Part 3

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The next morning Arthur woke up from a loud knock at his door. he groaned and got up and put his robe on. he walked through the kitchen. he opened the door to find his brother standing in the door way.

"Hello, brother" Arthur brother Allistor said

"Hello, Allistor. what do you want at 5 o'clock in the morning" Arthur groaned.

"I just wanted to see my brother that's all" Allistor said.

"Come in then, but I need to get dress so just wait in the living room" Arthur Said.

Arthur got changed, he put on his UK shirt with a pair of daggy jeans.

Arthur brother Allistor had an accent like his dad it was very Scottish.

"So what did you want" Arthur said walking into the living room.

"I just wanted to catch up" Allistor said.

Then another knock came from the door. 'who else wants to see me' Arthur thinks and groans. Arthur walks down the little hallway and opens the door to find Alfred there.

"Alfred?!" Arthur said.

"My dad kicked me out the house, because I was being rude or something" Alfred said and Arthur sighs.

"You can come-e" but then his brother came walking up behind Arthur.

"And who is this" Allistor Said looking at Alfred

"This is Alfred, Allistor and alfred this is Allistor my brother" Arthur said.

"Oh hi dude" Alfred said.

"Hello" Allistor said in his Scottish accent.

"What did you want Alfred?" Arthur said.

"I was wondering if I could stay here till tomorrow. because my dad kick me out of the house for being rude to him and he is just pissed with me at the moment" Alfred said and Arthur sighed.

"Fine, I guess you can stay" Arthur said smiling.

"Thanks dude, I owe you" Alfred said walking into the house and Arthur and Allistor follow him.

"So" Arthur said going to the kitchen getting himself some tea.

"Well, you know mum and dad are going away to see grandma right?" Alistor asked Arthur and Arthur nodded.

"Yes" Arthur said coming back to the living room, where Alfred and Alistor were.

"Ok, good well they will be living there for a year. Did they tell you that?" Alistor said and Arthur shook his head.

"No they didn't" Arthur said a little disappointed that his own parents wouldn't tell him that.

"I knew they wouldn't tell you that" Alistor laughs.

Arthur rolls his eyes and Alfred is just confused. Alistor leaves quickly because he has a meeting to go to. after Alistor leaves Alfred and Arthur are all alone together.

"So why is your dad so mad" Arthur asked Alfred and he shrugged.

"I really don't know"

"Well, tonight you have to sleep with me since the other bedrooms don't have beds in them because I can't afford to buy two more beds" Arthur said.

"Oh ok dude" Alfred said. for some reason Alfred liked the idea of being able to spend the night with Arthur again.

Arthur got up from the lounge and grabbed Alfred arm and link it with his and pulled Alfred closer to him gently.

"Are you alright Arthur" Alfred said getting redder in the face.

"Yeah-ah sorry" Arthur said letting go blushing but Alfred grabbed him by the waist from behind.

"And where do you think you are going British dude" Alfred whispered in Arthur ear which made Arthur blush more.

Alfred squeezed Arthur waist and make Arthur giggle. Arthur turn around and leaned on Alfred chest. Alfred wrapped his arms around Arthur. Alfred and Arthur both felt like there hearts were just going to soon explode. Arthur look up at Alfred and Alfred got closer. Arthur put his lips to Alfred's lips. Arthur put his arms around Alfred neck and Arthur moaned softly.Alfred pushed Arthur closer to him. Alfred let go of the kiss and looked at those green eyes he loves so much. Arthur blushed and gave Alfred a small smile.

"I love you Alfred" Arthur said putting his hand through Alfred's hair. Alfred blushed.

"I love you too" Alfred said still looking in Arthur eyes. Alfred pressed his nose on to Arthur nose and Arthur giggled.

"What do you wanna do" Arthur said taking his nose of Alfred's nose.

"Just chill, I guess" Alfred said taking a seat on the lounge again.

"Sounds good to me" Arthur grabbed a book off his bookshelf and sat next to Alfred and opened his book. Alfred look at him and saw the book he was reading was a fantasy magical book. Alfred smiled to himself and took his phone out his pocket. Arthur leaned on Alfred shoulder while reading his book. Alfred saw he had a text from Matthew.

-dad just stormed out the house after you left, what's wrong with him do you know also he was fighting with mum outside- Matthew

Alfred eyes widened. 'Wait mum and dad fighting that is strange also storming out the house. he has never done that before' Alfred thought and replied to the message.

-I don't know anything soz bro- America

America put his phone back in his pocket and snuggled closer to Arthur and put his arm around him.

"What you reading there" Alfred sneaked a kiss on Arthur's cheek.

"Just the black magic (made up book)" Arthur said not taking his eyes off the book.

"Ok" Alfred said snuggling Closer.

After 30 minutes Arthur looks to Alfred who is now sleeping. Arthur kisses him on the head and puts his book back on the shelf. Arthur cleans up his breakfast bowl and tea cup. he turns around and looks at Alfred. 'he looks so cute when he sleeps' Arthur thinks as smiles.

Evening comes and Alfred and Arthur are watching TV since they just wanted a chill day.

"What do you want to do for dinner" Arthur asked Alfred.

"Not sure dude" Alfred said.

After around 10 minutes of discussing about dinner they both decided to get pizza since that was easy. Alfred ordered the pizza and they both waited for it to arrive. After dinner they watched a horror movie which scared the hell out of Alfred.

"This is so scary dude" Alfred said holding Arthur.

"I can turn it off if you want" Arthur replied.

Alfred Shock his head and held Arthur closer to him. The movie finished and Arthur and Alfred went into Arthur room. Arthur room was simple it had his guitar in the corner and his bed against the wall. he has a closet across from the bed. Alfred took off his shirt and pants only left with his boxers on. Arthur blushed when he turned around to see that Alfred had no pants or shirt on. Alfred laughed at him.

"Dude your face is so red man" Alfred said pulling Arthur into a hug.

Arthur just rolled his eyes and took off his own shirt and pants. he got into bed and Alfred joined him. Arthur wrap his arms around Alfred and snuggled into Alfred chest.

"I love you" Arthur said.

"I love you too" America said

Suddenly there was loud quick knocking on there door.....

MY BOYFRIEND Is 10 years older//Usuk fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now