Episode 3: Splitting Up

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Once we got to the Business Office, I saw The Woodsman across the road. "Go ahead inside. I'll be in soon." I said. Snow and Bigby went in. I crossed the street.

"Hey. Woody." I said to him.
He turned to me. "Y/n. Look, I'm sorry I hit you, don't-"
"I'm not gonna arrest you, Woody. I just wanna ask you something." I told him. "Did you know any of the prostitutes personally? That weren't Faith?"
"Yeah...Lily. She was my prostitute. I paid, she did her thing. If i didn't have enough, she'd let me off the hook. Faith wasn't even supposed to be there." He told me. "Thanks for not arresting me. Uhh, what about Faith? Did you find the killer?"
"Maybe. We have hard proof Crane is the killer. And...he was using black market Snow glamours to turn Lily into Snow and then...do that to her." I told him. "Lily's dead."
Woody looked away and shook his head. "I don't wanna think about that." He told me. "Does Bigby know?" He asked.
"Yeah. The Sheriff knows."
"Shit. Does...Snow know?" He asked again. I nodded. He shook his head. "Do you know where Holly is? I want to go to say sorry about Lily." He told me.
"Doctor Swineheart might've taken her and Gren to The Trip Trap." I told Woody.
"Then I'm gonna head to The Trip Trap." Woody told me. He started walking away. I saw Swineheart's car in front of the Business Center. I guess he already got them taken care of. I went inside the building.

The elevator opened and I saw Swineheart. "Y/n." He said.
"Hey, Doctor. How's Bigby? And hows Holly and Gren?" I asked.
"Everyone's perfectly fine. I left Holly and Gren at The Trip Trap with something to help the pain. They'll need rest. Bigby on the other hand was an easy fix." He told me.
"Sounds like Bigby." I said.
"You should probably get going. Your coworker Bluebeard is in there, pissed off about where Crane went."
"Oh great." I said with an arm in the air. "Thanks, Doc. See you around."
"I sincerely hope not. Stay out of trouble." He said as I got out and he got in. I nodded with a smile and the door closed. I went that way to the main office where Bigby, Snow, Bluebeard, and most likely Bufkin were.

I walked in the door and heard Bluebeard yelling. "Wherever you go, I'll go to the other!" He said.
"Whats going on?" I asked.
"About time you got here." Bluebeard said to me. "We're splitting up to cover more ground."
"Where are we going?"
"Tweedle's Office and Crane's Apartment." Bigby told me.
"Where you gonna go?" Snow asked Bigby.
"I'll go to Crane's apartment. His penthouse number is 1903, i think." Bigby said.
"I'll head to those two imbeciles office." Bluebeard said.
"Where should I go?" I asked Bigby. The phone started ringing and Snow answered it. Bigby came to me. "I'd ask you to go with Bluebeard to try to be the peacekeeper, but I'm worried he'll just knock you down. The Trip Trap is also a place to look through Lily's stuff. Crane's going to see a witch at 2AM tonight. Maybe Lily's stuff has the witch's name." Bigby told me. "But I could use some help looking for clues in Crane's apartment."
"I'll...I'll stick with you, Bigby. Swineheart told me Holly and Gren need rest, and...if Bluebeard loses his temper i can't handle him alone." I told him.
"Then let's go." Bigby said. We went to the office exit and walked out. I was spun around by Bluebeard. "You're coming with me." Bluebeard told me.
"Uh uh, Bluebeard!" Bigby stopped him. "He said he wants to stick with me."
"Y/n's your undersheriff. Should he not look somewhere else?" Bluebeard asked. Bigby looked at me. I sighed and nodded at Bigby with a reassuring smile. "Don't hurt him." Bigby said to Bluebeard before walking off. Bluebeard turned me around and pushed me. "Start walking." He ordered. I looked at him with a glare before I started walking.

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