Part 1

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Boden was walking around his house, he'd had a nightmare about everything and everyone he loved dying, and he needed to calm down, it was a good 7 minutes before Donna came down the stairs to check on him. "Wallace are you okay?" She asked him. " it happened again, didn't it?" She followed up.

Boden's nightmare started a few years ago, and ever since then it, the same nightmare would happen. "Maybe it's time to start to relax a bit, do my job at a desk, less time on the front line." Wallace knew this would be hard. As Deputy District Chief, he could very easily Just stay at 51. And not go out on calls, it would be hard, but for his own mental health, he might not have a choice.

In the morning at the Herrmann's house. Lieutenant Christopher Herrmann was getting ready for work but then his daughter Annabelle came down the stairs. "Hey dad, could I come with you to the firehouse, I want to do some ride alongs with Violet and Brett?" Annabelle had just recently finished Med School and one of the jobs she thought about was, working as a paramedic at the firehouse that her father had worked at for years

" I'll bring you with me, but you'll have to ask the chief if it's okay." Herrmann responded to be honest, his hearing was becoming worse by the year, and if he wanted his only daughter to be at a firehouse on the front line, he wanted it to be at the house with the people he trusted and he trusted Violet and Brett a lot.

It was a 20 minute drive, but the Herrmanns were at firehouse 51 walking in, Boden saw them walking through the app floor. " Hey Lieutenant Herrmann, Annabelle what are you doing here? Boden was wondering why, he knew she had finished Med school so he had a small idea.

" Hey Chief, could I do a few ride alongs with Brett and Violet?" Annabelle asked.

" of course, come on. However you can't do anything, you just watch" Boden explains.

" Understood Chief." Annabelle responds.

The three of them made their way into the meeting room, the rest of Firehouse 51 was already there, "okay listen up, Annabelle Herrmann will be riding with Ambulance 61, to see if being a paramedic is right for her, make her feel welcome, also I got a call from HQ, a storm is coming, so be prepared for a busy shift. That is all, Captain Casey my office please." Boden asked after informing everyone.

Casey and Boden, walked into Boden's office, since Matt returned to work as Captain of Truck 81, he returned to work, with Lieutenant Kidd, Mouch, Carver and Truck 81's newest member. Kylie, Matt was one of the people Boden told about the nightmares. " are they getting worse, Chief?" He asked.

"Yep, Matt, last night I had a full blown panic attack, and it got me thinking. Maybe I should stop going out. I should just stay here, I want to promote you to Battalion Chief." Boden explains

"No" Matt replied " let me remind you something, you are Deputy District Chief Wallace freaking Boden, you don't give up. Except it sounds like you are giving up
And the Wallace Boden I know, the one who taught me and Severide everything we know doesn't give up." Matt rambles " are you going to give up?" He asked

"no, I'm not." Boden replied " but you've just proven why you'd make a great Battalion Chief."

Then the intercom went off "all units, multiple vehicle accidents including one into a house."

" holy shit, we better go." Matt said

" yes we'd better." Boden replied

As everyone got into the vehicles Sylvie looked at Annabelle, who looked pale faced " you ready for this hun?" Sylvie asks Annabelle.

" as ready as I'll ever be, let's roll." Annabelle replies hopping into the back of the ambulance while Sylvie and Violet get in the front.

It took around 5 minutes for everyone to get to the emergency, as soon as Boden got out of his car he took a look around and started giving out orders. "Okay people let's move quickly, Engine 51 I want two hose lines at the ready, Truck 81 recon the vehicles for injured people, Squad 3 check on the driver and the people in the house they went into, Ambulance 61 set up Triage." He then called main " Main I need an 3 additional ambulances at the emergency, this may be a long one."

as Capp, Tony, Cruz and Severide went to the house Severide gave them orders, "Capp, Tony evacuate the house, Cruz let's deal with the driver." He ordered getting 3 " copy that" in response

Capp and Tony went into the hallway " Fire department, call out." They both called out then a woman came down the stairs, " Ma'am you need to leave, there's been an accident." Tony explained

" oh no there's propane tanks in the basement." The woman said, scared

" okay listen this is very important, are you alone in this house." Tony asks the woman, who nodded. " Chief come in, this is Tony,  a woman came down the stairs, she's apparently the only person in the house, she also said there is propane tanks in the basement. Chief if they explode they could very well, take out the whole block."

" Copy that, Severide, how's the driver?" Boden asked

"Driver is D.O.A Chief." Severide replied

" okay, everyone out, NOW!" Boden ordered. "Truck 81 status report?" He asked.

" from what I can gather, 5 people injured, one D.O.A, two trapped." Casey lists off

" Squad, help with the two trapped." Boden ordered. " Ambulance 61, how's Triage doing?"

" Not good, Chief we're getting overwhelmed." Sylvie responded " Chief I know it's against, protocol, but I think Anna should help." She suggested

" main what's the ETA on those Ambulances?" Boden asks

" it's going to be awhile, the storm is beginning to blow stuff on the roads." Main replied

" son of a bitch, Anna it looks like you getting a hands on experience." Boden said into his radio

"Copy that, Chief." Anna replied.

Then as if the emergency couldn't get any worse, the car in the house went up in flames, "ENGINE 51, GET THAT FIRE OUT NOW!"
But before Engine 51 could, the house exploded setting the two adjacent houses on fire and sending rubble everywhere. " MAYDAY, MAYDAY. EXPLOSION SEND ADDITIONAL UNITS NOW!!" Boden bellowed into his radio.

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