Episode 5: The Drop Off

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I was walking in the halls looking for Bigby. He wasn't in sight. I got to the Business Office and saw the line of people. I went to Gren and Johann. "Hey, Gren. Have you seen Bigby?" I asked him.
"Yeah. He's outside helping load up unglamoured Fables that are getting sent to The Farm or some shit." Gren told me.
"Alright. Thanks." I said. I went to the elevator and took it down.

I got outside the Business Office and saw Bigby talking to Toad and TJ in a truck. Bigby took a box from TJ. Flycatcher walked past me. "Hey, Flycatcher. Hows everything been?" I asked him.
"Hey, Y/n. Yeah, I'm okay. I managed to get a job thankfully." Flycatcher told me. I saw Bigby go up front to see Colin. "Thats all of them?" I asked.
"Yeah. Shame they gotta go." Fly said. It started to rain and Flycatcher went to the truck. He drove off to The Farm. "Saying goodbye?" We heard. Nerissa was across the street with an umbrella in a white shirt and jeans with a blue cost on. Me and Bigby went across. "Hi." Bigby said.
"Hey." I said with a smile.
"Hi." Nerissa gave us a smile.
"Still wearing that thing?" I asked.
"I guess I am." Nerissa said.
"Want me to help get it off?" I asked.
"No. Its...its not easy to forget"
"We get it. Don't worry." Bigby commented.
"I like the new outfit. Good to know you were able to move on from that much." I told her.
"Thanks." She said. "Faith, Lily, and I... we were gonna find a way out of The Pudding 'N Pie. But then Faith decided to get some leverage. She stole a picture of Crane and Lily together. The minute she did, we had dirt on one of The Crooked Man's allies. If he found out... I had no choice!" Nerissa told us.
"It's okay. It's okay. Just tell us what you did." I said.
"I thought if i came clean to Georgie, he'd get The Crooked Man to leave us alone! We could forget the whole thing... maybe try again in a bit. So i told him and I begged for mercy." Nerissa wiped her eyes.
"You wanted them protected." Bigby said.
"Yeah. He promised he'd smooth things over and then..." She started to cry a bit. Bigby patted my shoulder. I reached out and touched her arm. "Can you tell us more?" I asked.
"Georgie told us we had to make an example. As he was telling me this...Faith walked in..." Nerissa said.
"Wait! You said at the well...you lied to us?" I asked.
"I had to. I know he told Georgie to do it." She told us. "And I went to tell Lily but she wasn't with her appointment. So I did the only thing i could do. I...I left Faith's head at your doorstep." Nerissa told us. She started this. "So that piece of fabric we found, the blood on the fence... it was you?" Bigby asked.
"All I did was point you in the right direction. When we suffer, we do it in silence and the world likes it that way. We fade. I couldn't watch that happen to Faith or Lily. Nobody cares about us." Nerissa said.
"We cared. We still care." I told Nerissa.
"It'll be different now with you two and Snow."
"I dunno. It seems like what i do, it's just... not enough for her. Or anyone." Bigby said.
"They need us, Bigby. We make a great team out here, and a better team in there with her." I told him.
"And you knew when to show mercy and when not to. You brought justice to this town. Everyone saw who The Crooked Man really was. So from where I'm standing...you did the right thing." Nerissa told us. "And Bigby...you made the right choice with Y/n. In my eyes, he's a Fable like all of us. Maybe theres a spell we can create to slow down his lifespan to be the same as ours." Nerissa said.
"Maybe they can make one. It would suck for all of us to outlive him." Bigby said.
"Fabletown wouldn't be the same without the two of you." Nerissa said. She started walking away. "She's got something for you, Y/n." Bigby told me.
"Stop it." I said. Then Nerissa stopped. "You're not as bad as everyone says you are." She told us. She continued. Bigby got lost in thought. "Wait! Faith...said that too." I said.
"Let's go." Bigby said.

We went after her.

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