Part 6

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Kelly woke up. He had been pulled into the tornado. The last thing he remembered was being in the tornado. On instinct he went to grab his radio, but he wasn't in his uniform. He was in plain clothes, hell he was in his office. So the first thing he did was make his way to Kidd's office. " Hey Stella, what happened?" He stopped. Stella's office wasn't there, it was the laundry area.

" what the shit?" Was all he could say. Had he gone back in time? No that's impossible, time travel isn't real.He slowly moved out of the room, nah this is some sick prank, Capp and Tony did this .Boden would sort this out, so he backed out of the laundry area, but once again he stopped. on Boden's door was the words "Battalion Chief." Instead of  "Deputy District Chief." Severide was freaking out, so he ran out of the firehouse onto the app floor, but once again he stopped.

Sitting on the squad table, in a somewhat seductive position was a woman, but the thing was that it wasn't Stella. " Hello Kelly, it's been quite a few years." The woman said. Kelly was freaking out. Because in front of him was none other than, Leslie Elizabeth Shay. Severide's best friend.

" this isn't possible, Shay .... What the hell is happening?" Severide asked. "oh to hell with it." He said embracing his dead friend, it had been 12 years, 5 months and    4 days since Leslie was murdered. " how are you?"

" well, I'm dead, in heaven watching you do your job and getting married to one hot girl, tell you something if I were still alive, I'd be flirting with her nonstop." Shay chuckled. " also since I've been gone ;Casey got promoted, Otis died, Mouch had a heart attack and got shot, and the Chief got promoted." Shay lists  then she gives a hearty laugh. " did Dawson ever switch teams?" She asked, recalling a joke the two girls had made after Casey and Dawson's first "date." When Shay was in the hospital.

" no, Dawson didn't." Severide replied. " Rafferty is back. I overheard her talking to your memorial, she's switch teams. As you put it." He laughed. But he got serious. "Am I dead?"

Shay chuckled. " Lieutenant Kelly Benjamin Severide, you are not dead, whatever the hell happened. Knocked you out to the point of almost dead. So you get to see us."

Kelly laughed. But then he stopped. Replaying Shays words in his head. " what do you mean. Us" he asked. However, Leslie just laughed and pointed to the door as it opened, and in came another girl, Severide gasped, his eyes watering. "Anna?" He whispered.

There at the entranceway was Anna Turner, Kelly's girlfriend, before Stella, and if Severide was being honest, she was the first person who he actually loved and wasn't just for the sex or in the case of Brittany because he was in Las Vegas. " hello Sev, how are you?" She asked. But as soon as she had finished talking, Kelly hugged her. "Damn I guess you missed me, a lot?"

" you have no idea, you look amazing." Severide said. "It's great to see you both." Severide said through a sob, he then turned to Shay. " for the record, if Stella will let me, we're naming are first kid, Leslie." He said.

Shay chuckled then she got teary eyed. "You would name your first child after me." She said. "I have some beer, since I don't know how much time we have left like this, also when you wake up, give Stella a kiss for me, and tell Rafferty I knew she wasn't straight."

" were you always like this, I would have liked to meet you while we were alive." Anna said.  " though I bet you'd flirt with me a lot."

Shay chuckled. " damn right." She said winking at Anna.

" Место для еще одного." Said a voice which confused Kelly, then he remembered. Only one person he knew could speak Russian that well. That was Brian Zvonecek aka Otis " you look well Lieutenant." Otis chuckled. " did Cruz actually name his first kid after me?"

" yep Brian Leon Cruz, although we do just call him Otis, like you. He misses you so much, you know I'm pretty sure he's going to become a Lieutenant." Kelly chuckled. Then the bell went off "Squad 3, emergency." Kelly gave a chuckle " I guess that's my cue. Goodbye everyone, see you in a few decades."

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