Dance Catharsis

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With Romeo conspicuously absent, I fully immersed in the rhythm of my college days, eagerly anticipating the grand finale of my academic journey. My routine became a well-choreographed dance, where weekdays were dedicated to relentless studying, steering clear of any tempting shortcuts. The promise of a break from the academic grind manifested itself on Saturday nights when, occasionally, I let loose and embraced the vibrant energy of the club scene. The absence of Romeo left a void, but the prospect of the final stretch in college kept me charged with excitement, making every moment on campus feel like a page-turning chapter in the story of my education. 

The highlight of my social life unfolded in the form of a gathering with nine of Nancy's neighbors. Our rendezvous point was the bus stop in Jerusalem Estate, as the clock struck 7 pm we eagerly assembled. The common thread that bound us together was a simple yet powerful goal – to dance our hearts out. What set this group apart was the absence of boyfriends among the girls, coupled with a collective decision to steer clear of the intoxicating influence of alcohol that loomed in the surroundings. 

Each girl brought a unique story to the table, and some had already embraced the joys of motherhood. Our modest budget, reserved for transportation and two soda drinks, was just enough to make us regulars at Club 1900 on Chiromo Road, nestled near Nairobi University. What made our chosen club all the more enchanting was the fact that entry fees were a non-issue for us. We became a vibrant fixture in the club's atmosphere, always on guard against the notorious trend of men spiking drinks to harm unsuspecting women. 

In the midst of pulsating beats and energetic dance moves, our diverse stories intertwined, creating a tapestry of shared moments. The gathering not only became a refuge from the ordinary but also a sanctuary where camaraderie flourished, and we collectively defied the challenges that often lurked in the night. My dear friend Jenny, like a beacon of joy, would extend occasional invitations for midweek or Friday afternoon movie escapades with her friends. These cinematic outings served as delightful respites from the rigors of daily life and the demands of college, gifting us precious moments of joy and connection. In the company of friends who empathized with the shared struggles we all navigated, these movie afternoons became cherished interludes. 

As the looming date of my final examination drew near, a pivotal moment arrived – the time to pay the fees. My father, however, presented me with a formidable ultimatum: either relinquish my passion for dancing or forfeit his financial support. Despite my stellar academic performance, boasting straight-A passes in college, the notion of such restrictions felt unjustifiable. 

In a firm stand to continue pursuing my love for dance, I faced a united front as both my parents, resolute in their decision, denied me the financial means to pay the fees. It was a challenging juncture where academic excellence clashed with personal passion, forcing me to navigate a difficult choice that carried weighty consequences. Desperate for alternatives, I reached out to my small circle of friends, but unfortunately, none were willing to contribute the required 250 Kenyan Shillings. Beatrice tried to assist by introducing me to her cousin, George Maara, but he politely declined to help. As financial desperation set in, I contemplated an idea that felt like a last resort – prostitution. 

The notion lingered, but I lacked the courage to step into that realm. I vividly remembered Club Florida 2000 on Kimathi Street, where I had observed girls in revealing mini dresses flaunting their legs. The prospect of venturing into such a world seemed daunting, and I grappled with the internal conflict between financial desperation and the boundaries of self-respect. It was a challenging crossroad that forced me to confront the harsh realities of my circumstances. 

The absence of Romeo cast a shadow over my life, leaving a void that seemed insurmountable. In his mysterious disappearance, I found myself grappling with a difficult decision – ultimately, I had to make the heart-wrenching choice to withdraw from college, walking away with only intermediate certificates in hand. The dream of obtaining a diploma and securing a stable job slipped through my fingers, leaving me to face the harsh reality of an uncertain future. The echoes of missed opportunities. 

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