Episode 3: Lily's Funeral

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We took a taxi to the bridge where Lily's funeral burning was being held. But Lily's body wasn't there. At the funeral was Holly, Gren, Nerissa, and that other prostitute, Vivian. Snow was hosting it. We saw Price Lawrence was near a table dedicated to Lily that had her stuff on it. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans. "Your highness." Bigby said.
"Oh, uhh... Sheriffs." He said.
"How you holding up?" I asked.
"I'm as well as you'd think. I haven't had any other, um... it's never been as bad when you saw me at least." He told us. "I was angry at first when I heard Lily was getting a funeral. That Holly was getting... 'closure.' I wanted that too. And i wanted it for Faith. But then i remembered that Faith lived a story Lily never did. She had her adventure and her 'forever after' with me..."
"I'm sorry, Lawrence." Bigby said, consoling him.
"You know it wasn't your fault." I added.
"I know. Thank you. And thanks for saving my life." He told us.
"Bigby, Y/n, you two alright?" Snow asked us. She was finished with her piece. Holly got up. "They weren't fucking invited. They have no right to be here." She said.
"I'm sorry we had to come, Holly." Bigby told her.
"You throw my sister down the Witching Well... and you have the nerve to show your faces here. After you promised me." Holly said to us.
"We did promise! We didn't throw her down the well..."
"It was Crane. He'd... disposed of Lily's body before Bigby could do anything about it." Snow told her.
"Don't cover for him."
"I'm sorry, Holly. I-I didn't know he threw her down The Witching Well." Bigby said.
"It really wasn't us. We didn't know he threw her down the Witching Well." I told Holly. "We care, Holly. Bigby cares." I said.
"Okay look, Bigby, Y/n, and I are gonna have a little chat away from the ceremony, alright?" Snow said. Holly crossed her arms. "When the first sign of trouble comes- and it will come because you're a goddamn walking trap for it- I want you the fuck out of here." She told us.
"You won't even know I'm here." Bigby said. Vivian and Nerissa pulled Holly and Gren back. Me and Bigby went with Snow. "Lily was Crane's prostitute. We followed a lead to this shithole motel, The Open Arms." Bigby started.
"Crane was taking her in a room with him, and was glamouring them to...look like you." I said. Snow was repulsed, her face changed. She looked disgusted. "This...is... I don't even know what to say right now. I really don't." She said.
"I'm sorry Snow. And that...that WE had to tell you." Bigby said. He showed her the illicit photo. She was shocked. "You took a cab here, right?" She asked.
"I'll drive." Snow said.
"Snow? I'm sorry but Holly's asking for you." Nerissa said as she came to us.
"Are they starting the burn?" Snow asked. She nodded. "Two minutes."
"Okay." I said. Snow nodded and went to the group. Nerissa turned to us. "I like the green dress." I said with a warm smile.
"Thanks..." Nerissa said. "Did you uhh...find what you were looking for?"
"Yeah. Thanks for that. Lily was killed there." Bigby told her. "I'm sorry." Nerissa was called back by Vivian. I looked over at Lawrence. "I'll be back." I told Bigby. I went to take a seat next to Lawrence. "Don't want to join them, man?" I asked.
"No. I didn't know Lily at all. But knowing that Faith did...that helps." He said. I saw Holly walk past Snow. Everyone at the funeral turned and Snow, Holly, and Gren started walking. I turned around and saw Bigby was being held up by Dee and Dum. "Oh, crap." I said as I got up. I started walking too. "What's going on here?" I asked.
"The hell is going on?" Gren asked.
"We had a deal to work out with Bigby and we're unhappy to report things did not go as smoothly as planned." Dee said.
"The heck is he talking about? Wait, is this about Crane? Cause we ain't leaving him alone until we get our answers." I told the Tweedles. Holly and Gren dropped their glamours. "You think you motherfuckers can come here uninvited?" Gren yelled.
"You aren't going no where!" Holly told them.
"Spare all the fuss. It's just a dead whore." Dee said. Gren and Holly snapped. Holly got shot and Gren attacked Dum. I ran back to Snow, wanting to defend her- oh WHAT AM I GONNA DO? I'm no Fable. Snow got in front of me. "Lawrence, keep the girls back!" I yelled at them. Bigby stopped Dee from shooting Gren, but Dum shot Gren himself. Dee shot Bigby and the Tweedles ran off. Me and Snow went to Holly and Gren. Bigby sat up. "Shit." He said. Snow called Doctor Swineheart and Nerissa stuck around to wait for him while we helped Bigby to Snow's vehicle.

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