Part 5

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Back at "HQ" Walker, Boden, and Cruz were looking at each other, wondering what the hell they should do, then as if he's been a Lieutenant for ages Cruz started giving orders. " okay, Capp, Tony and Carver be prepared. As soon as another opening is given, we're going in. It's just going to be us 4, any objections?"
No one said anything " okay. Casey come in, I've assembled a team, I need your team to continue to search for the missing people."

" Copy that, Lieutenant Cruz." Casey said over the radio.

" hey Chief, the wind is starting to pick up." Herrmann said over the radio.

" you don't think, do you?" Boden asked.

" a wildfire and a tornado. We aren't that unlucky Wallace." Walker  replied.

" listen Steve, with all due respect, I know that you've been on the job slightly longer, but luck means nothing, if a tornado is coming, we need to get everyone in here, now." Boden said.

" your right." Steve said. " all units be advised. A tornado may be on its way. Now until we hear an alarm or see a tornado approaching, the wildfire is are priority, just be careful."

Back in the forest evacuation team A, was trying to figure out a plan the person who shouted for help, had died. As they went through the forest the fire was spreading. When Casey spoke up. " okay we need a plan, because we can't go back the way we came, and we have no medicine equipment for people who are trapped, what the hell do we do?"

" Lieutenant Kidd has a medical license, if you'll recall that she's worked on Ambulance 61 for a bit." Severide points out.

" holy shit, Captain I see at least 30 victims." A firefighter said.

"WHAT?" Casey said as he looked to where the firefighter was looking . "Dispatch, this is Captain Casey, tell Med we have a mass casualty incident. A lot of victims are here."

At Med Maggie Lockwood got the call. " okay listen up everyone, I just got a call from Dispatch, the Wildfire has a lot of victims, therefore I am activating the mass casualty protocol." She looked around at everyone. " Doris trigger the all-hazard disaster plan, I need everyone who is on-call in the E.D now."

Back at the forest it wasn't looking good for evac A 30+ victims with no clear way out. But that wasn't going to stop Casey, then he looked at one of the victims, it couldn't be, she'd left Med years ago, hell she'd left Chicago, all together. "Monique, is that you?"

Lo and behold Monique Lawson turned around. " hello Captain, 1st degree burn on my arm, I've been trying to treat, the people. But with one arm it's hard."

Casey chuckles lightly. " okay I'm tapping you out, me and my team will handle it from here."

" Like hell." Monique replies wincing a bit. "I am helping, I've assessed about 12 people. They are over there. Everyone else needs to be assessed."

" Look Monique with all due respect, you're hurt, I'm not having a respected nurse, die on my watch or get seriously injured." Casey said.

" Captain, with all due respect, we need medical personnel to help us." Severide said.

Casey sighed with annoyance. "Okay fine, Lieutenant Kidd, you're in charge of Triage, Monique stay near Kidd."

For the next few minutes evacuation team A, were treating the patients, and it was going well, all things considered. The fire was getting worse. Casey and Severide gave each other a look that said "this isn't going to end well." But they continued. Luckily most people only had 1st degree burns, a few people had second degree burns. But Severide noticed something.

" Captain the wind is picking up." He said over the radio.

" noted, Lieutenant." He replied. Then he heard something. " Fire department, call out." He said, he heard someone calling for help. "Lieutenant Kidd, Kylie I can hear someone calling for help, you two with me."

The three firefighters ran further into the forest towards where the call came from, eventually they found, what looked like a couple.

" fire department, what's the matter?" Casey asked.

"It's my girlfriend, she's in labour." The boy said.

" you have got to be shitting me!" Kidd said " what the hell are we going to do?" She asked.

Back at Med Dr. Hannah Asher was looking for Dr. Archer, Violets parents had asked for a autopsy, because they didn't know how their daughter had died, during the autopsy something was found that was unexpected and unexplained. Violet Mikami was pregnant when she died. But when Chief Boden brought her in, he never mentioned that fact.

" Dean we need to talk..." she started. But before she could finish a siren went off. It was a tornado siren.

"Okay people that's a tornado siren, I need everyone to get down on the ground NOW." Maggie bellowed.

Back at the forest the siren could be heard. " This is Chief Walker, everyone get away from the vehicles and get down on the ground. Evac Team A, if you can hear me get down on the ground and pray." Walker said over the radio.

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