stripped down to his boxers and went into the bed slowly so he won't wake Arthur up. Alfred put his arms around Arthur and snuggled close to him.....


Thank you for all the reads <3 love you all

Sorry for not updating 

But I made sure I did today xxx

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