Part 3

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Alison Rafferty walked back towards Firehouse 51. Dawson had messaged her about Shay's death, and she had cried. Then as god himself had given her something. She had a hearing, about her misconduct. And she was unsuspended. Then 3 days ago Chief Boden had called her about returning to the Firehouse and she said yes without hesitation. She walked into the house and right to Ambulance 61. " hey Les, I'm back, okay it's only temporary. You were right by the way .I'm Bisexual. I didn't think it would be this hard." Rafferty inhaled she was still slightly shaken about it, but alas she walked into the kitchen, where everyone else was.

" Rafferty, I'll be damned" Mouch said after seeing her. " what are you doing here?" He asked

" I'm filling in on Ambulance 61." She replied.

" does that mean, Ambulance 61 is back in service?"Anna asked. It had been a few days since, the the death of Violet, and Annabelle had been coming in everyday
Because she was starting to enjoy being at Firehouse 51.

" yes Annabelle it does. Rafferty your the P.I.C. Welcome back." Boden smiled. He was happy. The nightmares were currently not happening. So he was getting sleep.

" Hey Chief, can I talk to you. In your office." Cruz asked

"yeah, okay." Boden replied.

Boden and Cruz walked into Boden's office sitting down on opposite each other. " Whats up Joe?" Boden asked.

" I want to take the Lieutenants test." Cruz answered "I feel ready. But the only problem is if I become a Lieutenant, there's not a position available here at 51." He explains. " if I can help it I want to stay at 51 my whole career."

"Joe listen, just because you become a Lieutenant, doesn't mean you have to be in a Lieutenant position. Plus as much as it pains me to say, I think Christopher is on the verge of not being able to do this because of his hearing, so I'd recommend you take the test soon."   Boden said with a sigh. But he then saw a message from HQ which scared him. " FIREHOUSE 51, MEETING ROOM NOW!" he bellowed as he got up, and walked into the meeting room. A few seconds later everyone came into the room. "Okay listen up, I just got a message from HQ, there is a wildfire at district 1, right now, the whole of district 1 and 2 is at the scene, I want everyone to be on standby, we could very well get called into this. Shit the whole department could get called into it. Be prepared with this wind storm the fire is spreading quickly." He cautioned

Then as if on cue the intercom went off. "All units, report to the Wildfire for backup."

Everyone got up, and ran to the vehicles and got in, the fact that they were getting called in, meant. Districts 1, 2, 3 and for were at this emergency, this was probably the worst emergency they had to respond to in a while. As they were riding towards district 1, Severide could see the smoke. " I can see the smoke from here, this looks extremely bad." He said.

As soon as everyone landed at the scene. Chief Walker the incident commander, started giving orders. " okay listen up, Ambulances join Triage, Engines I want every water cannon at the forest, Truck, Squad and Chiefs follow me.

Everyone walked into a makeshift HQ then Chief Walker spoke up. " okay listen up, two different schools were going on a trip today, at least 200 people are missing in the forest. As soon as the Engine companies break through the Fire I need volunteers to make their way into the fire to search for the missing people. However I can't force anyone to go. Any one volunteer?" He asked.

" count me in." Matt replied.

" me too." Severide replied.

" if Severide is going in, I'm going in as well." Kidd added.

"I'm scared shitless, but I'm going in as well." Kylie added.

" I'm going in as well." Cruz added.

"Trudy would kill me. But I'm going in." Mouch said.

" anyone else." Walker asked. A few firefighters from other houses raised their hands. " okay when the Engine companies give us an opportunity Captain Matthew Casey will lead you into the forest. Your mission is find the 200 something civilians in the forest. Everyone else your job, is on standby incase of an emergency. And god help us all."

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