Episode 1: Lawrence's Apartment

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I arrived outside Lawrence's Apartment and knocked on the door. "Lawrence?" I called. No answer. I tried opening the door. It was unlocked. I went inside and saw Prince Lawrence on his chair with a bullet wound in his chest. I closed the door and locked it. Then i went to him. "Oh God... hello?" I asked him. It seemed like he was dead. I started checking the apartment. There was a gun next to his table. Fingerprints will be on the trigger. I saw there was a small hole in the wall and a hole in his chair. They didn't line up. Whoever shot him shot twice. I went to that knife. It had moved, i think. I saw a pool of blood. "Lawrence, what were you doing?" I asked myself. I pulled down his bed. The bottom right corner was stained with blood and lined up with the pool of blood. There was a letter saying he was sorry for hurting Faith in any way he did. I looked at him again. "What the hell...did Faith do this?" I asked myself. I saw his eyes move and he coughed out blood. He fell from his chair. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Let's get you back in your chair, man." I said as I helped him up and sat him in his chair. "Are you Prince Lawrence?" I asked him for clarification sake.
"Yes... who are you?" He asked. I had a feeling he wouldn't know me.
"It's alright. Its okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. My name is Y/n. I work with Sheriff Bigby and Snow White." I told him. "Do you know them?"
"Yes. Where are they?" He asked.
"They're at Toad's place taking care of something. So I'm gonna ask you a few things for now." I told him. "Let's start with what happened. When was the last time you saw Faith?" I asked.
"Last week...she said she had to get some things...but i think it was to leave me money. We've been separated for some time." He told me.
"I found your note to Faith. Who did this to you?" I asked.
"I did. I shot myself in the heart. Thought i'd be dead by now." He said.
"You might've actually hit a lung." I told him.
"Things are a little fuzzy. I thought it was a bad dream. I did that to myself because I couldn't live with myself. Knowing what I did to her. I tried to keep her away but she still worries about me." He told me. "She would come by and make sure I'm okay. I'm a fuckin' burden. I'm useless. I don't want her to worry anymore. She's better off. Without me." Lawrence told me.
"Lawrence, don't say that about yourself. I can't say I understand EXACTLY how you feel, but I know what guilt is." I told him. The door started clicking. Someone was breaking in. "Shit... Lawrence." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"Someone's breaking in...Bigby will be here soon." I gave him the gun. "Act dead. I'm gonna lay down in the blood and we're gonna be quiet until Bigby gets here." I told him.
"O-Okay." Lawrence said. I went to the blood pool and smeared some blood on my face. "Ugh this is sick." I whispered. The Intruder came in. He closed the door. He looked around the room until the door opened. He ran somewhere. "Y/n!" Bigby yelled. He and Snow ran to me. I got up. "I'm fine. There was an intruder." I said.
"I'm okay too." Lawrence said.
"Prince Lawrence." Bigby said as he and Snow looked at him.
"Could use some water though."

I got Lawrence water and cleaned my face. "Almost forgot the letter." Snow said. Bigby gave Lawrence an envelope. He opened it. "I'm sorry. -Faith." He read. "Oh, dear Faith. No. I'm sorry." He said.
"Where's the intruder now?" Bigby asked me.
"I don't know." I said.
"He ran to the closet." Lawrence said. "Guess he didn't feel my pulse." We all looked. Bigby went to it. The door was busted open. The intruder ran away. "Stay here." Bigby said to us. He ran off.
"No!" Snow said. She ran behind him.
"Swineheart's coming, Lawrence. Hang in there." I told him. He nodded. I ran behind Bigby and Snow.

Bigby's POV...
I didn't stick around long enough to get any information from Y/n, but this big bastard might be who tried killing Lawrence and who killed Faith. Maybe he also injured Toad since he was just there. I chased him into an apartment. "Leave me alone!" He yelled. I ran into the apartment and up the stairs after him. He ran to a hall with two doors: B3 and C3. I ran through B3 and saw him trying to get out a window. I grabbed his leg and he kicked me back. He went out to the balcony. I followed him and saw him jump to the next apartment. I jumped too and entered a hallway through a window. He was a floor above me. I jumped out a window and fell into a garbage bin on top of him. He got out and I tackled him to the ground. "Ease up, Bigby. We're on the same side here."
"You...sonuvabitch...make me...ran after you..." I said to him. "Why... did you run?"
"Fuck man... you chased after me. Fuck was I supposed to do?" He asked. "You're looking for The Woodsman. He's holed up in The Trip Trap. My employer is looking to see him too."
"Who are you?" I asked him.
"I'm Dee. My employer, he's confidential." He said. "Surely you understand."
"Nope. Come on." I said.
"Dum." He said.
"Yeah, this is dumb." I told him.
"No. I'm Dee. That's Dum." He said. I turned and got punched. He knocked me out.

Y/n's POV...
Me and Snow found Bigby in an alley. He got knocked out and was in an alley getting kicked by some guy. Both were big in body size, wearing white coats. Me and Snow went to him after they got in a car and drove off. He woke up not long after. "Almost looked peaceful." Snow said.
"Yep. What happened?" Bigby asked.
"After one guy hit you and the other was done kicking you..." I started.
"Explains my ribs." Bigby said.
"...they got in a car and left." I finished. Bigby got up. "So, did they mention any useful information?"
"Yeah. Woodsman's at The Trip Trap." Bigby said.
"I'll call a cab." Snow said.

The Wolf Among Us w/Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now