Part 9

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Arthur woke up to the sound of traffic. Arthur yawned as he turned his head to face his wonderful boyfriend. Arthur kissed Alfred on the forehead and slowly got out of bed. Arthur picked out the clothes he would wear for his first day at his new job. He look at his watch to find it was Seven o'clock. Arthur put his black suit on and went down stairs.

Arthur made himself tea and cereal. He sighed as he looked at the newspaper. He checked on Matthew to see he was laying on the couch all snugged up. Like his brother Arthur thought and smiled. After that he brushed his teeth and fixed up his hair. He looked at his watch to find it was around 8:00. Well I better be off he thought. He kissed Alfred on the forehead and put a note on Alfred's bedside table.

Arthur went down stairs and walked outside to his car. He hoped in and started driving.

Alfred groaned as he woke up around three hours after Arthur left. He reached for his glasses on his bed side table but instead felt and note and grabed that. He placed it next to him and got his glasses. He opened the note to read

~I hope you have a nice day with Matthew,

will be thinking of you. Love you -Arthur ~

Alfred smiled and admired the amazing handwriting.

Alfred woke up Matthew. "Dude! get up!" he said loudly.

"Leave me alone!" Matthew replied.

"Come on!! let's do something together!!" Alfred pulled Matthew off the couch.

"Fine!" Matthew said and stood up.

Matthew walked to the kitchen with a happy Alfred following him. Matthew heated the stove up and placed a pan on top of the stove. He got a bowl and all the things he needed for pancakes. Alfred helped Matthew with mixing the ingredients. Matthew poured out the first pancake on the pan. Matthew then poured the second pancake onto the pan. After a minute Matthew fliped the pancakes.

It took around ten minutes for all the pancakes that they wanted to be cooked. Alfred and Matthew both took a seat down at the table. Matthew had maple syrup and Alfred maple syrup and ice cream.

"Thanks for making your famous pancakes bro!!" Alfred said and Matthew smiled.

"You're welcome." Matthew replied shoving some pancake into his mouth.

After Alfred and Matthew ate pancakes they both decided to go and explore. When they were walking down this street Alfred found a game store and dragged Matthew inside.

"Come on!!" Alfred loudy spoke while they went in the store.

While Alfred was in the store he got a phone call.

"Hello this is Alfred speaking?" Alfred said through the phone.

"Hello Mr Jones this is James from Inner Easy." The man said through the phone, "I am here to say you got the job." Alfred smiled.

"When do I start?" Alfred asked.

"Tomorrow morning at ten." James said, "See you tomorrow."

"Ok, bye!" Alfred said and hung up the phone.

Alfred applied for a job as mail man at the same company as Arthur which was Inner Easy. Arthur had no idea though.

"Guess what Matthew!" Matthew turned around from what he was looking at.

"What?" Matthew replied.

"I got a job as a mail man at Inner Easy where Arthur works!" Alfred said with a wide smile.

"When do you start." Matthew asked.

"At ten in the morning tomorrow." Alfred replied with a smile.

"How are you going to get there since Arthur has the car?" Matthew questioned Alfred.

"I'll catch the bus." Alfred said as he looked at the latest game that had come out on the PS3 (playstation three).

"ok." Matthew said.

The next day Arthur got up and got ready for work. When Arthur got out the door Alfred quickly got up and started to get ready. He raced out the door and waited for the bus at the bus stop.

Arthur drove down to work. When he got there he heard two coworkers talking about a new mail man, the two workers were saying that the man was about two years out of school. He said hello to the coworkers as he went to his office which was on story 10.

At around nine thirty Alfred saw the bus he had to catch which was the 927 bus. He got on the bus.

When he got at the building it said inner easy right at the top. The building was at least 15 stories or even more. Alfred started to feel a little nervous as he walked inside.

He got a text telling him that the mail room was on story 10. He went up the elevator. When he was finding the mail room he saw a door with -MR. KIRKLAND-. He smiled when he realised he was on the same floor as Arthur.

A while after Alfred got to work. He was starting to deliver mail to all the workers. When he saw a letter was sent to Arthur his heart skipped.

Alfred knocked on the door of Arthur's office. The door was the only glass thing the rest was hard walls. It was a separate room to all the other officers. He must be high up in the business. Alfred thought.

"Come in!" He heard from the little speaker that was attached to the wall next to the wall.

Alfred came in. Arthur looked up.

"What are you doing here Alfred?" Arthur questioned him.

"To deliver your mail you silly." Alfred said and laughed as he put the letter on Arthur's desk.

"Wait your the new mail man!" Arthur said.

"Yes babe." Alfred said kissing Arthur's cheek.

"At work you address me as Mr Kirkland!" Arthur said to Alfred.

"Ok Mr Kirkland." Alfred said laughing.

Then a knock came from the door.

"Come in!" Arthur said while pressing down the button on his desk.

Two men in business suits came walking in.

"I better be going." Alfred said walking out the door.

"Mr Kirkland we would like you to see this." One of the man said and placed a file on the desk.

MY BOYFRIEND Is 10 years older//Usuk fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now