Origin of Simplicity

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"Allow me to present to you the modest abode that I called home" - a lone brick structure encircled by thatched huts, crafted from a mixture of cow dung and ash. It appeared more like a storage space, measuring a mere 8 by 10 feet.

Surprisingly, it sheltered our family of five.Inside, we had a simple setup: a small table with two foldable wooden chairs, atiny window that struggled to bring in light, and a cramped space where twoadults couldn't move without bumping knees.

Our sleeping arrangements consisted of ahumble 3-inch feather mattress adorning a simple wooden bed frame with arubber-woven top. Nearby, a wire-meshed cupboard held our set of six tin cups,plates, spoons, and a petite kettle. Two pots, one clay, and one silver, restedon the cupboard, their outsides stained from countless meals cooked over anopen three stone fireplace.

A crocheted clothcovered the table, upon which sat a kerosene lantern and a copper vase adornedwith plastic flowers - a wedding gift from our father to our mother. The lonewedding portrait decorated the left wall, and a collection of calabashes gracedthe space above the cupboard. Behind the door, a few jackets and dresses hung,causing it to creak when opened.

At the foot of the bed, a pile of well-wornbags with fraying seams sat alongside a pair of men's sandals made fromrecycled tires, locally known as 'nyamoga' or 'Kala.' Nearby was Papa'spolished dress shoes gleaming with pride. This was my humble abode as I recallfrom my earliest memories at just two and a half years old."

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