Part 13 (crossover)

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Kelly was still doing some paperwork when Borrelli knocked on his door. "Hey Lieutenant, you're the ranking officer, right? Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked. Since being hired by Casey he'd worked without any issues with anyone at 51 not even Boden.

" could you go through the reports from the explosion, I have a feeling that something isn't right." Severide said.

"Copy that, Lieutenant." Borrelli responded.

Then the PA system went off. " Ambulance 61. Engine 51. Squad 3. Truck 81. Evacuation assistance Chicago Mall. Possible bomb."

" Borrelli call Boden." Severide ordered.

As everyone was heading to the call Severide gave orders. " Truck and Squad evacuate anyone inside. Engine 51 search for the bomb, Ambulance 61 full turnout gear and helmet then join Truck and Squad." He said into the radio.

As soon as they got to Chicago Mall Sergeant Voight came over. " My CI said that this is the next target, I need everyone to help evacuate the building, Bomb Squad is twelve minutes out."

But then something that something happened a voice came from Voight's radio. " Sarge, your CI was played, Med is next target. I repeat Chicago Med is next target."

" son of a bitch" Voight exclaimed. "5021 emergency. Chicago Mall was a diversion, redirected Bomb Squad and additional units to Chicago Med."

" EVERYONE BACK TO THE RIGS, WE NEED TO GET TO MED NOW" Severide shouted. " Squad 3 to main I need a still and box alarm at Chicago Med. Firehouse 51 responding, also have E.M.S plan 3 and 6-11 alarm on stand by. Chicago Mall was a diversion ."

At Med Maggie and Dr.Charles were talking. " You know Maggie, you've been running the ED for years, maybe you could eventually take Deans place."

" Dan I am fine with where I am, plus with Monique back, it's like the old days." Maggie said. But as she began to speak an alarm started.

" Code Black. Code Black evacuate. Code black." Came over the intercom.

" Code Black? That's the code for a Bomb." Maggie said. " Code Black, everybody get your patients and get out. Let's move."

As Hank was racing over to Med his phone rang and answered. " Kate you better have a damn good reason for why you gave me the wrong address." Hank said. Which is because on his phone was his CI, former Deputy Superintendent Katherine Brennan. To make matters worse she's not on the books as Hanks CI. So the only people who know that Kate is Hanks CI. Is Hank and Kate. And maybe Trudy

" Hank I don't know, I swear to god, I'm in with one of the guys, he said Chicago Mall." Kate said over the phone. " Hank you bailed me out, under a bogus name and as a thanks I'm supposed to help you as your CI. But I know you. What's the real reason you did this Henry?" Kate asked.

" Katherine I don't have time for this." Voight said. "Just try and find out something useful. A motive or the next target." Hank said putting the phone down.
But that got him thinking, no he couldn't be. It isn't possible. He pushed the thought out of his mind.

As Firehouse 51 and Intelligence got to Med, doctors and nurses were still evacuating patients. Then the explosion which blasted up with purple smoke and a huge fire ball. " Squad 3 to main. I'm going to need that E.M.S plan 3, 6-11 alarm and also a level 2 Hasmat." Kelly said into the radio. " Maggie I need a head count."

" Goodwin, OR 1, OR 2, ICU, Burn units. Most of the hospital is still inside." Maggie said.

"Son of a bitch. Squad 3 suit up we're going in, Herrmann your incident commander out here, until a higher ranking officer gets here." Severide ordered.

Over the Fire department radio the call went out. " Explosion at Chicago Med. Battalion 29. Ambulance 99. Engine 20. Squad 1. Truck 68. Ambulance 154. Engine 25. Truck 72. Ambulance 102. Engine 40. Truck 57. DDC 2-2-6. Ambulance 157. Engine 90. Truck 64. Battalion 26. Ambulance 33. Engine 3. Truck 100. Ambulance 95. Engine 27. Squad 4. Truck 75. Battalion 22. Ambulance 15. Engine 67. Hazardous Material 2. Truck 67. DDC 2-8-9"

As Squad 3 was suiting up Firehouse 20 arrived. " Engine 20 I need a hose line with solution, Squad 1 suit up, we'll going in." Severide ordered.Squad 3 and Squad 1 entered the Hospital. " okay people spread out. We need to find doctors, nurses and patients.

" Kelly come in." Herrmann said over the radio. "The walk in entrance in is undamaged."

" Copy that, When Squad 4 and Hazardous Materials 2 arrive, send them through that entrance." Kelly replied. " Fire department call out."

As the remaining units from the fire department came Boden went over to Herrmann. " what do we got?" He asked Herrmann.

" Toxic chemicals, Squad 3 and 1 are currently searching the building, Engine 20 has a solution hose line on the fire" Herrmann lists.

Boden nods. " Truck 64, Truck 68 try and vent the roof, Squad 4, Hazardous Materials 2. Suit up and join the rescue attempts, Engine 51, Engine 40 and Engine 27 assist Engine 20 in putting this fire out. All Ambulance companies assist the doctors anyway you can. All Truck and Battalion Chiefs, the second we get the all clear you are to join the search and rescue." He ordered.

"Chief its Severide, do not vent the roof. The levels are too high. I repeat levels are too high."

" Copy that, Truck 64. Truck 68 stand down."

Then the radio went off again. " Emergency. Emergency the fire is heading to propane tanks, everyone get as many people out we're racing against the clock." Severide said.

" son of a bitch." Herrmann said. He had to do something if he didn't a lot of people would die,  and that couldn't happen. "Truck 68 raise the aerial, I'm going to vent the roof." He said. " Severide, keep the fire away from those tanks I'm going to vent the roof." He said into his radio.

" Herrmann you vent the roof it could cause a massive flare up which would kill you." Severide said.

"Kelly it's the only way to give the people who are trapped a chance to get out, what choice do I have." Herrmann replied.

"Christopher, good luck. You old bastard." Severide said.

And thus Christopher Herrmann axe in hand climbed up the aerial of Truck 68 onto the roof of Chicago Med but then he had a thought, if he made small vents in multiple places it might not cause a flare up. " Severide I'm going to try something, stand by." Taking a quick breath, he smashed the axe into the roof, he made a 5x5 hole, it didn't flare up. " I'll be damned." Herrmann said. He had a plan, slowly but carefully he moved to a different part of the roof and did it again, one again no flare up. So he did it two more times. " Chief I've vented the roof in 4 different places. Heading down now." He said into the radio.

"Chief, Herrmanns done it." Severide said through the radio. "Gas levels going down."

" okay people. Get ready." Boden said.

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