Episode 4: The Lucky Pawn

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Me and Bigby got to The Lucky Pawn. We heard Woody arguing with Jersey Devil. We saw Jack go under the gate. "Hey Jack! What the fuck is going on?" Bigby asked.
"I'm just gonna... ya know." He said.
"Wait a sec Jack, do you know anything about-"
"He doesn't know about The Crooked Man's crap. I already asked." Bigby said, interrupting me. Jack left the pawn shop. "I didn't pawn it, asshole, it was stolen from my apartment!" Woody yelled. He must really miss his axe. Bigby opened the gate and we walked in as Jersey shoved Woody. "What the fucking hell?"
"And this fuckin guy too?" Jersey said as we walked in. "And his undersheriff."
"Are you kidding me! It was here! It was right fuckin' here!" Woody said as he faced Jersey. "Where's my axe, who'd you give it to!"
"Back up, Woodsman!" Jersey demanded.
"Listen you bald dipshit!" Woody and Jersey got in a scuffle. Bigby restrained Jersey and separated them. Bigby punched Jersey. "Oh, why let Mary have all the fun?" Jersey asked as he punched Bigby. I grabbed Jersey and punched him in the mouth. Bigby grabbed him and smashed his head through a display glass and into a thing of pins, breaking his sunglasses. Woody grabbed Bigby. "What the hell are you doing? This is my fucking fight!" Woody said.
"Woody we're against Jersey too!" I tried to tell him.
"Now now..." Bigby said.
"Dow, you got a lotta nerve!" Woody told him. We all looked over and saw Jersey dropped his glamour and showed his true bony self. A skinny body topped with a deer skull head. Jersey roared at us. Now i see why Bigby didn't want me coming alone. Woody tried to attack him but Jersey took him down and started punching. Bigby's eyes turned yellow and his claws and teeth grew again and he kicked Jersey into a locker. "Back off, asshole!" Bigby yelled. Jersey got back up. "Aww, protecting your friend... too bad you couldn't protect those whores." Jersey said. Jersey jumped at us and Bigby scratched his chest, taking him down. "Fucking stay down!" Bigby yelled. Jersey was under the gate. I went to it and pulled it down. Bigby came to it and we pulled it down together. We went to pull it again but Jersey stopped us. He tried biting me but Bigby pushed me away. He punched Jersey twice. Jersey tried to ram into Bigby and Bigby grabbed his antler. Bigby started to break it off. I kicked Jersey's head when Bigby broke it off. Then Bigby shoved the antler into Jersey's chest, making him roar in pain. Jersey punched Bigby and slapped me away. He shoved his fingers in Bigby's arm. He tried to bite Bigby, but Bigby grabbed his neck. I grabbed Jersey's arm and tried to pull his hand away from Bigby. "Hey, assholes. I found her." Woody said as he came to us with his axe. I jumped away and Woody swung the axe into Jersey's head. Jersey yelled in pain and punched Woody down. I grabbed a horse statue on the counter and dropped it on Jersey's feet. He went down. Then Bigby grabbed an anvil and smashed it agains Jersey's head where the axe was. Woody pulled his axe out of Jersey Devil's skull and held it to his neck. Woody looked at us and nodded. Bigby didn't exactly smile, but he gave Woody an approving look. I nodded at him. Bigby crouched down to Jersey. "The Magic Mirror's missing shard! Where is it!?" Bigby asked.
"What do you have? Nothing!" Jersey taunted. Bigby stomped his head again. "You can't find The Crooked Man. His door always bounces around. Even Crane had to use the mirror." He told us.
"Where's Crane's stuff?" I asked.
"In back. Just get his shit and go." Jersey said. Bigby went to Crane's coat in the locker. "See anything?" Woody asked him.
"Crane's coat." Bigby said. He looted Crane's coat. "It's the shard! Finally!" Bigby said. He jumped back over the counter. The three of us went towards the door. "Hey Sheriffs." Jersey got our attention. "Those girls are still dead... and theres nothing you can do to bring them back. If they're dead, then it's cause The Crooked Man said he wanted them dead. His word is all it takes." Jersey told us.
"Hey Woody, can i use that axe?" I asked. He gave it to me. I slammed the side of it into Jersey's mouth. "Jackass was getting on my nerves." I said as I returned the axe to Woody.

The three of us left the pawn shop. Bigby popped a cigarette. "Got a smoke?" Woody asked. Bigby lit it and gave it to him. He got another out for himself. "Thanks." Woody said. "Shitty brand." Bigby smoked his for a second and then stubbed it out. "I'm not gonna lie, I was having trouble deciding which one of you to hit with this thing." Woody said.
"I think it's safe to say you made the right choice." I said as Bigby waved at a taxi. It stopped. "Jersey was wrong, you know. About Lily and Faith. You can get the fucker who did this." Woody said.
"Thats still the plan." I told him.
"Damn right it is." Bigby added.
"Well, go do it then." Woody said. He started walking.
"Hey Woody." Bigby said.
"You gonna be alright?" Bigby asked him. Woody looked back at us. "You know me." He said to us.
"See you around, man. Be safe out there." I said. Woody nodded and kept walking. We got in the taxi.

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