Episode 3: Crane's Witch

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2:14 AM...
Me and Bigby arrived at Greenleaf's apartment. Snow ran up next to us. "So how do you wanna do this?" I asked. Bigby simply knocked. A young girl in a yellow dress answered. "Hello. You woke me up." She said.
"Sorry about that." Snow said.
"Pardon the intrusion. Wasn't aware this was a munchkin's place." Bigby said with a smirk.
"Well Dorothy, it isn't." She said, making Snow chuckle.
"Dorothy's a girl's name, you know. And if I was any less secure in my manhood, i might take that as an insult." Bigby told us.
"Who are you? Just so we aren't strangers?" She asked.
"I'm Sheriff Bigby. This is Y/n and Snow." Bigby told her.
"Do you mind if we take a quick look around, kiddo?" I asked.
"I guess so. Just don't touch anything. I'm Rachel, by the way." She said. We went in. Snow kept Rachel talking. I looked at the tree and Bigby went to a desk. "These are the same glamour designs." Bigby said.
"Hey Rachel, what's with the tree?" I asked her.
"Mommy uses it to carve her trinkets." Rachel said.
"Is your mother Greenleaf?" I asked. I looked around and saw a box that said "butcher" on the flap with a strange symbol on it. Bigby twisted the glamour tube. "No! No! Don't do that!" Rachel begged. He took the cap off and Rachel crouched down. She shined green and transformed to Auntie Greenleaf, shocking all three of us. "Auntie Greenleaf." Snow said. We all looked at each other. "Why Rachel?" Bigby asked.
"It works, alright?" She said as she took a seat.
"Greenleaf, can you help us find Crane?" I asked.
"I...if i help you, that help won't go unpunished. There's powers at work here beyond your pathetic authority." Greenleaf told us.
"We can protect you, okay? Whatever it is you're afraid of... we can make sure that it won't come to pass." Bigby told her.
"I think we've been more than patient." Snow said. "This witch has been selling illegal glamours that continue to undermine everything we've built." Snow said. "She's harboring a fugitive and now she's resisting every attempt to make things right." Snow said. "We can make sure she never hurts us again. We're destroying the tree."
"No!" Greenleaf said. "That tree is ancient. It's part of the family and it's the only thing thats paying for this shithole apartment!" Greenleaf told us.
"You're making money from people's misery. Two Fables are dead because of this crap." Snow told her.
"Don't destroy the tree!" Greenleaf begged. "Crane was here and he left. He used my ring...the Ring of Dispel. He went to use it on the Pudding N Pie girls. But the damn thing lost its power ages ago."
"Listen, we still have to do this. Bigby, burn the tree." Snow said. Bigby looked at it and then at me. "What do you think?" He asked.
"She...two Fables are dead. This is what's right for them." I said. "You?"
"Thats what i thought. We can't let her keep doing this." Bigby agreed. Bigby took out his lighter and burned the tree. Greenleaf was pissed.

We left her apartment.

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