Episode 2: Connecting Lines

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We went inside to see Toad and TJ at the mirror. "Oh! Mirror! Vanish! Cancel!" Toad said.
"What were you looking at?" Bigby asked.
"I figured maybe I'd catch you on the shitter." Toad said. We got down to TJ's level. "Ready to talk to Mr Wolf and Mr L/n?" Snow asked him. He nodded.
"It's okay TJ. Just start from the beginning." Bigby told him.
"I was...I was just going for a swim. I wasn't doing anything wrong. I promise." TJ started.
"Hey, it's okay TJ. You aren't in any trouble." I told him. "We know you did nothing wrong."
TJ kept talking. "I heard noisy footsteps. When i hear that I'm supposed to hide. And then, i saw... i saw the lady. But she didn't have her head on!" His voice started to crack a little. "She kept going down, and I was worried she was gonna pull me down too." He told us. Bigby reached out to try to comfort him, but TJ backed up. "Easy, Bigby." Toad threatened.
"I wasn't..." Bigby started.
"We know." Snow said.
"Is it true? That you can tell when someone's lying?" TJ asked Bigby.
"Yeah. It's part of my job." He told him. "I'm really good at it. Is there something you wanna say?"
"When I heard the noisy feet, I was supposed to hide, but...I didn't this time. I went above water. I was scared. I couldn't help it." TJ said.
"What?" Toad said.
"You're not in trouble, TJ." I told him.
"Like hell he's not." Toad added.
"Not this time. Did you see anybody?" Bigby asked.
"I heard a voice. He said 'stop laughing'." TJ added.
"Do you know whose voice it was?" Bigby asked.
"Did you hear anything else?"
"Was someone laughing?"
"I don't know!" TJ cried. He had completely shut down. "I wanna go home..."
"Okay, TJ. You can go." Bigby said. "Thanks."
"You did great, TJ." I told him. He smiled. Toad and TJ left. We got up and watched them leave. "Wanna go look at the body now?" Snow asked.
"Yeah." Bigby said.
"I'm coming too. At least they found this one's body." I told them. Bufkin went to a box and grabbed it. He followed us down to the Witching Well Chamber.

We got to the Witching Well Chamber. The body was on the table. Bufkin opened the box and put the head on the table. This was the first time I actually saw it. Snow looked terrified. "Hey, it's okay Snow. It's not you." I told her.
"It's not too late to back out." Bigby told her.
"I'm fine." Snow said.
"I was talking to Y/n." He told me.
"What? Me?" I asked.
"Yeah. This isn't..." Bigby looked at Bufkin. "This isn't like Faith. This is a direct doppelgänger of Snow. I know how much this stuff creeps you out. Maybe head back up and ask the Mirror about some people?"
"Uhh...I might have to unbutton her jacket." Snow said. She unbuckled the body's jacket to show the blue shirt underneath. "You sure?" I asked them.
"I'll be fine, Y/n. Cross my heart." Snow said.
"We can take care of it." Bigby added.
"Okay. I'll head up and ask it." I told them.

I went to the mirror. "Magic Mirror." I said to it. His face showed. "Hello, Y/n. I was kind of expecting Bigby." The Mirror said.
"He's investigating. And i gotta get a few locations." I told him. Now is time i whip out some poetry. "You ain't much a secret spiller...but can you show me who's the killer?" I asked.
"As you know I'm quite prolific. Why not ask to see someone specific." He said.
"Show me that piece of scum, TweedleDum." I said. He showed me Dum in a car. "Okay...now...the wind is something that always blows. So can you show me where it took The Woodsman went after I let him go?" I asked. He showed me Woody drinking on a balcony. "No criminal activity. So I think we can cross him off the list."
I then thought of Prince Lawrence. I'm worried about him. "Okay. I went to his place to save his life, so show Prince Lawrence, to see...if he's alive?"
"You are terrible at rhymes. But at least you try." He said. Then he showed Prince Lawrence. He was with Doctor Swineheart. He's still alive and well, thankfully. "Mirror, thanks. See you next time...mate." I said. His face vanished. Then Bigby and Snow came up from The Witching Well Chamber with Crane and Bufkin. "Fellas."
"It was Holly's sister, Lily." Bigby said.
"Now we gotta ask Lily a few things." Snow added.
"Wait up, that Snow is Lily? How? What did you find?" I asked.
"She was using a black market glamour." Bigby told me. "Now let's go."
"You can't go out there. Someone tried to kill you." Crane told Snow.
"Crane, she can look out for herself. She's been doing it for centuries." Bigby told him.
"He's right, Crane. Snow, you can come." I said.
"I was planning to anyway." She told us. We left the Business Office.

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