Part 8

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It was a dark and stormy night, a young Stella Kidd was walking through the hallway of the University of Chicago, it took her 5 minutes to get to the room
" Room 132 - Gabriella Dawson" Dawson and Kidd have been friends since last year when Stella joined her class. Kidd knocked twice. " Gabby it's Stella." She called. She'd received a message 10 minutes ago telling her to come to Dawson's dorm room.

It was about 23 seconds later Dawson answered the door. " Stella come in." Dawson said, inviting the younger girl in.

The two Women make their way to Dawson's double bed which is old because, it's one person per room, so what's up with that. " so Gabby, why have you called me over at 3:55 am in the morning." Kidd asked. However she had a hunch.

"I broke up with Jake, he cheated on me with that raciest bully." Dawson cried. Gabby and Jake were dating for 3 months in fact the reason Gabby fell for Jake is because he had defended Gabby against that raciest bully. " what do I do now?" Gabby asked through the sobs.

"Well we don't have class for the rest of the week, let's get bladdered and snog each other." Kidd said with a wink. " to say we're both straight we've snogged each other so many times."

" only when we're bladdered." Gabby said in a flirty tone. grabbing some vodka.

Back in present day, the firefighters returned to Firehouse 51. " Lieutenant Kidd, my office please" Casey said. removing his helmet from his head. Halstead was of firefighters who found the kid, so he wanted to know if he was ready for 51.

Once the two firefighters entered the office Casey closed the door. " Stella I  this next question as your Chief, how did Candidate Halstead do?" He asked.

" for his first fire, he handed himself well, he kicked the door open to potentially save the kid, as far as I'm concerned as his Lieutenant, no complaints."  Stella replied.

Then there was a knock at the door it was Boden. " Casey while you were out on call, HQ called. due to the injuries from the tornado, there is no relief Lieutenant for Squad." He said.

But Casey just looked at him with a small smile. " Kidd with me." He said.

Casey and Kidd walked into the common area where the rest of the team were. Okay listen up." Casey said. "HQ called, there is no relief Squad Lieutenant, they are all detailed to other houses. Mouch you want to be on Squad?" He asked.

" yes Chief." Mouch replied.

Casey had a small smile. "Okay until Severide returns; Mouch you're on Squad, Caver your Truck 81's engineer."  Casey said. " Does anyone have an objection, speak now." No one spoke, " Okay then, Mouch put your turnout gear next to Squad."

In Stella's office she was just doing the paperwork for the fire when there was a knock on her wall (she doesn't have a door) it was Ritter " Ritter come in, what's up?" She asked.

"Last night I went on a date with this guy. It was going well and then, like always homophobia." Ritter sighs " with the exception of Mollys I can't go anywhere without being at risk of being called the F slur."

"Do you want to know something?" Stella asked and Ritter nodded. " you know me and Violet kissed Brett, but that wasn't the first time I've kissed a girl. When I was at Uni I met Gabriella Dawson. We became friends instantly after a while, we started drinking together for some reason when we'd get bladdered we'd end up snogging each other. eventually we'd kiss each other as a greeting, we're both straight mine you. one time this boy saw us kiss and he was ruthless, he called us the d slur, he got kicked off the course." Kidd inhaled. " no matter what, if you're different, your going to be bullied for it, my advice, don't let it get to you."

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