Part 2

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"roll call is everyone okay?." Boden asked very concerned about his second family.

"Chief. Violet got hit in the face, she's bleeding  badly." Sylvie respond.

" No, Casey you're in charge, Sylvie get Violet in the back of my car NOW!" Boden bellows, his fear overtaking his judgment, he was breaking protocol. But right now he didn't give a damn, Sylvie put Violet in the back of Boden's car. "Kylie, you're coming with us I need you to put pressure on her wounds until we get to Med." he ordered. Kylie got in the back, putting pressure on Violets wounds. Boden got in the car and sped off, sirens blaring. He'd gone so long without losing a firefighter/paramedic, he wasn't going to lose Violet.

Once he arrived at Med, he quickly got out of his car opened, the back door picking up Violet bridle style and running into the hospital. " I NEED SOME HELP HERE." a bunch of doctors and nurses started running over. " Violet Mikami, 29, hit in the head after an explosion, deep cut on the head." Boden explains putting Violet down on a gurney. The doctor's took her away. As Boden started to break down crying.

It was a while before Wallace heard anything, after god knows how long, Sharon Goodwin. The Director of Patient and Medical Services at Med came into the waiting room "Wallace, it's not looking good." she said, with a sigh.

" how bad?" Wallace asked, his voice breaking.

" the impact fracture her skull, she's bleeding into her brain, she's also bleeding out from the wound." Sharon replied " we're taking her into surgery. It's not looking good, old friend. I'm so sorry."

It was even more later, Boden had another cry, this time Kylie was there to comfort him, but at the same time, she was holding back tears, she'd gotten to know Violet pretty well. Sharon came out and just shook her head. Boden knew what it meant. "all personal, Violet Mikami has passed away." Boden said into the radio.

It was a a hour later, all of firehouse 51 was outside of Med. with Deputy District Chief Steve Walker ." detail. atten-hut...." Everyone stood at attention. They couldn't believe that this was happening. They'd gone so long without losing someone. They forgot how bad it felt " Present. Arms" everyone started to salute.
Then Boden, Sharon, Kylie and Maggie Lockwood. Came out of the hospital, carrying Violet's lifeless body on a gurney. Walking past the saluting Firefighters and paramedics, they put Violet into the ambulance, then joining the others in saluting her.











" Order. Arms." Walker says finishing the ceremony, everyone lowering their arms back, everyone couldn't believe Violet was gone.

Wallace walked over to Chief Walker " thank you for doing this, Steve. I just couldn't" he said his voice breaking.

" of course. Old friend, I'm always happy to help, although you did break protocol. Be careful" Chief Walker warns

The whole of 51  got into their vehicles and headed back to the firehouse the ride back was tense. Especially for Ritter and Sylvie. Out of everyone still at 51 they were the closest people to her. Once they got back, Boden spoke " okay people, the death of Violet is a shocking one, of anyone wants to take time off, please speak now." Boden knew how close the firehouse was, Brett put her hand up "very well. Ambulance 61 is temporarily out of service. until a substitute can come in. Does anyone else need time off?" Boden asked. No one else put their hand up.

It was 5 minutes before Cruz came knocking on Boden's door. " Hey Chief, just coming to check on you." He said. Joe Cruz was one of the people who Boden told about the nightmares ." Donna called Chloe, so I just wanted to check on you, especially now." Cruz explained

"I'm fine, Joe just scared. Most of the original team is retired, suspended or dead. Everyone is leaving me, after Brian died, I was hoping I wouldn't have to say goodbye to anyone else." Boden said distraught.

"Брат, я всегда буду с тобой." Joe replied, it was the Russian words Brian spoke to Cruz before he died. Boden knew what they meant to Cruz.

" thank you Joe. Dismissed." Boden said, first things first he had to find someone to fill in for Brett. But then he had an idea, a former worker who had recently been unsuspended. So he dialled the number. " Hey, Allison how would you feel about, working at Firehouse 51 again. Perfect. As soon as possible."

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