Part 15 (PD crossover)

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Voight jumped up and ran  out of his office. " EVERYONE DOWNSTAIRS TRUDYS BEEN SHOT." Voight screams. Everyone stops what they are doing and follows him.

The fire department PA system goes off. " Ambulance 61. Truck 81. DDC 2-2-6 Person down, gunshot wound to the abdomen. 21st district police station."

The whole of Intelligence + Erin runs down the stairs guns in hand. " does anyone know where the shot came from?" Voight asked. Everyone shook their heads. "I need everyone to cover me." Hank ordered. Taking his coat and putting it on Trudy wound. "You okay Trudy?"

" I just got shot in the freakin abdomen how the hell do you think I feel you old sod." Trudy said which earned a laugh from Voight.

" your humour still intact, that's a good thing." Hank said. He could hear sirens in the distance. " you hear that, helps on its way. You're not dying today."

As soon as Voight had finished his sentence. Brett, Novak, Kidd,Mouch, Caver, Kylie, Halstead and Boden came rushing through the door. But Mouch stopped as soon as he saw Trudy was the person who was shot. "Oh dear god no." Was all he could say.

"Don't worry Randall I'm not dying yet. I haven't helped you with the written part of your Rescue Squad training to die before you make it." Trudy said. With a small chuckle.

"Stella we need a backboard." Brett said. " push 5 of fentanyl."  Kylie and Halstead came in with the backboard. "Okay on my count, we are going to roll her on her side and you'll push the backboard under her. 3. 2. 1. And roll." Brett, Novak, Caver and Halstead rolls Trudy on her side and put the backboard. "Okay again on my count we're going to get her on the gurney and off to Lakeshore Memorial .

" oh god not another hospital, I'm fine. I'm." Trudy started but she just stopped talking and slumped back.

"She's coding, get the defibrillator." Brett ordered as she started chest compressions. "Push 2 of epi, Chief help me get her shirt off, and the pads on her."

"Copy that." Boden said.

Boden and Brett carefully but quickly removed Trudy's shirt and placed the pads on her. " epi in." Novak said.

"Okay charged to 300" Brett said putting in the information into the defibrillator. " and clear." Brett said shocking Trudy. " no pulse. Novak take over compressions, charging to 300. And clear." A second shock. "she's got a pulse. Let's get her to Lakeshore. Transfer to the gurney on three. 1.2.3" Brett, Novak, Kylie and Halstead. Move Trudy onto the Gurney. "Okay people let's go."

"Mouch, I'll drive Truck, you be with your wife." Caver offered.

" Thanks Sam." Mouch responded.

At Lakeshore Memorial.  ED Chief Emily Foster got a call. " hello. Yes this is her. I understand." She said. "Okay people. Listen up, we have a Sergeant coming in with a GSW to the abdomen. I need Trauma 5 ready with a crash cart on standby, she's already coded once. Dr. Perrington with me." The doors opened and Firehouse 51 came in. "Talk to me Brett."

" Sergeant Trudy Platt-McHolland, GSW to the abdomen. Coded once in the field. 5 of fentanyl and 2 of epi given." Brett listed off.

Emily nodded. "Okay, you're going to Trauma 5." Emily said helping Brett and Novak to Trauma 5. "Transfer on my count. 3.2.1 go." Emily counted down. "Okay hang fluids and 3 litres of O-."

Boden pulled Mouch aside. "Stay here with Trudy, Caver will cover you." Boden said. "Okay people let's head back."

Back at the 21st district Voight walked up the stairs. "Okay listen up, Trudy is okay, she's going into surgery. Furthermore this is a radio donated by the CFD, we'll track all calls, so that the second any suspicious call comes in, we'll jump on it. Any look with the BOLO?"

"No Sarge." Adam responded.

" Ambulance 95. Squad 8. Truck 121. Person trapped Chicago Mall."

"Okay let's try and find something." Voight ordered.

" Ambulance 6. Engine 19. Truck 60. Battalion 9. Ambulance 79. Engine 105. Truck 66. Warehouse Fire *location*"

" Warehouse fire, that could be something." Kevin said.

"Ambulance 99. Squad 1. Drowning in progress Chicago beach."

"Ambulance 95. Engine 27. Squad 4. Truck 75. Battalion 22. Structure Fire *location"

"A warehouse fire and structure fire. Jesus." Kim said.

" Battalion 9 to Firehouse 105 it's a trap, I repeat there is no fire." Came a voice from the radio. "This is Battalion Chief Andrea Herrera, Battalion 9. 10-1 10-1 we are under fire. Captain Maya DeLuca-Bishop has been shot in the shoulder.

"Let's go people." Hank ordered.

At the incident everyone was hiding. " Ben. Carina. Try and get Maya into the Ambulance." Chief Herrera ordered.

" copy that." Said Carina. ""Di tutte le cose che potrebbero accadere tesoro, questa non era una di queste."

" you worry too much bambina." Maya replied.

" Ti hanno appena sparato, cazzo." Carina said in a worried and slightly annoyed tone.

"Carina. Language." Lieutenant Sullivan warned.

"You just said the F word. Didn't you." Maya asked and given the fact her wife just started giggling that answered the question. Which lead to her giggling then flinching in pain.

" hang on bambina. Helps coming." Carina said. And as if on cue police sirens could be heard in the distance. " you hear that. Help is here."

Within 1 minute the whole of Intelligence was surrounding Firehouse 19 then Voight spoke up. "Everyone go well cover you." He said as Ben and Carina got Maya into the Ambulance. And then the entire of Firehouse 19 drives off. "Does anyone have eyes on the shooter." Voight shouts.

" I have eyes. Female short brown hair, blue eyes." Kim said. But then she gasped. " I'll be goddamned. That's Emma Jacobs." Kim said as the Emma runs away.

"After her. But do not shoot." Voight orders.

"50-21 Squad return to the district." Came over the radio.

"Negative, I have eyes on a shooter." Voight said into his radio.

"Hank it's Sam, stand down. This problem has gotten bigger. That's an order." Came from the radio.

and because  Samantha Miller is the 1st Deputy Superintendent Hank does stop. "Copy that."

Back at the district Sam Miller came up the stairs. "What do you got?" She asked.

"Jerry Gorsch. Wanted on two counts of terrorism, 3 counts of attempted murder of a public officer, and 2 counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. We also have reason to believe that he's working with Emma Jacobs." Hank lists

"His crimes are so much worse." Sam said. " 5 counts of murder. 2 counts of child kidnapping. 2 counts of child murder. 7 counts of forgery. 7 counts of sexual assault. We have reason to believe that he is forcing Emma to do this." Sam lists as she takes a deep breath. " all these crimes happen in New York City. As such your old friend Captain Olivia Benson is coming over."

" damn dad. You've got Intelligence, me from the FBI, and Liv from Special Victims Unit." Erin said.

" yeah I guess so." Voight said.

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