Episode 2: The Pudding and Pie

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Me and Bigby arrived at The Pudding and Pie. We got out of the taxi and a woman in purple wearing a ribbon like Faith's saw us and greeted us. "Sheriff and Y/n. What a nice surprise. Not sure I've seen either of you here before." She said. "Is it business or pleasure?"
"I'm a friend of Georgie's. Where is he?" Bigby said. I think the woman saw through his lie but welcomed us in. "I should warn you Georgie does not like to be bothered when he's working." She told us.
"Is he alone?" I asked.
"Not exactly." She opened the door. We both walked inside and followed the girl. "Welcome to The Pudding and Pie." She said.
"Did you know Lily? Did she work here?" Bigby asked her.
"These lips are sealed. You'll have to ask Georgie." She told us.

We went to the main floor room. Georgie was yelling at a damn near naked woman. She was only wearing her underwear and a ribbon around her neck. "What a kind guy. He seems like a real prince. Even better than Larry, maybe." I told the girl.
"Good to know you both have a sense of humor." She said. She then left. Georgie kept yelling at her. Then he saw us. "Oh. Sorry, club's closed." Georgie told us. He eventually stopped the boombox. "Leave her alone, asshole." Bigby said.
"I was doin' my job. But sure. What do you want then? Here for a little taste?" Georgie asked.
"Yeah, not for me. For my undersheriff. Get him a girlfriend for me." Bigby said with a smile.
"Bigby!" I exclaimed.
"Come back after midnight, I'll hook your pal up." Georgie told us. "Jesus Bigby, so corny. I love it though."
"We ain't here for the girls!" I boomed. "We're here for information. Tell us about Lily." I told him. "Did you get her a black market glamour to fill up some sick ass sex fantasy?"
"This is exactly what I expected. Storm in, throw around a few accusations, try to scare me." Georgie then spit at the floor. Bigby pulled out a picture of Snow. "This was found in the glamour on Lily's body. She was impersonating Snow White! WHY?!" Bigby asked.
"She has clients, Bigby. Lot of fucked up people in Fabletown. Take a look in the mirror and you'll see one." Georgie told us, basically ignoring our question. He played the boombox again. "We're not done here." Bigby told him.
Georgie stood up. "Gonna hit me?" He asked.
"Just answer us, Georgie! Who. Hired. Her?" I asked. He was about to throw a punch, but fell back and knocked over the boombox. "Oh no! Fuck!" Georgie yelled. He told the stripper girl off and she walked away. "Proud of your little mess?" Georgie asked.
"That was not our fault." I told him. Georgie gave it to his janitor that came around. Hans, i think was his name. "Hans, right? Can you help us out?" Bigby asked.
"Isn't there a book with all the girls written in it?" Hans said. Georgie grabbed the crowd control beating stick. Bigby took it from him and eyeballed the boombox. "Oh yeah, go ahead snd do what's natural." Georgie said. Bigby slowly slid the beater across the bar. "Tell me about the book." Bigby said.
"Hans is losing it." Georgie said. He went in front of the cigarette machine. "Just tell us." Bigby said.
"Can we not go round and round about this? There's no book." He said. We got to a TV. "Don't even think about it." Bigby destroyed the TV. "Oh shit, no!" Georgie yelled.
"Still time to cough it up." Bigby said as he gave me the beater.
"There's no book. I wish there was. Maybe it'd keep you off my back." Georgie told us. We saw a floor safe under a keg. "Whats that?" I asked.
"Dunno. I don't have the key." Georgie said. We moved to the LED light sign. "Give us the book." I asked. I tapped the lights.
"I'll literally pay you." Georgie bribed. I went to the DJ booth. I smashed up the DJ booth with the beater. "Oh great! Alright! No more! Now what am I gonna play for the guests tomorrow?" He asked as he went to get the key. He gave it to me. "Thanks." I said. We went to the floor safe and Georgie opened it. He gave Bigby a book. Bigby opened it. "Okay Georgie, tell me. Who's this Mr. Smith in Lily's last entry?" He asked.
"I don't know. Smith might he a fake name. We always have Smith's and Jones' and Rodgers'." Georgie told us.
"What about 207? Is it a room number?" I asked. "Before answering, want me to destroy that sign?" I asked him.
"Jesus, shit. I don't know. Go ask someone else. I'm gonna make a call to y'all's superiors." Georgie said. While we did that, Bigby quickly snatched $58 from the floor safe. "Take it. We might need it." Bigby said to me. I took the money. "Maybe we could ask that girl that was out here." He said.
"Yeah, let's try her." I agreed.

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