Part 4

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At the Engines Herrmann and Ritter were fighting the fire head on. Then Ritter noticed something. "Holy shit." Ritter called it in. " this is Ritter from Engine 51. We are making leeway with the fire. E.T.A on a path into the forest, unknown, but in my opinion. 5 minutes." Ritter was hopeful that this fire was going out."

Back at the makeshift HQ. Chief Walker got the update and had a little glimmer of hope. "Captain Casey, the Engine companies are making progress with the fire. I want you to prepare your team. To go in." Walker inhales. He has 4 districts worth of ambulances on standby, because Triage will fill up quickly.

" copy that, Chief, everyone is ready." Casey replied.

" okay listen, I need a Lieutenant from your Firehouse to stay behind. Incase things go wrong." Walker says.

" Sir, Lieutenant Herrmann is the Lieutenant for Engine 51. And the other Lieutenants are coming with me." Casey explains.

" Wallace. Any ideas?" Walker asked.

"Yes, I do. But as incident commander I need your permission to act on it." Boden replied.

" granted." Walker said.

"Okay, Cruz I'm taking you off Casey's team, and making you Acting Lieutenant." Boden ordered.

" hold up, Chiefs. What's going on?" Cruz asked.

" Firehouse 51 is the most respected House ever. So I want someone from that house as the Lieutenant for. Team B." Walker responded.

" plus, Chief if I may, you wanted to take the Lieutenants test, a big emergency like this. Is a good way to see if it's truly what you want to do." Boden added.

" okay, I accept the idea. Chiefs." Cruz said.

Meanwhile at Triage the medics were getting set up. Annabelle and Rafferty were together when a woman came over. " hi, I'm Maya Romanova. I was told paramedics needed to be in groups of three. Do you mind?" She asked.

" no not at all." Rafferty said. "I'm Alison Rafferty and this is Annabelle Herrmann."

" nice to meet you." Annabelle added. " any interests?"

" women, vodka and learning other languages. So far I can speak Russian which is my language. English, Spanish, French and learning Welsh." Maya lists off.

" I can speak Russian as well." Rafferty said. " Привет, красавец."

" Нет, флирт на работе, красотка." Maya responded.

" how do you know Russian?" Annabelle asked.

" Duolingo." Rafferty responded. " while I was suspended, I picked up a few new hobbies, like speaking other languages." Then she noticed something. " hey, Chief I think I can see clouds in the distance. I think rain is coming." She said over the radio.

Back at "HQ" Walker called Boden for a meeting " what's up Steve.?" Boden asked.

" rain is on its way. Instead of sending people in to the forest. Do you think we should just wait it out." Steve suggests.

" negative. The people in that forest could be seriously hurt. We can't afford to wait that long." Boden responds.

Copy, that." Steve said.

"This Lieutenant Herrmann E.T.A on a pathway into the forest 2 minutes."

"Copy that, Lieutenant." Steve said " Captain Casey E.T.A of a path into the forest 2 minutes. Prepare your team."

" copy that,  chief. I'll get the firefighters ready." Casey said.

2 and a half minutes later the Engine companies managed to put out enough of the fire, so that "evacuation team A" could enter the forest. "Okay everyone. Before we go in, I must emphasise the importance of what I'm about to say, right now 200 something civilians are in that burning forest ,our mission is to get as many out as possible, do not be a hero, we are firefighters, we are not immortal, do not under any circumstance run off without telling someone else where you are going, keep in radio contact at all times, if at any point you lose radio contact. Set off your pass device." Casey inhales. " understood?"

" understood, captain." Was said by everyone else.

" let's go, then." Casey said.

Casey lead the team into the forest. " Fire department, call out." The team shouted, deeper into the forest they went. Looking for anyone.

" Casey, I see movement."  Mouch said over the radio.

" everyone stop." Casey ordered.

As Mouch and another firefighter, started to move the twigs and branches off the area, Mouch saw two people, he tried to see if they had a pulse. " Casey I have one adult male, barely has  a pulse, and one teenage girl , also has a pulse, no obvious injuries on either."

" copy that. You two carry them out." Casey ordered. " Triage this is evac team A, I have two firefighters coming out with two victims, both breathing." Casey was happy. " okay everyone else. Let's go."

The rest of the crew went deeper into the forest, the heat was getting worse. But they powered on. Going further into the forest.

" Captain, I think I hear something." Kylie said.

" everyone stop." Casey ordered. " Fire department, call out."

Then from the north-west side of the forest a faint " help" could be heard.

"Kidd and Severide investigate." Matt ordered.

But then something came over the radio. " this is Lieutenant Herrmann, Evac team A you need to leave the forest now."

" what do we do?" Kidd asked.

" Herrmann how much time can you buy us?" Casey asked over the radio.

But then the sound of trees falling down could be heard. Everyone looked scared

Then the radio went off again. " mayday, mayday, a tree has blocked the path, Evac team A is trapped." It was Herrmann

" oh my god." Severide responded.

" we're trapped." Kidd said.

To be continued.

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