Part 4

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"ALFRED JONES!" a strange man which was Alfred father came in with Matthew. Alfred father had one of his hands gripped onto Matthew's wrist also Matthew had tears in his eyes.

"DAD, MATTHEW!"Alfred yelled out.

"Hi-i" Matthew said with a tear rolling own his cheek.

Alfred father walked up to the bed and slapped Arthur across the face.

Arthur held his cheek and Alfred pulled Arthur closer to him.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!" Alfred screamed at his dad.

"Because he is messing with you" Alfred's dad grabbed Alfred by the arm and tried to pull him out of bed.


"No dad. I am not leaving" Alfred held onto Arthur.

Alfred dad slapped Alfred across his face.

"This is no way to behave" Alfred father started to walkout the room but then turned around "you are not my son" is all he said and walked off. A tear went down Alfred cheek.

"I knew this would happen" Alfred said and Arthur put his hand through Alfred hair.

"Sorry about everything" Arthur said looking down.

"It's not your fault, it's mine!" Alfred said giving Arthur a hug. More tears came out his eyes.

"You can stay with me" Arthur said to Alfred.

"Thank-Anks dude" Alfred said.

"I love you so much Alfred don't forget it" Arthur said which made Alfred smile.

"I won't" Alfred said kissing Arthur.

They both fell asleep is each other arms.

The next morning Arthur woke up with Alfred in his arms. He smiled and kissed Alfred forehead. He slowly let go of Alfred and got out of bed. Arthur walked out the room to the kitchen and boiled the kettle.

The kettle made a clicking noise which mean it had stop boiling. Arthur grabbed a tea bag and tea cup and made him self a cup of tea. Then he felt a pair of arms around him.

"Morning Arthur" Alfred said in a tired mumbled voice.

"Morning love" Arthur said turning around in Alfred arms and putting his face into Alfred chest.

Alfred hugged Arthur and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Arthur look at Alfred in the eyes.

"What do you want for breakfast" Arthur said getting out of Alfred hug and picking up his tea from the bench.

"I think I just have cereal" Alfred said and Arthur nodded.

"Yeah it is just in the cupboard over there" Arthur said sitting down at the table.

Alfred walked to the cupboard and got out the cornflakes and the sugar. Alfred put a bowl on the counter and poured the cereal in the bowl then he got the sugar and sprinkled it over.

Alfred joined Arthur at the table. They talked about what happened last night then SLAM! The door went and Arthur and Alfred both turn there heads to the door seeing Alfred mother.

"MOTHER!" Alfred yelled.

Alfred walked up to his mother along with Arthur behind them.

"Alfred." Alfred's mother said with tears streamed down we face, "please come home." She walked up to Alfred and tugged his shirt.

"LEAVE HIM AND COME HOME" Alfred's mother yelled at him and slapped him across the face.

Alfred nearly fell over but Arthur caught him.

"JUST LET HIM BE!" Arthur said with tears streamed down his face as well.

Alfred mother gave them both a glare and turned around.

"Well it is your choice." Alfred mum turned her head to the side, "your not a part of our family and you are never to see Matthew ever again" Alfred mother said and walked out the broken smashed door.

Arthur looked down at Alfred. Arthur saw tears roll down Alfred check so. Arthur put his nose on Alfred nose.

"I am so sorry." That's all Arthur could say and kissed Alfred cheek.

Alfred put his arms around Arthur and snuggled closer to Arthur.


Thank you for reading sorry for the slow update xxx

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