Part 13

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When Arthur opened the door he saw his mother, father and Alistor.

"Hello, love." His mother hugged him and squeezed Arthur's lungs out, well that's what it felt like.

"Hello everyone." Arthur said with a nervous smile.

"Wait, isn't that Alfred." Alistor said.

Arthur nodded, "Yes it is." Arthur replied and grabbed Alfred's hand and gently pulled him towards him.

Alfred flashed a big smile. "It's nice to meet all of you, I'm Alfred."  Arthur smiled as well.

"Want to come in." Matthew softy said looking down.

"Sure, thank you ...?" Arthur father said.

"Matthew." Matthew replied.

They all walked inside and sat in the living room.

"What a nice flat!" Arthur's mother said with a massive smile.

Matthew and Alfred walked to the kitchen. Alfred got there first finding out a very "nice surprise".

Alfred screamed. "ARTIE!!!!"

Arthur got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen.

"What love, you ok!" Arthur saw that a million cats were in their kitchen.


"I DON"T KNOW!" Alfred yelled back.

The rest of Arthur's family came in.

"Hahahaha brother how the hell does one get so many cats in their house." Alistor just laughed.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Shut up Lis." Arthur called Alistor by his nickname that Alistor hated.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!"  Alistor got angry at Arthur.

"Your call, dear." Arthur said with a smirk.

Alfred picked up one of the cats. "Better start taking you dudes out side." Alfred softy spoke to the cat and pat the cat's head.

Alfred opened the back door that was in the kitchen. Arthur smiled at Alfred. Arthur went over to one and picked it up bringing it outside.

The cats all ended up back outside.

"Now we are going to have to clean the kitchen again so we can make  food." Arthur said.

"Don't worry we have everything under control." Alfred said smiling.

Matthew replied, "Alfred I can do everything, I'll call you if I need you."

Arthur's mother tapped Arthur's father shoulder and whispered in his ear. "I'm sure I've heard about those two on the news." Arthur's father nodded.

When they got back to the living room they all went silent.

Arthur look around. "Well the reason today I wanted you to come today was to meet someone." Arthur paused and looked around, "today I wanted you to meet Alfred." Arthur said holding Alfred's hand.

Arthur looked up at Alfred and gave him a small nod.

"Arthur and I-i are going to be getting married soon." Alfred said.

Arthur mum smiled. She got up and hugged Arthur. "Congratulations!!!" Arthur mother said like she was the happiest person in the world.

"Thanks mother." Arthur had a few tears rolling down his cheek.

"Arthur look at you." His mother replied and wiped her son's tears.

"Alfred, can I ask you something?" Arthur dad asked.

Alfred nodded, "Yes, Yes you can." Alfred answered.

"Are you the man that was in the newspaper." Arthur father asked. Alfred looked down and up.

"Yes I am sir." Alfred eyes travelled around.

Arthur's  mother hugged Alfred. Alfred smiled.

"They made it seem that you were horrible." Alfred mother paused, "I bet you weren't horrible they just thought that." Arthur mother kept hugging Alfred.

"Yes, I hope you're right." Alfred said and let go of the hug.

"You must be the Matthew from the newspaper as well." Athur father pointed out as Matthew came walking up towards Alfred. 

Matthew nodded and looked down at the ground. "I ran away." Matthew said still looking at the ground.

Then Matthew heard his phone and raced to the kitchen. 

"When is the date for the wedding?!" Arthur mum started to get really excited.

"Hopefully before you have to leave." Arthur said with a smile.

Arthur's mother smiled "Ring me anytime you need to." 

Alistor just sat on the couch. He looked up then back down. Alistor laughed, "You're getting married before me little bro." Alistor stood up.

"You better get onto it then love." Arthur's mother joked.

"Very funny mother." Alistor repsonded, "Congtraz, you two." Alistor said with a smile and look at Alfred and Arthur.

"Thank you Alistor." Arthur smiled.

Alfred hugged Alistor, "Yeah thanks dude." 

Alistor patted Alfred's head. Alistor and Alfred both laughed. They all had dinner and talked about when Arthur was younger and his punk stage. By the end of the night Arthur's mother was very drunk.

"We better be off." Arthur father said while trying to get his wife out the door.

"See you all tomorrow." Alistor said with a smirk.

"Bye!" Alfred, Arthur and Matthew waved.

Alfred, Arthur and Matthew watched as they drove off. Alfred and Arthur relaxed on the couch as Matthew got ready for bed.  Before Matthew got ready a call from his bestfriend Gilbert happened. 

"Please Matthew come home!," Gilbert demanded.

"Why!!!" Matthew yelled as loud as he could

"I miss you so much!!, please tell me you're ok!" Gilbert repiled

"Yes Gil I am ok," Matthew paused, "I miss you too." Matthew softy said through the phone

"I need to go now!, bye." Gilbert talked qucikly.

"Bye." Matthew said and the phone call ended.

Alfred cuddled Arthur for the rest of the night. Arthur felt more relaxed by the situation now. Until the next day.................


Look another part up yayyaa. I hope that I'll finish the story in the holidays ^^

How do you feel about me having a little PRUCAN in the book ???

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