Part 12 (crossover)

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The following is a multi-part crossover including multiple parts focusing on Chicago PD

It was a week later and Cruz was stressed this is his first shot at the Lieutenants test and to say he was freaking out is an understatement. " Okay I have everything I need. I'm ready." Cruz said still very nervous.

" Lo harás genial" Chloe said. " Te conozco, Joe Cruz, estarás bien, te quiero."

" Yo también te quiero, mi amor." Cruz replied picking his bag and kissing Chloe on her forehead, he was going to pass the Lieutenants exam, and he'll run his own company.

At Firehouse 51, Casey came into the meeting room. "Okay first things first, Cruz won't be joining us for shift today because, he's taking the Lieutenants test, Caver. Mouch. You know what that means?" He asked. Receiving a nod from them both. "That is all. Lieutenant Kidd a quick word, everyone else dismissed."

Everyone else left the room except Stella. " let me guess this is about Halstead?" She asked.

" yes, his Candidacy period is almost over, so I need to know if you'll be keeping him on Truck 81 or not." Casey said.

" Copy that." Stella replied.

On the app floor Brett and Novak were just going through the Ambulances supplies, before the calls started. "Everything's in order." Lizzie said. " I have a slightly personal question, what's your end goal with the CFD?"

Brett chuckles. " at first I just wanted to stay at 51 my whole career. But since I've been at 51 two different Deputy District Chiefs have gone after this house and it made me realise that some of those white shirts are heartless bitches. So eventually I'm going to take the Field Chief exam."

" Battalion Chief Casey and Paramedic Field Chief Brett it has a nice ring to it." Lizzie said. " I'm fine with just being a paramedic."

Then the PA system went off. " Engine 51 bush fire *location*"

" that's Donna's school." Brett said. As Engine 51 heads out to the call

To say that it was a quiet shift was an understatement, the only call 51 got was that bush fire, Casey was just in his office, nothing had happened. Everyone was getting to know Novak and Halstead and he was doing paperwork then  the PA system went off.

" Explosion at Chicago Fire Academy. Ambulance 61. Engine 51. Squad 3. Truck 81. Battalion 29. Ambulance 99. Engine 20. Squad 1. Truck 68. Ambulance 154. Engine 25. Truck 72. Ambulance 102. Engine 40. Truck 57. Ambulance 157. Engine 90. Truck 64. Battalion 26. Ambulance 33. Engine 3. Truck 100. DDC 2-2-6.
Ambulance 6. Engine 19 . Truck 60. Battalion 9. DDC 2-8-9."

" holy shit." Casey said.

Everyone was rushing to the rigs, this was a big emergency; 2 Deputy District Chiefs, 3 Battalion Chiefs and 7 Firehouses all heading to the Academy. The Lieutenant test was on + Girls on Fire training there could be 300+ people at the Academy. Everyone arrived and Boden could see Paramedic Field Chief Robinson lying on the ground. " Okay people listen up; Ambulance 61 is Triage, Engine companies two hose lines each, Truck, Squad and Battalion Chiefs search and rescue, Chief Walker, Chief Robinson was caught in the explosion, your in charge of Triage."

"Copy that Chief" was said by everyone else, as two Paramedics helped Chief Robinson to Triage. "26 to main I need a E.M.S plan 3, 6-11 alarm and the emergency response team from Lakeshore." Boden said into the radio. " Okay people mask up. There are people in that building." The firefighter entered the burning building. Chief Casey and Lieutenant Severide right at the front. Engine companies putting out of the fire. " Steve this is bad." He said to his old friend.

" you don't know the half of it." Walker said. " I know for a fact that District Chief Natasha Ross is in there, her car is parked there." And he was right in a parking space was a chiefs buggy and clear as day written on the side was " District Chief 1-7-8" which was the number for District 1's District Chief.

" Chief it's Casey it's an absolute crap hole in here some of the building has given way. We'll going to pull a lot of bodies." He said over the radio.

"This is Lieutenant Robert Sullivan, Truck 60. I've found the Girls on Fire class, bringing them out now." He said over the radio.

"This is Captain Steve Smith. Truck 100. I've located District Chief Ross and Firefighters taking the Lieutenants test. No injuries."

Over the next few minutes the CFD evacuated the academy with no major issues, but it couldn't last for ever

" Engine 19, we're out of water." Said a female voice over the radio. " evacuating now."

Then Novak came up to Boden. " Chief. everyone is accounted for, we got lucky." She said.

Boden smiled " Steve start sending Ambo's to Med." Boden ordered. " attention, everyone is accountable for we're going defensive." He said into the radio.

It was about 20 minutes later, back at the Firehouse, Casey knocked on Boden's door. " Hey Chief can I talk to you?" He asked his mentor

"Sure what's going on?" Boden asked.

"First of all, the Lieutenants test was finished before the explosion. Second of all, I've been reading the incident reports from my Battalion, they all say that Lieutenant Herrmann was ;kind, encouraging, and he saved a few people. I want to talk about a promotion for him. I'm almost convinced that he should be the next Captain of 51." Casey said.

"Almost isn't good enough, I want you to be 100% sure of your decision." Boden said.

" Copy that." Casey said.

It was a few days later in the meeting room, Severide was talking. " okay listen up, Boden and Casey are working at HQ to help out after the explosion. So I'm 51s ranking officer. Only one thing of note is that Joe Cruz has been cleared for active duty, and the results of his test should be coming soon, dismissed." He finished as everyone except Cruz left. "This could be your last few shifts with us, I'm proud of you."

" thank you, Lieutenant." Cruz said.

It was a few minutes later Severide was in his office, doing paperwork. Novak and Brett were kick boxing, Caver and Mouch were talking about Truck 81. And Cruz was talking to Capp and Tony about the possibility of him passing the Lieutenant's test. Then he got a message which said. "Deputy District Chief Raymond Riddle has been demoted to Battalion Chief of Battalion 22." Which earned a chuckle from Kelly karma is a bitch.

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