Part 9

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It was a few days later Brett was off shift getting some food for Julia when two men came up. " hello beautiful, would you like to come back to my place." He said Brett could tell he was high as hell.

" no thanks, I'm married." Brett replied hoping to God that they would leave her alone.

But then the man pulled out a knife. " I wasn't asking, you bitch." He spat " now, come with me or else." He said.

but then a voice that Brett hadn't heard in years. " hey she said no. And last I checked that meant no, so why don't you go." The man said. Brett couldn't believe it, it was him.

" and who the hell are you supposed to be?" The second high man asked. " a pirate?"

"Jimmy Borrelli former Firefighter and paramedic at Firehouse 51." Jimmy said. " now be a gentleman and piss off." Then without warning the two men ran at Borrelli who proceeded to knock them both out. " you okay?" He asked Brett

"I will be, Thank you." She said. Genuinely curious about him, none of 51 had seen Borrelli since the incident. " hey if you ever get your head out of your ass, Maybe Chief Casey and Chief Boden will let you come around the station."

Back at her and Matt's house she opened the door. " Matt I'm home." She yelled.

" Hey did you get everything from the shop?" He asked her, but once he got a look at her face he was concerned. " you okay my love?"

" Just some high men couldn't take a hint, saved by none other than Jimmy freakin' Borrelli." Brett said. " you still need an assistant?" Brett asked. She was vouching for someone who last time she saw him was trying to take Boden's badge. "Maybe it'll do him some good."

"You vouching for him?" Casey asked. " because I need an assistant who has no ill intentions for our family."

"Not completely, he still needs to prove himself." Brett said

Then Matt's phone went off, he looked at it and then chuckled. " son of a gun." He explained. "He just went to Boden's house to apologise to him."

Meanwhile at Kidd and Severide's house, Maggie Lockwood was doing his weekly check up. " Kelly you're improving well. At this rate, I will be able to clear you for duty next week." She said chuckling " just take it easy."

" thanks Maggie." Severide said. He was so excited to hear that soon he'd go back to work, Stella had kept him updated on everything going on at work, including the fact that in his absence Mouch has been working on Squad 3. " you know something Stella, we should talk about one of us becoming Captain."

Stella looked at him slightly confused, her dream was to be a firefighter, but as you climb up the ranks it becomes more about politics, I mean don't get it wrong eventually she wasn't to become a Battalion Chief but that's not for a long time, right now she's fine being the Lieutenant for Truck 81. " honestly currently, I'm not interested in another promotion, I just want to stay as Truck 81s Lieutenant."

" but eventually you'll become Chief Kidd, hell maybe even Commissioner Kidd, then when ever we decide to start a family, we don't have to worry about one of us dying." Severide chuckled then flinched. "Damn."

The next time Firehouse 51 was on shift together was 4 days later everyone was in the meeting room, Casey cleared his throat. " your attention please. Just letting everyone know that Jimmy Borrelli will be my assistant. For those of you who know him, don't bring up the last time he was at 51." Casey warned. " secondly at the end of the month, are very own Joe Cruz will be taking the Lieutenants test. Good luck Joe." Casey said. "Dismissed."

A few minutes later Jimmy Borrelli came into Casey's office. " hey Chief, Headquarters sent a list of places with Fire Code Violations." Borrelli said placing the map on the wall. " Firehouse 20 responded to this place yesterday."

Then the bell went off. " Ambulance 61, Engine 51, Truck 81 building fire at *location*" Casey and Borrelli looked at each other the location was on the list.

As everyone got into the vehicles Casey got a tad worried about what the Violations were. As they set off Casey said into the radio. " okay people be warned, this place has code violations so be prepared, to evacuate at any moment."

As soon as they arrived the manager came over to Casey. " sir it's an electrical fire it's in the kitchen , it's slightly spread, everyone is accounted for and as far as I know there is no injuries." He said. " we were trying to deal with the violations and something happened."

Casey after hearing what happened sighs. " Engine 51, co2 extinguishers this is an electrical fire, ambulance 61 double check everyone alright. Truck 81 stand by."

That was a quick fire, everyone was alright and the fire went out easily, the crew were back at the station all in all it took 7 minutes. " Kidd my office please." Casey said. In a slightly annoyed tone.

Stella walked into Casey's office. " what's up Chief?"

" That Emergency was really small, but the problem is people don't care about violations, until it's quite possible too late." Casey inhaled. " too many people have died because people are reckless."

Then the bell went off. " Ambulance 61, Engine 51, Truck 81 fire at * location*"

Stella face went pale. " oh god, that's mine and Kelly's house."

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