Part 2

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Arthur got up from his seat.

"I should get you home" Arthur said walking over to the counter.

"Yeah, my brother will be wondering where I am" Alfred said.

Arthur picked up his car keys and Alfred got out his seat and they both walk out the apartment and out the building to Arthur's car.

"I really hope my mum doesn't rage at me if she finds out" Alfred said to Arthur.

"I hope as well" Arthur said while looking at the road driving.

"Oh, I live just around the corner" Alfred said to Arthur.

"Ok oh" Arthur said. While turning the corner.

Alfred told Arthur which house it was and Arthur pulled up in the driveway.

"You don't mind if I walk you to the door" Arthur asks like a gentleman would.

"Sure dude" Alfred said.

They got out the car and both walk up to the door.

"Thanks for everything" Alfred said

"No problem, if there is anything you need just call or text me" Arthur said while handing Alfred a piece of paper with Arthur number on it.

"Ok dude" Alfred said pecking a kiss on Arthur head.

They both waved goodbye and Alfred walked inside his house.

"I'm back" Alfred said.

Matthew walked quickly down the stairs.

"Where have you been, you worried all of us" Matthew said.

Alfred grabbed Matthew's arm and dragged him up the stairs and to Alfred room. Alfred closes the door behind them and they both stand there.

"Don't tell mum anything that I am about to say" Alfred tells Matthew and he nods.

"Ok I won't" Matthew said.

"I woke up with this guy, his name is Arthur and I went to his apartment this morning . so we could now each other more, we both don't know what happened last night" Alfred said

"So what are you saying" Matthew said confused

"I am saying, well-l" but before Alfred could say anything the door opened and his mother was standing there.

"Hello Alfred, I see your back" Alfred mother said.

"Yeah" Alfred said

"It's good to see your all well" there mother said and she walked out the room and closed the door.

"So what were you saying" Matthew said.

"Well, i was saying that. Matthew, I think I am starting to fall in love with this guy" Alfred said to Matthew

They both stand there in silence.

"What will mum think" Matthew said worried

"I don't know" Alfred said getting out the piece of paper in his pocket.

Alfred also gets out his phone. he puts Arthur's phone number in his phone.

"Well, I be in my room if you need me" Matthew said, going out Alfred's room.

Alfred decides to texted Arthur.

-hey Arthur, its Alfred 🇺🇸- Alfred

Alfred puts down his phone and gets his laptop to check Facebook. Alfred looks at all the photos from the party. He saw that Gilbert was with his trio. He clicked on the picture of him and Arthur. For some reason Alfred felt his heart beating faster. 'This guy make me crazy' Alfred thought to himself. He decided to save the photo on his laptop. Then he heard his phone go off and his heart skipped a beat when he saw it was Arthur.

-hello Alfred 🇬🇧, hope your well-Arthur

Alfred smiled when he saw the message.

-Yep dude i am all good, mum hasn't found out anything yet- Alfred

It didn't take long for Arthur to reply

-that's good, anyway I got to go. I am seeing my mum and dad tonight. need to start getting ready- Arthur

-ok bye dude xx- Alfred

-bye Alfred xxxx- Arthur

Alfred smiled and put his phone down. he went over to his Xbox and started to play his favourite game.

"Wonder when dad is going to get home" Alfred whispered to himself.

Meanwhile at Arthur's place. Arthur was getting ready to go over to his parents house. he was nervous, he hadn't seen them for a couple of months now. He put some good jeans on and a nice navy blue shirt on.

"Here we go again" Arthur said and walk out his apartment out of the building to his car.

Arthur used to have a good relationship with his parents until his parents started to fight which was around two years ago and they still don't get on as well as they used to. last time Arthur saw his parents, it went very pear shaped and a big fight happened.

Arthur had to only go to the next town which was around half and hour away.

When Arthur got there he pulled up in the drive way. he look at the house he used to live in. his parents had extended a room on and the garden was much better from the last time he saw it. Arthur sighed and got out his car. he walked up to the door and rung the door bell. He waited for about 2 seconds and the door flung opened.

"Oh Arthur your here" Arthur mother said.

"Hi mother" Arthur said in his British accent.

Then Arthur's father appeared.

"Come on Arthur come inside" Arthur mum insisted, Arthur took off his shoes before coming into the house since his parents like everything clean and tidy. they don't let people wear shoes in the house.

Arthur put his shoes on the rack next to the door just inside the house. He walked in finding that there were more paintings on the wall. He walked along the massive hallway down to the kitchen. It was a very big kitchen with white marble counters and all the fancy Champagne glasses were displayed in the clear fancy glass cupboard that Arthur's parents have had for years. They had an England flag patterned toast and kettle sitting in the corner of the kitchen. Arthur used to live in England till he was around ten years old.

"Sorry I haven't visited you in awhile" Arthur said and sat down at the white table near the kitchen.

"Don't worry about it darling, I know your busy" Arthur mum said sitting down next to him at the kitchen.

"By the way, how it's everything going" Arthur dad said while starting to make dinner.

"Oh good, I got a promotion in my sales job" Arthur said.

"That's good" Arthur mum said

"So what have you been up to" Arthur asks his mother.

"Oh we have been up to lots, your father and I are going to visit your grandma in England later this year" Arthur mother said happily.

"Thats nice, I haven't seen grandma for a while" Arthur said.

The rest of the night Arthur and his parents had dinner and talk about what is happening in the rest of the year. Arthur was nervous the whole night but he didn't show it. Arthur stayed there till around 9pm.

"I better head off now" Arthur said and grabs his keys out his pocket.

"Ok, be safe" Arthur mum said when they get to the door.

"Don't worry mum, I will" Arthur said and Arthur's mum give Arthur a hug.

"Bye Arthur" Arthur dad said in a dull tone and shakes Arthur hand.

"Bye father and mother" Arthur said and gets out of the house back into his car.

He drove out of the town that his parents lived and drove to the next town which Arthur lives in. he sighed, 'I wonder how Alfred going, why can't I get this boy out my head. he is 10 years younger than me and he is a guy, but I have this feeling for him I just can't explain' Arthur thought to himself while pulling up into his drive way.

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